Chapter 48: Aftercare

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*Your POV*

After standing by the door in a group huddle for several minutes, I let out a long, weighted breath that indicated my fatigue. My mother retracted her head from over my shoulder and looked at me lovingly.

"How about I make your favorite dinner tonight, y/n?" She offered to which I nodded.

Ushijima assisted in the kitchen like a true gentleman, handing her spices and spoons. An airy chuckle escaped me because of his sudden domestic nature. It was almost funny how easily he helped others despite never being asked. I think she appreciated it too.

I was usually around to do things, but this was the first time we'd had a man besides my uncle in the house in years. It wasn't necessary, but I had to admit that his presence was nice.

Eating a meal would definitely fill a part of the pit in my stomach. Bowls and chopsticks were set out at the dining table. I knew it would be a while until I was normal again, but this was certainly a start.

It reminded me of what I'd realized about Ushijima's home the other day, but instead of allowing it to sadden me, I was grateful that we were all here together. This was my family.

Once the dishes were taken care of, and everything was put back, I brought my boyfriend to my room without objection from my mother because she knew I needed the company. He was happy to stay as long as I wanted him.

After closing the door, I grabbed my pajamas and began stripping to change. Ushijima turned away without hesitation.

"You know you don't need to do that, right? You've seen it all." I giggled.

"Yes, but a lady deserves her privacy."

Now that I was fully dressed, I went to the bathroom attached to my room and brushed my teeth before doing my skincare. He sat on the edge of the tub watching me like a wondrous child.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing to what I was applying.

I showed him the product I was using and explained what it was.

"Do you want to try it?" I asked.

He nodded and stood up next to me. His eyes closed, and I spread the cream across his face with light finger strokes. He relaxed under my touch.

"There, now pat that in with your palms." I instructed while faking the motion.

He slapped himself repeatedly, and I caught his wrists to stop him.

"Try to be a little more gentle." I laughed.

"That's what she said."

My movement ceased abruptly.

"...What did you just say?" I questioned with a shocked smile.

"Tendou taught me that joke format. Did I use it correctly?"

I took a moment to register his comment before shaking my head and snickering.

"I'm going to have to talk to him about poisoning your mind." I joked.

I finished up and climbed into my bed, tapping the spot next to me. He followed my directions and laid down, throwing a blanket over the two of us and tucking me in like a baby. After we'd both settled, his arms snaked around my body and he pulled me close from behind.

"Thank you." I whispered.

He nuzzled into my neck in response.

I reached out to switch off the lamp on my nightstand, and darkness overcame the room as well as silence. The only noise was our quiet breathing which steadied as I fell asleep.

*Ushijima's POV*

This was the first time I'd slept with another person since eighth grade when Tendou hosted a slumber party for the team. It was unusual and warmer than I'd expected. Normally, I didn't like anybody to be physically close to me, but I seemed to break a lot of my own rules when it came to her.

I hoped she'd be better tomorrow. I was aware of how difficult it can be to lose a parent, but I couldn't imagine having to be the one to turn them away. I respected her immense emotional strength and maturity. She was so capable and resilient.

I'd sworn to myself years ago that I'd never leave my children in any sense. I'd personally endured the repercussions, so I wouldn't be able to live happily knowing that I did the same thing. Until then, I would treat y/n with all of that love and responsibility. She deserved it.

It had been hours since she dozed off, but I wasn't able to do the same. I had too much to think about.

Firstly, I had to meditate on how I'd care for her the next day. She'd need special attention. Secondly, and more importantly, these feelings I was having had to be addressed. They were only growing, and I knew they'd have to come out sooner or later. There was nothing wrong with them, but I'd never experienced this before, and I wasn't sure what to do.

I concentrated on her heartbeat. It was like a ticking clock, counting down the time until sunrise. I figured it wouldn't hurt to get some rest. I cleared my thoughts and drifted into a dream less real than the one she'd given me.

I woke up before either of our alarms, but I didn't dare to move so as not to disturb her. Unfortunately, I had to get up eventually. When I exited the bathroom, she rolled over and looked at me with a small smile.

"Good morning, Princess." I cooed.

Her grin widened, and she hid her face in a pillow.

I approached the bed and hovered over her. She held it with a tight grip. I could've easily ripped it away, but that wouldn't have been as much fun. Instead, I pretended to knock on the mattress.

"Anybody home?" I called.

"No." She dragged out playfully.

"I think there is."

"You'd be mistaken."

"I'm coming inside."

I lifted the cushion off to reveal her bright eyes looking up at me. I couldn't believe I'd managed to be with such a beautiful girl. I leaned down to kiss her forehead, but when I began pulling back, she kissed me on the lips too. I cupped her cheek and deepened it.

"I'm going to need to go back to my place before school. You don't have to come if you'd rather head off." I told her.

"Are you kidding? I'd never miss a chance to see the Ushijima get ready."

"You should call me Wakatoshi. We are dating."

"I guess you're right. You've been calling me by my first name since we met, so I don't think I can reciprocate the gesture."

"I'll just stick with Princess then."

She scrunched her face up in adorable embarrassment and covered herself back up.

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