Chapter 1: Morning Meeting

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*Narrator's POV*

After living in the Yamagata prefecture your entire life, your mother was offered a job as a technician in an auto repair shop. You two decided to move to Miyagi that summer.

The two months that you had spent moving in with your uncle, Keishin, and familiarizing yourself with the area flew by in no time. There was only a week left of summer vacation before your first day at Shiratorizawa.

*Your POV*

I was unceremoniously awoken by the sound of a roaring blender from the opposite side of the house. My eyelids, stingy from the influence of sleep, lifted just far enough to read the numbers on the clock beside me, and I groaned in annoyance as it was only 8 A.M.

The beaming sunlight caused me to squint and made it too difficult to return to rest. I managed to wiggle out of my cocoon of blankets and made my way to the kitchen where Ukai was pouring a mysterious concoction into an athletic bottle. My mother and I had been living with him while she searched the market for a suitable house.

"Eww, what is that?" I asked, scrunching my nose in disgust.

He presented the container and observed the swirling contents, "This? A good ol' mix of spinach, carrots, blueberries, eggs, and protein powder, the breakfast of champions."

His tongue popped against the roof of his mouth, "Ah, that's good stuff. Do you want some?"

"I think I'll pass." I replied, visually repulsed and turning away.

I had a list of errands to run, so I entered the bathroom to freshen up, style my hair, and apply makeup to my liking. I'd yet to change out of pajamas.

"I'm heading out!" He called from the entryway.

I stuck a hand out of the door and waved goodbye.

Several minutes passed, and I decided it was time to make a breakfast of my own. While passing the couch, one of Ukai's stuffed, black gym bags came into view. He must have left it, that forgetful man. I wasn't in any kind of rush, so I redirected my movement toward a pair of sneakers, slung the bag strap over a shoulder, and hopped into the other car to drop it off for him.

I was familiar with the route because of my earlier exploration of the local area, and the weight of slumber still clung to me, so I subconsciously checked out along the way. Only after I'd already arrived did I look down at my attire and realize how underdressed I was.

"Of course, I got hot last night. Of course, I changed out of a full coverage hoodie and sweatpants and into these stupid shorts and a tank top. What a perfect night to do that." I sarcastically criticized.

It wasn't even nearly appropriate for the public. I mentally kicked myself for not bringing anything to cover up, but it was too late now. I climbed out of the car and strode toward the gym entrance. Luckily, nobody was outside to witness my scandalous appearance.

Once I'd approached the sliding door and grasped the handle, I pulled as quietly as possible. It definitely hadn't been adequately lubricated in recent history because as soon as it started moving, a high-pitched squeak echoed across the open room. An immediate cringe washed over me, but I peered inside in an attempt to spot my uncle.

Now that my presence had been so rudely announced, most of the team was staring. I suddenly felt extremely awkward and unsure of whether it was even worth entering and immersing myself in the embarrassment, but after a moment of consideration, I decided that I didn't drive all the way here just to leave. As uncomfortable as it was, I chose the boy closest to ask if Ukai was around.

"He uh- he just left to get a bag he forgot at home." He told me in obvious distress before noticing what I was holding and putting the pieces together.

"Great, I came here for nothing." I thought and added a second mental kick to accompany the first.

"Oh, I'll leave this here and text him, thank you."

I was about to take off when another voice addressed me.

"Who are you?" A dark-haired boy with bangs that reminded me of the eighties asked.

"I'm Ukai's niece."

"Really? I didn't know Coach had a niece. What's your name?" A different one with spiky, red hair continued, tilting his head curiously.


"Ooh, you're giving me your first name already? I'm touched. I might as well tell you mine since we're so close now. I'm Satori, Tendou Satori." He smirked.

"It's nice to meet you. I should be going now." I stated with the intention of getting out of there as soon as possible.

"Aww, when am I going to see you again?" He pouted.

"Well, I transferred to Shiratorizawa this year, so I guess you'll spot me around the school."

"Oh, goody!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

"Right, later then."

I turned my back and started towards the door, but before I could reach it, I heard someone else.

"Damn, look at that."

I halted, rotated my head in the direction it came from, and looked directly at the boy from who it had come from.

"Wait until you see it in action." I responded jokingly, a hint of flirtation laced in my voice.

It may have been a bit too bold, but I had no reason to care about what I said to a boy I'd probably have no dealings with in the future. With that, I closed the door behind me.

*Narrator's POV*

Ohira, the one to whom you'd replied so confidently, looked a little stunned, but Tendou snickered and raised an eyebrow.

"She's quick. I like it."

A quiet player near the back held his attention on the entrance. His focus was regained within a few seconds, and he returned to the game.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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