Chapter 16: Leaving Traces

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*Your POV*

Sunday mornings are the best for house chores. I was taking full advantage of my free time, and I was on a cleaning roll.

I tossed stray articles of clothing into a basket and hummed a faint tune while carrying it to the laundry room.

After shoving bunches of shirts and pants into the machine, I reached for the detergent and saw Ushijima's jacket hanging from the rack. I'd left it there to dry with my shirt on Friday night.

I slipped it off the hanger and brought it close to me. His scent hadn't faded yet, so I took it in one last time before adding it to the rest.

Forty minutes after putting the load into the dryer, I heard the distinct buzz indicating that the time was up, so I hauled it back to my room to fold.

When I got to the special coat, an idea popped into my head. It wasn't original, but it was classic.

I combed through my assortment of perfume bottles until I picked out my favorite one. I spritzed it over the inside and zipped it back up to preserve.

*Time skip to next day*

I texted Ushijima a location to meet at and waited on a bench.

I spotted him a few minutes later. He returned my wave and approached.

"Hi, I hope you weren't waiting too long." He said.

"I wasn't. It's not a bad place to be anyway. I might come back here sometime."

"You didn't need to go out of your way this morning. I could've waited until practice. I don't want you to be late."

"We've got a while before first period, and I don't have anywhere to be."

He joined me on the bench, and I handed him a small tote with the jacket inside.

"The art contest is in a week." I stated.

"Do I need to do anything other than show up?"

"I don't think so. Just bring a smile and the portrait of course."

"Can I bring you?"

"Oh, umm... do you want me to go?" I asked, a little taken aback at his forwardness.

"I don't want to be there by myself, and I doubt the guys would behave long enough not to get us kicked out. Furthermore, you are the subject of the art."

"I suppose all of that is true. I was going to come to support you anyway."

"I'll see you there then."

"You will."

I tugged the end of his sleeve and suggested that we start walking to class.

*Ushijima's POV*

Y/n towed me along for a few seconds before silently releasing my arm. I wished she hadn't.

She suddenly gasped and bent down.

"Look! A caterpillar!"

She gently scooped it up and presented it to me.

"Here." She said as she placed it into my palm.

I didn't know what she expected me to do with it, so I just held it.

She cupped her hands around mine and brought her face closer to observe the creature. I took the opportunity to do the same. I found her fondness adorable.

"What should we name it?" She asked.

"We." I repeated in my head.

"Emi." I answered.

Our faces were less than a foot away. Our eyes met, but she immediately shifted her vision away.

"Why don't we put you back, Emi." She reccommended and plopped the insect on a nearby leaf.

*Time skip to locker room after practice*

I clicked my locker open and peeled my shirt off, hanging it over the metal. I threw on my other and reached for the bag from y/n.

I extracted the coat and unzipped it. A wave of fragrance wafted by my nose. It was pleasant.

I lifted the fabric to inhale more and did so several times before I was interrupted.

"I didn't know sweat was such an alluring smell." Semi said, confused by the oddity.

I stopped and put the jacket on, but he continued to interrogate.

"What's with the bag?"

"It's nothing." I replied.

That answer must not have satisfied him because he snatched it and looked inside. He found a note and read out loud, "Thanks for lending it to me" with a smiley face next to it.

"Is this from y/n?"


"What? Oh, come on, you can't have her too."

He was obviously upset, but his tone wasn't too serious.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't ask me that. You already have enough fans drooling over you. Why should you get her too?"

I didn't respond because I wasn't sure what to say.

"You're the captain. You're the star. You get the most attention. I just don't think you deserve another addition to your waiting list. I'm not saying I necessarily have a crush on her, but it would be nice to stand a chance in the same room as you."

"Semi, I didn't know you felt that way."

He sighed and gave a weak smile.

"Don't get all mushy on me. It's not a big deal. There's an entire world of girls out there for me. I just wish you didn't get all of the ones around here. I'm obviously sexier than you, so I've got that going for me."

"I'm not sure how I feel about that last part, but okay."

"Try not to be too jealous." He said sassily with a smirk as he left.

I subtly checked around me for anyone else before sniffing the inside of my fabric once more.

*Your POV* *Time skip to home that night*

I was watching TV on the couch when Ukai popped out of his room.

"Hey, kiddo." He greeted me.

I nodded in response.

"Say, have you met any other teams before?"


"Well, as it turns out, you're going to. I just got off the phone with Coach Irihata of Aoba Johsai, and we've got ourselves a scheduled practice."

"Oh, Seijoh?" I questioned.

"They also go by that. It's on Saturday. Are you up for it?"

"Yeah, it'll be my first experience with competition. I'm kind of nervous now. What will I have to do?"

"Nothing more than what you do now. You'll be on the sidelines giving pointers and cheering when we win." He told me with his hands on his hips in pride.

"A bit cocky, are we?"

"What can I say? They're good, but we're better."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Fine, but prepare to have your socks blown off."

I laughed through telling him, "You sound like a middle-aged dad."

"Ugh, you're right. What do you kids say now days?"

"That's even worse!"

We both chuckled together.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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