Chapter 39: Sudden Exposure

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*Your POV*

Everyone sat around the lunch table while Tendou played with Goshiki's hair.

"Y/n-chan! Wouldn't he look better with a different haircut?" Tendou asked while he held the boy's black bangs up.

"I think he looks just fine the way he is. You should be nicer to him, don't you think?" I replied.

"Oh, come one. I'm just trying to help the kid! I mean, I don't know about you, but most girls prefer something a little less bowl-shaped..."

Goshiki closed his eyelids halfway with an irritated expression.

"Leave him alone already. I think he looks cute." I commented in an attempt to balance out the critical remarks.

"We could chop it all off and make him look like Ushiwaka!"

I turned my attention to the one who had been addressed. His average neutral face stayed put.

I combed my fingers through his locks affectionately, admiring the silky texture. Though I was casually enjoying myself, I noticed that he had tensed up. I finally came to the realization that I was touching him in front of all the others. My hand quickly retracted and fell into my lap in embarrassment.

"Woah, y/n's getting a little touchy isn't she?" Kawanishi smirked.

"Yeah, I think she is." Yamagata replied teasingly.

The spotlight shone on me. I wanted to crawl underneath the table to hide. I couldn't very convincingly explain why I was so comfortable stroking Ushijima, so I playfully rolled my eyes in an attempt to brush the incident off though I knew it wouldn't be effective.

"Is there something we should know about?" Shirabu continued.

I glared at him for enabling my suffering.

"Yes, there is. Y/n and I are dating."

I whipped my head toward my boyfriend who was seemingly unfazed.

After Tendou had discovered us, Ushijima and I had agreed that there was no real reason to hide our relationship, but I hadn't known of a way to break the news. I figured it would just come up at one point but not like this.

"Wait- what? Is that actually true y/n?" Semi questioned.

"Uh..." I struggled to answer, "Yes, it is. Surprise!" I exclaimed nervously, throwing my hands up in the air.

"I'll be damned. The big fella actually did it."

"I have to admit, I thought it would never happen."

"I guess I owe you two curry buns, Shirabu."

The tips of my eyebrows met in confusion.

"Wait, did you guys bet on us?" I asked no one in particular.

"Of course, we all talked about it. Most of us just assumed he'd die alone."

"I had a feeling something would happen between you guys. He's never given any other girl the time of day, but it seems you're special enough to have broken the curse." Goshiki stated.

My mind swarmed with emotions, unsure of which one to pick, but I landed on relief. It was finally out in the open now, no more sneaking around. We could be public.

"How long have you been together?" Yamagata inquired.

I added up the time in my head before answering, "Hmm, roughly two weeks."

"That long? Maybe we're not the detectives we thought we were. Does this mean you guys are going to be like the mom and dad, and the rest of us are the kids?"

I laughed at the comparison, but it wasn't far off from the current dynamic.

"Sure, I expect you all to be in bed by nine with your homework finished, got it?" I joked.

"Yes, mom." They said in unison.

After the last class ended, I walked out of the school doors to meet Ushijima where I always did. That's when it occurred to me that we no longer had to wait until we were off of campus to act like a couple.

I ran over to the pillar he stood at and wrapped him in a firm embrace. It took him by surprise, but he promptly reciprocated and rested his cheek on the top of my head.

We definitely received stares for the PDA, but the joy that came with this freedom overshadowed my care for privacy at that moment.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Just exercising my privileges as your girlfriend." I grinned at the title.

He squeezed me tightly in acknowledgment before letting go so that we could begin our route.

*Time skip to home*

While alone in my room, I texted Ushijima.

You: I'm glad we can be open about our relationship now! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚♥✧

Ushijima: Me too, I hope I didn't upset you by telling them without consulting you first.

You: No, of course not! I was just surprised is all. It was probably for the best anyway because I would've had trouble finding a time that I deemed right.

Ushijima: Okay, but please tell me if I ever do something you don't like. My priority is keeping you happy.

I held my phone close to my chest and squealed at how sweet he was.

You: I will (。◡‿◡。✿)

Ushijima: Sleep well, goodnight.

You: Goodnight.

I was so fortunate to have him. While I knew that nobody is perfect, he was surely in the running.

*Ushijima's POV*

I wasn't as expressive as y/n was. I wasn't as skilled at saying what was on my mind and conveying my emotions. However, I couldn't deny my delight at the idea of being able to do things like hold hands and hug. Perhaps we could even kiss.

I plugged my device in to charge and covered myself in the bedsheets. My fingers reached toward my nightstand and switched the lamp off. I was now in total darkness, but the thoughts of her provided light.

I missed her presence though it had only been hours. I wished she was here next to me. I was left to imagine what it would feel like to have her body tucked against mine, our heat mixing together. I wanted to hold her forever.

I wondered if everything I was feeling could be described in a word, but I didn't dare to say it. Instead, I nodded off to sleep, having dreams of the person I cared about most.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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