Chapter 51: Angry Altercation

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*Your POV*

I couldn't gauge the severity of this situation without hearing his voice or seeing his face. I didn't know if this was serious, but he was never one to lie or exaggerate.

You: Ushi, you shouldn't. It's a bad move.

Ushijima: Why is that?

You: It could end terribly in many ways. What do you even plan on doing?

Ushijima: I want to talk to him and find out where he gets off causing issues for you. I'll be civilized as long as he does.

You: And if he's not civilized?

Ushi: Then I pound his teeth in.


Ushijima: He has dental insurance.

You: I'm not even going to ask how you know that... Listen, if you hit him, you lose power legally and morally. It's a temporary relief. As soon as he stops bleeding, you'll be arrested. You can't afford a scratch like that on your record when you're trying to become a pro athlete.

Ushijima: You make a good argument, but that doesn't settle this. I'm still going.

You: How about you and I discuss this before making any rash decisions.

Ushijima: I'm already in the car.

You: WHAT?

Ushijima: I'm driving. I'll talk to you later.


I frantically slipped a pair of shoes on and jogged out to the driveway. The entire route was spent running scenarios through my mind, trying to think of a way to make this stop before it started. There was no way of knowing what I should expect from an upset Ushijima, and I didn't want to find out.

When I arrived at the mansion I'd seen once before, I parked poorly and jumped out. My eyes immediately began scanning the area for my boyfriend who I thankfully spotted sitting on the entrance step of the house. I promptly made my way towards him.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, out of breath.

His elbows rested on his knees, hands clasped together between his legs. He lifted his gaze, allowing the opportunity to finally analyze his expression. It was controlled and full of intent.

"He's not here. I'm waiting." He answered.

"No, no, no, this is good. We can go before he shows up. Come on!" I commanded, tugging on his arm.

My attempt may have been successful if he wasn't one-hundred and ninety pounds of pure muscle. My sneakers slid across the cement as I walked in one place like a glitching video game character.

"Y/n, I'm staying."

"But why?" I whined anxiously.

He sighed solemnly.

"Since I first met Oikawa, I've never trusted him. He's sly and self-centered. That may have bothered me when we had dealings, but at the time, I didn't have a reason to care besides that he was holding his team back with his 'me first' attitude."

He spoke sincerely. As much as I wanted to argue, something was telling me to hear him out.

"That's changed. Now, he's threatening our relationship, and I'm not going to let that slide. If this were just between me and him, it would be different, but it's not. You're involved which means the rules have changed."

I lowered my head in thought.

On one hand, this was a risky predicament that could swiftly intensify out of control, and he'd suffer for it. On the other, he seemed too calm for me to worry. His presence always had a soothing effect, and even now, my instincts were urging me to let him handle this.

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