Chapter 42: Date Pt. 2

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*Your POV*

We'd arrived. He went around the front of the car to open my door for me once again as well as the entrance to the establishment. We entered the luxurious restaurant and approached the front desk where the hostess stood at attention.

"Good evening, reservation for Ushijima." He spoke in a sophisticated manner.

She checked her computer by scrolling through names to confirm before hospitably leading us to a two-person table. After taking our drink choices, she bowed and left us.

I took in the interior design around me. Ornate sconces adorned the walls to give off soft, diffused light. The color scheme was deep and rich, consisting of jewel tones with golden detailing. Mild jazz played throughout the room. The aesthetic was calming and warm.

The table itself was a simple yet pleasing sight. A spotless white tablecloth was cast over the sturdy wooden slab. On top of it laid a carved glass jar with a single red flower inside. Next to that sat a small glass bowl enclosing a candle. The flame danced with every breeze of the surrounding movement.

"This place is gorgeous, really. I'm honored to be here with you." I told him.

"I'm only matching the beauty of the woman I brought."

For someone with scanty social skills, he sure was a charmer. I tilted my head away from the flattery.

"It seems awfully expensive though. I don't want you spending loads of money on me."

"I'm fortunate enough to enjoy the consequences of my family's wealth. I'm choosing to spend it on what I care about most."

If he were anyone else, I would've felt inadequate with my own financial state, but he made me so comfortable. I had no reason to be insecure with him.

An actual waiter came to the table with our drinks and asked us if we were ready to order. After a minute of consideration and suggestions, we came to conclusions, and he wrote them down. I turned my attention back to my date who's gaze was fixed on me.

"That dress is fitting." He said without looking away.

"I hope so. I had trouble finding something for the occasion, but-"

"You misunderstand. I meant that it fits your body nicely."

It was difficult to calculate his expression, but it seemed my appearance was distracting him well. I took what I presumed was a compliment and stifled a reaction.

"I see. I guess I chose the right one then." I simpered knowingly.

Our dinner was eventually brought out, and we took bites in between pleasant conversation.

Earlier, I had been quite nervous about the potential awkwardness that came with sitting and staring at each other for so long. I even mentally stored away emergency topics in case our discussion became hushed. Thankfully, they proved useless because we got along so easily. I didn't need to force myself to be talkative considering he was a man of few words himself.

After the check had been taken care of, I figured we would call it a night. However, I was mistaken. He told me that there was a second location, one I also wouldn't recognize. The sign on the front read, "Chiba Step" in a curvy font.

"I hope you can dance in those shoes." He said with a cryptic smile to which I returned a questionable eyebrow though he paid no attention.

Only after we entered the building did I realize what this place was. We were at a dancing studio. Apparently, his comment had revealed more than I initially thought.

"Ushi, what are we doing here?" I asked somewhat needlessly.

"They host lessons this night every week. Considering the performance you put on at my house, I figured you'd appreciate this."

Within a few minutes, we found ourselves in another room with mirror-covered walls and two instructors in front of us. The surrounding couples were clothed fancily as well which avoided the possibility of being overdressed. He'd really planned this out.

After being informed of how this would all work, people got into their respective pairs. Ushijima slipped his jacket off and laid it over a lone chair. His bowtie was unknotted and removed, the top of his shirt now unbuttoned.

Once the music started, we got into position and followed the steps that were taught. It went smoothly enough, and we soon attained the hang of it. Our pace steadied, and I became more comfortable in our movements. I'd never learned how to dance with someone else, so this was new to me, but he was already skilled.

"Have you done this before?" I asked, surprised by his swiftness.

"My mother used to practice with me. She was in a club."

I chuckled at the thought of him doing this as a kid, but it was brushed away by the now fully grown version of him in front of me. He was no longer a child but a man, and I was reaping the sightly benefits.

We attached to the rhythm, and he twirled me just for the fun of it. When he retracted his arm to bring me back to him, he held me closer than necessary. My chest pressed against his, our faces only an inch apart. It was obvious that he was confident, but I could've sworn I sensed a bit of cockiness in him.

With our foreheads touching, the hand that held the side of my waist slid down to my hip. With each rocking motion, he tightened his grasp as we swayed against each other.

That's when I felt it.

I glanced down to where the foreign pressure was coming from and realized that it wasn't bone. From my angle, I was able to notice the growing bulge in Ushijima's pants. I embarrassingly lifted my eyes to meet his only to see a smirk plastered on his face.

He knew.

I knew.

"Let's get out of here."

Without another word, he dropped only one of my hands to grab his things, and we rushed out of the class to his car. I hopped in, and he ducked his head as he slammed the door shut. After fishing the keys out of his pocket, he started the engine and hastily pulled out of the parking space.

As soon as we were on the open road, he placed his hand on my bare thigh with a tense and unforgiving grip. His fingers wrapped underneath the sensitive inner skin and tugged my legs slightly apart. I bit my lip to keep from making a noise but couldn't suppress my heavier breathing.

"My house is occupied right now." I stated, nervous that we'd have to end this before it even began.

"Mine's empty." He replied without his eagerness wavering.

I noticed the speedometer reaching above the speed limit. He stared straight ahead, but I could see his jaw clenching as his chest rose and fell at a quick pace. He was just as excited as I was.

This was happening,


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