Chapter 36: Depth and Discovery

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*Your POV*

I was now dating the Ushijima Wakatoshi. I felt overjoyed, ecstatic. A void I hadn't been aware of was now filled.

It had been roughly a week since our hidden relationship began. Nothing much had changed, but we were more open about how much we cared for the other. I'd also had a sudden fluctuation in confidence.

I strutted through the hallways with a heightened sense of importance. In a way, my life was more meaningful now. Someone was attached to me, and I to them. Although I was fully sufficient on my own, I felt even more powerful with him as if he'd tapped into reserves.

I entered the art room and skipped to my seat.

"Hey, guys!"

Tendou eyed me curiously.

"Y/n, you've been acting weird lately. What's up with you? Are you on something?"

I laughed at his ridiculous accusation.

"Of course not, I'm not an idiot."

"So what is it then?" He continued.

"I suppose I'm just very grateful for what I have."

He didn't press any further, but I could he was still wondering.

Once Ms. Suzuki began lecturing to us about artists from centuries ago, I stretched my leg out to the other side of the table. My shoe brushed against Ushijima's subtly. He didn't react, so I did it again more obviously this time. That did the trick.

He glanced at me, a minuscule smile leaking through his neutral expression. He rubbed his foot against mine, and it turned into a game of footsie.

This continued until I accidently bumped Tendou's shoe. He looked at me, but I played it off like I was trying to get his attention.

"What's she talking about?" I asked.

"I don't know, some dead guy that made a thing in 1678."

I hummed dismissively, and he reverted to his previous focus. I silently sighed in relief that I'd convinced him.

Ushijima, having witnessed my sneakiness, tapped my foot again in acknowledgement. I relished in our little secret.

After class, we began our usual route to science. His fingers brushed against mine, and I thought he might hold my hand, but I knew we couldn't do that in this place.

I didn't have time to be disappointed. As I was about to take my first step up the stairs, he did grab my hand, but his affection didn't end there. He pulled me behind the hollow space underneath the staircase and herded me against the wall out of view from anyone passing by.

His body was wide enough to block off any exit. His left forearm rested to the side of my head against the brick. The right hand holding my waist migrated around my back so that could envelop me in an embrace.


His voice came quietly, but it was nowhere near passive.

"I just... I want you."

My eyes were already wide in shock at his sudden boldness. Hearing those words from him, it was like he'd taken on the identity of someone entirely different.

My arms snaked over his shoulders and around his neck to connect our lips. He wasted no time deepening the kiss. I courageously slipped my tongue into his mouth, and he certainly didn't mind. It seemingly excited him more.

Unfortunately, I knew that we couldn't go on like this forever, so I slowly detached.

"We should probably go." I suggested in a weak-willed manner.

He looked at me with some sort of longing and nodded.

I tried to calm down at my desk after, but it was no use. I couldn't stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

"Ushijima, what's the answer to number 4?" The teacher asked.

"My apologies, ma'am. My mind was elsewhere."

"Please, pay attention. Fujita, can you tell me?"

"Eighty-three point five." The boy answered correctly.

"Very good."

I peeked back at Ushijima who was already gazing at me. I offered a knowing simper and turned back to the front of the room though I knew his eyes were still on my as well as his thoughts.

*Time skip to lunch*

Goshiki was relaying about the ginormous frog he saw yesterday. He was very animated in his story telling, but I had trouble believing he could've spotted one as big as his head.

Shirabu butted in, skeptical as usual, but Goshiki was adiment about the size. I rolled my eyes at the two children and took a bite of my food.

"Hey, y/n, you said you're single right?" Tendou asked.

I lifted my chin from my palm and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you asking?"

"Some kid from my third class thinks your cute. He wanted me to tell you. So, are you?"

I was in a relationship now, but I couldn't bring that up.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." I replied.

"Really? How come?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"I guess not. Okay, I'll let him know."

That was odd, but I chose to ignore it.

*Time skip to after school*

Ushijima and I met at the gates as usual. He would always get there first, so he'd lean against the pillar with one leg crossed over the other and his arms crossed. Once he noticed me, he would push off with his back and walk me home.

We exited the campus and began down the sidewalk. He slipped a hand out of his pocket and grasped mine. I swung our arms back and forth happily.

"Ah ha! I was right!"

We both whipped our heads around at the shouting voice. There stood Tendou pointing a harsh finger at us accusingly.

"I knew you two were acting fishy, and now I know why! That kid from my third class doesn't exist. I made him up just to test you. You're dating, aren't you?"

He didn't look angry but rather proud to have figured it out.

"Tendou, you can't tell anyone." I ordered.

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me, but I can't exactly stop the others from finding out especially if you parade around like a couple just outside of school."

He was right. We weren't careful, but then again, we didn't have much to lose if we were discovered. Maybe telling the team wouldn't be such a bad thing.

"Okay, okay, we'll do better. Just zip your lip, got it?"

"Ooh, y/n-chan is threatening me. I like it." He smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at him and sighed.

"Thank you."

"Don't sweat it. Just make me the best man, alright?"

I threw a stick at him, and he laughed and ran away.

"It'll all be fine no matter what." My boyfriend reassured.

He had a way of comforting me even with few words. We carried on our way to my neighborhood, and I leaned on him.

"I know."

He turned and planted a peck on my forehead.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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