Chapter 38: Distressed Disclosure

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*Your POV*

Yesterday's conversations floated around inside of my head. My mother had successfully embarrassed me, and I wasn't over that. However, what had really captured my attention was the concept of Ushijima and sex.

It wasn't that I hadn't already thought about it, but now that it had been spoken of out loud, it had become more real. I had questions, concerns, desires. I didn't know his opinions on the matter, and I surely wasn't going to ask.

Throughout the day, I sensed tension between us, and I was sure I knew why. He wasn't as talkative, and I got the feeling he wasn't relaxed around me. I didn't like it.

When the school day ended, we met at the gates like usual. As soon as we were far away enough, I brought up his behavior.

"Hey, Ushi, is something wrong today? You seem tense."

He inhaled slowly before answering.

"Nothing is wrong."

I didn't buy it.

"Okay, but is something bothering you? I'd prefer to be open with each other about what we can."

"I want that too. I've just been thinking."

"About what?"

He hesitated but finally admitted, "Yesterday, your mom, us."

My eyes enlarged and drifted away from him. I didn't want to relive it, but a part of me wanted to fuel the fire.

"You can ignore her. She was just watching out for me." I told him.

"That may be so, but I'm not focused on that."

"What are you focused on then?"


He was being vague, not giving me much to work with, but I pressed on.

"What exactly... do you think about..." My words got caught in my throat, and I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. I hoped he knew what it was going to be.


Dammit, I wanted to run into the street and let the nearest car run me over. This was so uncomfortable, but I couldn't just drop it.

"About... sex... in general! I mean, I'm not specifically talking about me. I just meant with anybody. Well, I'd prefer it to be with me- not like that! Actually, yes, like that, but I'm just trying to ask-"

Thankfully he cut me off mid-ramble before I could dig a deeper grave.

"Y/n, you don't need to stress yourself out over something like this. I would never pressure you to do anything you didn't want to. Everything happens on your time table, okay?"

"Right, thank you."

He held my hand to calm me down, and it worked for the most part, but in my mind, the matter hadn't been put to rest yet.

Once we'd reached my house, I remembered something.

"Oh, do you mind if we stop by my neighbor's house quickly? I need to give her something, and if you come with me, I can use you as an excuse to leave. She's quite chatty."

He smiled and agreed.

After meeting the lady next door when we moved in, my mother had promised to deliver a bunch of pears to her because she was in need of some.

I jogged inside to grab a small bag full and returned to meet Ushijima by the front step. We traveled to the adjacent house, and I rang the doorbell. Eventually, the door revealed a short, elderly woman.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Ota." I greeted in a friendly manner.

"Y/n! I was wondering when you'd come, and I see you brought a friend." She commented, eyeing him up and down.

Ushijima bowed and introduced himself.

She proceeded to tell us about her day and the pain her back was in as well as her chiropractor appointment tomorrow. We learned that her daughter was coming to town soon and that I should meet her. The tangents never seemed to end.

I informed her that we couldn't stay any longer, and she said that she'd let us go but not before leaning in close to loudly whisper in my ear, "I'd put a ring on that as soon as possible if I were you."

I bashfully chuckled because I was sure he was close enough to hear.

She thanked me for the fruit, and we said our goodbyes.

"Sorry about her, she doesn't have much of a filter. She's already tried to set me up with her grandson, so maybe she'll forget about that now."

"I like her."

Something about his simple response made me relax. I was so content at that moment, just being with him on a warm June day, walking side by side. It made all of my worries disappear, and even if it was only for a minute, everything was okay.

After Ushijima left, I entered my home again. This time, I spotted my mother and Ukai outside on the back patio. I went to see them.

I slid the glass door open and said hello.

"Y/n, you're here! Sit down."

I occupied one of the cushioned chairs surrounding the table we were all sitting at.

Even though I saw my uncle almost every other day, I enjoyed being with him outside of volleyball practice. We could spend time as a family, a very small one.

They talked about whatever adults do. I leaned back and rested for a while underneath the shade of the umbrella. After a few minutes, Ukai addressed me.

"What's new with you, kiddo?"

I peeked at him with one open eye and tipped my head forward again. My life was all the same except for...

"She's got a boyfriend, you know!" My mother exclaimed.

"Mom!" I yelled irritatedly.

"You what? Oh, no. Who do I have to talk to?" He inquired, comedically pounding his fist into his palm implicitly.

I swallowed hard. It hadn't even crossed my mind that I would eventually have to tell him about the relationship. I reasoned that there was nothing to be afraid of, but that wasn't enough to calm my anxiety.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt him. I'm just going to rough him up a bit."

"You might not want to do that."

"How come?"

"Because he's your star player."

His expression went blank, and he stared at me in disbelief.

"You don't mean..."

My lack of response was enough for him to connect the dots.

"You're dating Ushijima?"

"Maybe..." I nervously laughed.

With his elbows on his knees, he laid his face in his hands. I couldn't quite gauge his reaction.

"Well, I'm not pleased that you're in a relationship with anyone of the male species, but I have to admit that he's a good choice. I've known him for three years, and he's been nothing short of a stand-up guy, so good job, I guess."

"Thank you, I think. He treats me very well. I don't have to tell you how wonderful he is, and you seemingly approve of him already."

"Yes, he's a respectable young man, but the dynamic between he and I might be a bit different now that he's basically dating my daughter."

I acknowledged the oddity. There would definitely be some getting used to, but now that my uncle was caught up, I didn't have any worries.

"Star player or not, if he does anything to hurt you, I'm going for the throat."

I playfully pushed him, but I knew he was somewhat serious.

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