Chapter 3: Campus Kickoff

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*Your POV*

It was finally here, the first day of school. I was exuding energy. Whether or not it was positive was up for debate.

I practically flipped out of bed and went about my morning routine. With my uniform on, hair and makeup done, and school bag packed, I was ready to conquer. A ten minute drive is all it took to arrive on campus.

I sauntered toward the entrance, taking note of everyone around. This place was bustling with people even though it was still relatively early. After a pit stop at the office to retrieve a few papers, I was off to my first class, biology.

It was quite uneventful, just syllabus review. I hoped it wouldn't be as boring as last year with never ending talk of cells and chemistry. Those were dark days, but I had higher expectations for art.

I entered the room and saw all sorts of sculptures and paintings presumably from previous students. The vibrant colors drew out a subtle excitement in me.

Art was one of my favorite subjects even if I didn't have a lot of skills. It didn't require critical thinking. I could actually enjoy creating something without being dragged down by math or writing. Plus, it wasn't an objective class, so it was easier to get a good grade.

There were several minutes before the bell rang, so most of the seats were yet to be filled. I chose one near the middle back and set my things down. I didn't want to come off as awkward and bored, all alone, so I allowed my phone to distract me with a mobile app game.

"I hope you're typing out a text for me." Someone said from my left.

I lifted my eyes, and they met those of a spiky-haired clown.

"Hi, Tendou." I greeted him.

"Oh my gosh! You remembered my name!" He exclaimed.

He seemed genuinely pleased even through the exaggerated behavior.

"It's not easy to forget someone like you." I snickered.

He wrapped a hand around the chair next to mine and took a seat.

"Guess we'll be buddies this trimester." He smirked before pointing to your nose.

"Nice ring!"

"Thanks, I got it done yesterday. I was hoping to spice up my appearance."

Another figure approached the table. Tendou and I watched as they sat down quietly across from us. The red head was the first to break the lull.

"Ah, Ushiwaka, those drills yesterday were difficult. I'm so sore." He whined.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" The stranger retorted.

"Lots, but I like seeing you irritated."

"You're irritating."

The new person had a very deep voice, and they spoke with a casual yet somehow serious tone. I couldn't tell if he was mad or if this was his neutral. I wondered who he was. My confusion must have been made apparent through my expression because Tendou proceeded to introduce him.

"Y/n, this is Ushijima, but you can call him Ushiwaka."

He acted like a child teasing their older brother.

"Mmm... I'd rather not get on his bad side this early on." I told him.

I looked over at Ushijima, and he was looking back. Just a few seconds of his piercing gaze could have been enough to force others' away, but I held mine. He finally gave in and turned his attention to the empty space in front of him.

Eventually, the teacher began introductions. The clock seemed to slow with every slide in the presentation, and a search for a way to entertain myself commenced.

There was a lone paper clip lying out, so I sneakily slid it over to myself and began bending it into random shapes. This continued until it snapped under the pressure and stabbed my finger. I winced at the sudden sharp pain, but stifled a reaction so as not to disrupt. A single drop of blood beaded at the wound.

Unexpectedly, a hand reached across the table toward me. It belonged to Ushijima. There was a tissue held in between his long, slender fingers. He was offering it to me. The gesture had caught me off guard, but I took it appreciatively, grazing against him.

"Thank you." I whispered.

He simply nodded his head and switched his focus back to the board. I stared at him a second more. Ten minutes later, the bell rang, and I stood.

"Y/n, what's your next class?" Tendou asked.

"Science with Morita."

He sighed disappointedly, but carried on.

"I have gym. What about you, Ushiwaka?"

"The same as y/n, and stop calling me that."

The red head ignored him.

"What? No fair!" He pouted.

"Get over it." Ushijima said bluntly before walking away.

Tendou and I followed suit, but after passing through the doorway, he bid farewell and went in the opposite direction. Ushijima didn't wait and was already several yards ahead. I trailed behind, trying not to be too conspicuous, since I didn't have the school map memorized yet.

"It's just up these stairs." He told me, already halfway to the top.

I didn't think he knew I was behind him.

We entered a new room and were assigned seats alphabetically. I was near the front while he was placed a few feet to my back right.

After third hour, I was scheduled lunch and certainly wasn't looking forward to finding a place to sit. After a quick exhale, I started toward the cafeteria.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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