Chapter 10: Big Reveal

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*Your POV*

Ushijima and I had been working together for about a week. I'd finished yesterday, but he was adding touch-ups and shading.

"I don't think I can bear to sit in this chair and stare at you anymore." I complained.

"Ouch." He said, furrowing his brows.

"Don't worry, you're pretty. I'm just bored." I joked truthfully.

"You can do something else if you want. I have your face memorized at this point."

That was a surprising sentence I'd probably never hear again. I took the outing and rested my head on the table.

"I'll be done in a little bit." He added.

After ten minutes or so, he set his pencil down in completeness. A sigh escaped him, and he closed the sketchpad.

"Woah, woah, woah. Don't I get to see the masterpiece?" I questioned.

"No." He replied dryly.

"What do you mean 'No'?" I mocked him.

"I don't want you to."

"I'm going to eventually, whether you like it or not. It might as well be now."

He lowered his head slightly and surrendered it without looking at me. I promptly took it from him. This would be the first time I laid eyes on it. He had refused to show me throughout the process. I'd retaliated by doing the same, but it hadn't even seemed to bother him.

I flipped the cover up in anticipation, ready to see what he had been crafting so diligently. My jaw fell in shock. It was astonishing.

I took in every line, every curve, and every shadow. There was proportion and lighting. The composition was clean and genuine. The amount of detail was incredible. It was an out of body experience to behold a second creation of myself. I felt like I was looking at my truest form. I thought for a moment that it may even speak to me.

"Ushijima, this is..."

I couldn't articulate the appropriate words out of disbelief.

"Do you like it?" He asked, obviously unsure of himself.

"Did he really ask that, or am I still in a trance?" I wondered.

I gradually raised my line of vision and stared at him, awaiting an explanation for the magnificence he had presented. His expression turned to worry.

"I know I could've added a little mo-"

"Stop." I cut him off, taking a moment to regather my thoughts. "This is amazing. I can't believe you drew this. I can't believe this is me. It's just... wow."

"I wanted it to be as accurate as possible."

"Mission accomplished, are you sure this isn't a mirror?" I asked, only half kidding.

I continued processing while Tendou approached to see the final product.

"Hey, did you guys fini- woah..."

He was just as awe struck as I was.

"Ushi, did you do that?" He inquired, his volume increasing.


"You have got to enter this into the contest! You'll win for sure!" Tendou told him.


"I'll enter it for you!" I butted in.


"Dude, I don't think you understand. This is crazy good, a work of art."

"Well, we are in art class."

"I- we'll talk about this later."

When lunch rolled around, Tendou ran over to the table where everyone else, myself included, was sitting.

"Guys! You have to see Ushijima's drawing!" He exclaimed.

They were all a bit confused.

"Ushijima, take it out!"


"Please!" He pleaded, a hint of desperation in his voice.


He proceeded to reach into his backpack and pull the sketchpad out before handing it to Tendou who frantically but gently revealed the portrait and aimed it at us. A gasp fled some of the boys. Everyone's mouth gaped in silent awe.

"Holy shit..." Shirabu uttered.

"Since when are you an artist?" Ohira asked incredulously.

Ushijima just shrugged in response. Tendou used the moment to suggest once more that it be entered into the contest to which everyone agreed, everyone except Uchida that is.

She had an expression of horror. Her breathing was unsteady.

No one could take their eyes of it. Finally Ushijima spoke.

"If you all really think it's worth submitting to Suzuki, I guess I can."

"Yes, you have to!" Yamagata encouraged.

"Okay, I will."

The rest of lunch consisted of talk and questions about the picture. I was happy he was getting the recognition he deserved. If only he would more willingly accept it.

I offered to walk with Ushijima to Suzuki's room after school ended to which he agreed. She had the same reaction as the rest of us and immediately signed an application form for him to fillout and give back. We left the room and began walking down the hall.

It was quiet until I voiced, "Do you really think I look like that?"

"Do you find it inaccurate?"

"I don't know. I just wonder if it's too flattering."

"Do you believe that?"

I answered honestly, "I don't think I'm ugly or anything. I'm confident in myself, but I don't want people to look at that and be disappointed when they see the actual me."

I was caught off gaurd when he suddenly halted and faced me. I did the same but didn't know why.

"Do you think the picture is beautiful?"

I wasn't sure where he was going with this.

"Of course, you did an amazing job." I reassured.

"Then whoever compares you to it won't see a difference." He replied straightforwardly, as if stating a fact.

I was stunned by his endearing words. I would never have expected him to say such a thing, but he had proven me wrong before. I didn't know how to respond, and he didn't wait for me to. He resumed his movement, leaving me to meditate on his remark and wonder if he meant it.

We continued in silence while I thought. I had no idea what could be going through his head, if anything. He was unreadable at the moment.

*Ushijima's POV*

"Was that the right thing to say?" I wondered.

It may have been too brazen. All I wanted was to relieve her worries, but I might have just made her uncomfortable.

I didn't want to make it worse, so I kept my eyes forward, and tried not to overthink, ultimately failing.

I couldn't bring myself to walk her to her car, so I lied and said I had to turn before we got there. We said our goodbyes, and she left. I spent the walk home contemplating that day. It wasn't what I'd expected, but I couldn't say I hadn't liked it.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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