Chapter 15: Celebratory Dinner

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*Your POV*

"You kids have fun!" Ukai dismissed us as we went outside.

I suggested that we carpool to save space and gas. I had three empty spots in my car, so Tendou took the passenger seat while Ushijima and Semi climbed into the back.

"You want aux?" I asked, offering the cord to Tendou.

He took it and scrolled through his phone. Within a few seconds, my subwoofers started blasting.

He and I immediately started jamming out. Semi joined in on the energy soon enough, but Ushijima seemed a little confused.

"Oh, come on, Ushiwaka, get in the spirit!" Tendou yelled over the volume.

His olive hair gradually began bouncing with the beat, not much, but it was something.

We eventually arrived, and I pulled into a parking space. I'd gotten stuck behind a red light, so the others had made it there first.

The bass emitting from my speakers announced our presence, and the guys jumped to the rhythm outside.

When we got into the restaurant, I was sandwiched in between Ushijima and Uchida. I wouldn't have voluntarily sat next to her, but I didn't have a choice.

The waiter took our orders and brought out the food. I hadn't been here before, so I was pleasantly surprised.

We talked like old friends. Embarrassing stories were told, laughs were shared, and I felt content. Unfortunately, it was short lived.

Uchida reached for one of the bowls and knocked over a cup. The cold liquid seeped into my fabric. Though I might be wrong, I think it was a genuine accident. It didn't matter though. The result was the same.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She gasped.

"Don't worry, it's just water. It'll dry."

I excused myself to the bathroom to sop up as much as I could. When I returned a few minutes later, I got sets of wide eyes in response.

"Y/n, your shirt, it's uh... see through..." Shirabu said shyly.

I looked down to confirm my fear. I should've checked myself in the mirror before coming out.

I quickly crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't have another shirt with me."

Ushijima stood up to block the others' line of vision and faced me. He brought one hand to the neckline of his jacket to hold it in place while the other unzipped. He pulled it off and handed it to me, all the while averting his gaze.

"Thanks." I whispered, slipping it over my own body.

We sat back down and dinner proceeded normally, only I could feel Uchida's anger growing next to me. I was enjoying the outcome of her little mistake.

At one point, I had brought my hand near my nose to brush some of my hair away and picked up the scent of the sleeve. It smelled like sweet pine. I breathed it in deeply and left my face to rest on my knuckles.

After the food was finished, the bill was payed. I went to the bathroom again, this time to actually use it.

While I was reaching for the soap, the door opened, and Uchida entered.

"Oops, I didn't realize the Shiratorizawa bimbo was in here." She said sharply.

"She is indeed."

"Are you checking them off a list or something? At this point, you might as well write your number on the school stalls."

"If I did that, I'd have to start booking appointments." I replied nonchalantly.

"Pfft, who would want a slut like you anyway?"

"Apparently a lot of people. Can I help you, or did you come in here just to harass me?"

"I wanted to let you know that you need to back off."

"From what exactly?"

"Don't act stupid. You know who."

I'd finished drying and turned to her.

"As difficult as it may be to wrap your head around, you don't own anyone. I can do as I please, and your weightless objections won't change that."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. He doesn't want you."

I came close to her, making her lean against the door, and swiped my wrist under her nose to give her a whiff of what I was wearing.

"I've got to go. He's waiting in my car."

I pulled the handle and exited, holding eye contact until she was out of view.

"Alright, let's get you gym rats back." I said as I sat down in the driver's seat.

Tendou played more of his songs. He had impeccable taste, and the ride felt like a concert. I chanted the lyrics while he head-banged, his spiky locks waving back and forth.

"Do you guys have a way to get home?" I asked them when we got back to campus.

Tendou and Semi told me they drove, but Ushijima said he runs instead. The former two said their goodbyes and walked away, but I stopped the latter.

"I can drop you off at your house." I told him.

"That won't be necessary."

"What if a crazy lady kidnaps you and sells you as a groom for some foreign bride?"

"I don't think that'll happen."

"There's no way of knowing for sure, better be safe." I said, patting the passenger seat invitingly.

He sighed, signaling his surrender, and took the place beside me.

"Good choice, now I can protect you." I joked.

He sat with his right leg extended, the other slightly curled, one arm resting on the door, the opposite on his thigh. He must've been tired because he shut his eyes and slightly reclined his chair.

The trip was quiet, but not the type that makes you uncomfortable. I could turn my brain off and relax. Every so often, I'd glance over at him to admire how peaceful he looked.

When I got to his front entrance, I tapped him, but he didn't move. I leaned over and lightly shook his shoulders which seemed to do the trick.

"Hey, sleepy head, we're here." I said softly.

He gradually gained consciousness and blinked a few times.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"Don't apologize, I take it as a compliment that you're comfortable with me."

His movement ceased, and his head turned to me.

"I am."

Just those two words made my face feel hot. I was suddenly more aware of our aloneness.

"Thanks for the ride." He told me.

"I'm happy to. Oh- here."

I began to slither out of his jacket in an attempt to offer it back to him, but he stopped me midway by placing his hand on top of mine.

"Your shirt probably hasn't fully dried yet. Keep it for tonight. I can get it back on Monday."

"Are you sure? You won't need it?"

"No, I've got a spare. Plus, it looks good on you." He smiled gently.

I subtly bit my bottom lip, trying to suppress a squeal.

"Thank you, again." I said.

We stared at each other for a moment more before he opened the door and climbed out. He was too tall for me to see all of him standing there, but then he bent down and peeked inside.



The door shut, and he walked away.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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