Chapter 44: Cupcake Kisses

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*Your POV*

It was Monday, longer than a full day after the special night, but as soon as I was conscious enough, I became aware of how sore my muscles still were. Walking to the bathroom was even harder than sitting up in bed. I knew Ushijima and I had both put the work in, but I didn't think the internet was so truthful when it told me I'd need a wheelchair.

I waddled downstairs to find breakfast. While fumbling around in the cupboards, an idea was sparked. I finished my bowl of cereal quickly and started.

*Ushijima's POV*

I knocked on y/n's door. It had become a routine for me to walk her to and from school most days when the weather permitted. After a few seconds, it opened to reveal a girl covered in flour.

"May I ask why you look like that?"

She only giggled and pulled me inside.

I was dragged to the kitchen where she gestured to one of the bar stools. I sat down and watched her scurry about, washing dishes off, putting boxes away, and brushing herself off. She finally answered my question from when I first arrived.

"You know that I wake up early to take my sweet time in the mornings. Well, instead of being lazy until the last second, I decided to give into my urge to bake. We have all of these ingredients and nobody to make anything with them. Can you believe I haven't used the oven a single time since we moved in?"

I didn't know how to respond, so I offered a small smile to reassure that I was listening intently.

"I wasn't sure what exactly I had time for. I still had to get ready for school, but I used that neat app that tells you what you can make with what you have, and it gave me this!"

She swung open the oven door and extracted a pan of muffins to present happily.

After setting them on a cooling rack, she grabbed a makeshift froster cleverly made out of a plastic Ziploc bag with a hole at the end. She adorned the tops of each with individual designs. Some were faces. Others had pictures like flowers and animals. I couldn't help but adore her effort.

"Here, tell me what you think, and don't hold back. I want your honest opinion." She commanded as she shoved what was now a cupcake in front of me on the counter.

I peeled off the protective outer paper and took a bite with my hand held underneath so as not to make a mess of crumbs. She monitored my face closely to decipher my reaction. While I was unreadable for the most part, she'd learned to pick up on my subtle microexpressions in the time we'd known each other.

"So..?" She prompted with a hopeful twinkle in her eyes.

I swallowed before answering, "It's perfect."

"Ah, yeah!" She exclaimed as she bounced up and down, pumping her fists in the air with her eyes closed in glee. "Who's the best baker in the world? I am!"

Her enthusiasm was infectious, but after glancing at the clock on the microwave, I remembered where we were supposed to be. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her to halt the little dance she was doing. She immediately calmed down and waited expectedly.

"You should probably go upstairs and change, don't you think?" I suggested, rubbing the white powder off of her cheek with my thumb affectionately.

"Trying to get me out of these clothes already? You just got here." She teased causing me to recall moments from Saturday night.

"Your apron does say, 'Kiss the chef', does it not?" I asked rhetorically and planted a light kiss on her lips.

She giggled under the influence of romance and told me she'd be down in a minute. As she was walking away, I took the easy opportunity to smack her ass playfully. She jumped a bit before turning her head to give me a shocked look, but the corners of her mouth tilted upward. I smirked mischievously.

"Do that more often." She requested excitedly.

She took the batch with her to distribute to the rest of the team at lunch. They all loved her icing work and compliented the taste. She beamed at the approval, and I couldn't help but stare, falling into even deeper admiration. The pure joy she portrayed was my motivation to keep her that way.

After everyone was done eating, we left in the directions of our respective classes. Y/n would walk me to mine because she didn't want to be the only one ever escorted. I appreciated that she was someone to take initiative.

Once we turned a corner, she led me under the staircase just as she'd found herself not long ago. I knew exactly what she wanted, but this felt like something she wanted to lead, so I allowed her to take the reigns as I metaphorically sat back and relaxed.

Now that we were out of sight, she tugged me forward by the lapels of my jacket to connect us in a sensual kiss. It was sweet and slow unlike the other times, but there was an equal amount of passion involved.

As the seconds passed, our bodies wrapped around each other like snakes. To match the trait of the animal, she slid her tongue into my mouth which I warmly welcomed.

The delicate fingers of her right hand held onto one side of my neck while she sucked on the other. I'd been told it felt good, so I'd done it to her before, but this was the first time I'd received the treatment myself. I liked it, a lot. To add to the experience, her left hand palmed my crotch.

My breathing became heavier, and I was soon conflicted. I knew we only had so much time to reach our next period before we were late, but I wanted to enjoy everything she was doing to me. I'd have an even bigger problem if I came and stained my pants. She must have perceived my uncertainty because she unlatched and pulled me away by the hand.

This girl would be the cause of my demise.

*Time skip to practice*

Everyone was in the locker room changing. I snagged my shirt over my head, but I'd completely forgotten that my entire upper body was decorated with love scratches. I was reminded when Tendou called it out pubicly.

"Holy shit, dude! Did you get attacked by a leopard on your way here? Those are teeth marks!" He cackled.

The others who were nearby if not feet away turned to observe the spectacle and were just as awestruck.

"No, man, look at the hickeys. I think it was some sort of leech" Kawanishi joked.

"No way, no fuckin' way. Are those from who I think they're from?" Semi asked.

I didn't bother responding. I only dug through my belongings to find my jersey. Shirabu came up and poked one of the bruises stupidly, and I growled in discomfort.

"Who would've known y/n was into that freaky stuff. Tell me, did you guys get into primal play?"

I whipped around to glare at the second year in warning, and he immediately backed up.

"Well, I guess we can erase Ushiwaka's name from the nice list for Christmas." The redhead cracked.

I didn't like that they were all now thinking of y/n in the way only I was supposed to, but I wasn't exactly upset that they'd seen what they had. Though I'd never tell anyone but her, I was proud to show off the traces she'd left. They were more valuable than any trophy I could earn.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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