Chapter 7: Portrait Protocol

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*Your POV*

"Howdy, partner." I greeted Tendou as I took my seat in art.

"Yeehaw!" He exclaimed while pretending to pull down the brim of a cowboy hat on his head.

People filed in, and the teacher, Ms. Suzuki, addressed the class.

"I hope everybody is having a good second day so far. We finished the syllabus and introductory presentation early yesterday, thanks to you all being such good listeners, so we're going to start our first project now!"

I beamed with enthusiasm and wondered what it would be.

"This unit is going to be on realism, so you're going to be drawing a face, but it won't be your own. It'll be your partners."

The word "partners" triggered a couple of groans.

"Don't worry! This will be fun. I'm going to allow you to choose."

Tendou hastily faced me.

"Are we still 'howdy partners?'"He asked excitedly.


I was glad just to have a friend, but our eagerness was cut short when Suzuki butted in.

"Tendou, I'd like you to choose someone you don't know. I don't want a rerun of last year."

"But that was so long ago! I'll be good this time, promise!" He implored.

"If you behave for this assignment, I'll let you be with who you want for the next one." She concluded.

He slid down his chair in dejection before she spoke again, this time, to me.

"Y/n why don't you work with..."

She searched around the room, but everyone else had formed their own pairs.

"Ushijima, are you still single?"

Her word choice was questionable.


"Great, you two can work together."

"So much for choosing." I thought, but I wasn't against the idea.

She continued to explain the project to everyone. We were told to sit and stare at each other to take in all of the facial features live. We weren't allowed to use a picture because we had to study movement and anatomy. I didn't know how this could get any more potentially embarrassing.

The time came to start, so I got up and walked over to Ushijima who was patiently waiting with his hands between his knees.

I took the chance to say, "This doesn't have to be awkward. Just don't be weird."

"I wasn't planning to be."

"It's probably best to take turns drawing while the other models."

He agreed and handed me the paper and pencil.

I had some drawing experience under my belt. It used to be a hobby of mine, but I didn't do it much anymore. Thankfully, I still remembered the tips and tricks I'd learned in the past.

"Alright," I started, "just... sit there and look at me."

He was already doing just that, so he didn't move. It felt like I was talking to a robot.

I spent several minutes switching my regard from the paper to him and back, periodically directing him. He was obedient, but his silence made me uneasy. I figured some light conversation wouldn't hurt, but to my surprise, he beat me to it.

"Did you get home safely last night?" He asked.

I moved my head away, taken aback by his sudden care.

"Yes, thank you."

We were both quiet for a few moments before he continued.

"I hope my accompanying you didn't make you uncomfortable."

Maybe he's artificial intelligence.

"Don't worry, it didn't. In fact, I thought it was quite nice. Although, I will admit that I wasn't expecting it, especially from you."

"Why might might that be?"

"You don't exactly come across as someone who would go out of their way to do such a thing."

"I think I should be offended."

"Maybe," I laughed, "but now I know that you would."

That's when a sneaky idea popped into my head.

"Would you smile for me? I need to see how the muscles move." I lied.

He weakly tilted the corners of his lips upward, but I wasn't satisfied yet.

"Would you mind making it open-mouthed?" I requested.

Still following my commands, he revealed his perfectly straightened white teeth. I should've snapped a photo for a Colgate advertisement. I couldn't control my grin or the heat that flushed into my face at this awkward sight, and I started giggling like an idiot.

My reaction revealed my true intentions, and he caught on, but his smile didn't fade. It only softened into what I believed was a genuine one.

"Was that really necessary?" He questioned.

"Yes, but not for the project."

"I think I should have a turn now." He voiced while reaching for the paper and pencil, but I pushed him away.

"I'm not done yet!"

"We'll have more days to draw, and you're hogging up the time." He declared, successfully stealing the sketch pad from me.

"I need you to smile now."

I laughed, giving him what he wanted.

"Now, frown."

I forced my eyebrows down comedically.

"Now, look sad."

I gave him puppy eyes and stuck my bottom lip out.

"Good, only now can I complete this portrait."

"I think this is abuse of power." I cracked.

The rest of our time consisted of him studying me and making marks with the lead. The tension that I'd felt earlier had disappeared, and I was now enjoying his presence.

*Ushijima's POV*

After putting away the supplies, Tendou approached me closely.

"Did I really see what I think I saw over there?" He investigated, but I was unaware of what he was referring to.

"You were smiling, like a real, full sized smile. You never do that, ever!"

I didn't know how to respond.

"Is there something going on that I should know about?"

I knew that no matter what I said, it wouldn't change the thoughts his devious mind was already having.

"Ushiwaka, quiet as ever, but don't think I'm going to forget this." He warned.

He was right. It was out of the ordinary. I thought back, and I couldn't remember the last time I portrayed that much emotion, but it was nothing, just an assignment.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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