Chapter 35: Official Secrecy

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*Ushijima's POV*

Y/n's words had soothed my concerns. I was worried that she would think I was weak or possessive, but she didn't. She understood what I needed and comforted me effectively.

I'd been thinking for weeks that I needed to solidify our relationship, but I hadn't been sure if that was what she wanted. Now, I was convinced.

I pondered how I would go about it at my desk. I didn't know what way she would prefer, and I didn't want to mess it up.

"Is she romantic?" I wondered, "Maybe, I should confess verbally. No, she'd probably be too embarrassed. I could buy her a gift, but what? Perhaps taking her somewhere would be a good idea."

Tendou noticed that I was deep in thought and leaned his elbow on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about so intently, Mr. Brain?" He asked.

I obviously couldn't tell him, but I wasn't an experienced liar, so I kept my answer short.


"As easy as it is to believe that head of yours is empty, I know better."

He was a nosy being.

"I'm considering making a gesture for a family friend coming into town today."

He knew little about my family because there wasn't much to talk about, so it was a safe cover.

"Oh, that's boring." He concluded and left me alone.

Hopefully, he was off my trail, but with his observation skills, I couldn't be too sure.

*Your POV*

Ushijima texted me requesting that I meet him after school. He didn't tell me what for, but I didn't mind waiting to find out.

I found him after the last bell rang and we exited the campus to go for a stroll. He took me to a gorgeous avenue with red trees creating a canopy. We walked side by side for a minute before he spoke.

"I've thoroughly enjoyed your presence in the past couple of months." He stated.

"You make it sound like you're leaving."

I had said that casually, but then I became anxious that I may be right.

"I'm not going anywhere. That's not it."

"What are you trying to say then?"

He paused, presumably collecting his thoughts.

"I first saw you when you dropped off Coach's bag, and I thought that you were physically attractive, but I didn't expect to think of you after that. I'm glad I was wrong."

I had no idea what he was going to talk about, but it seemed heartfelt so listened closely.

"During our art project, we spent a lot of time together. I had hours to stare at you, to take in every detail of your outward appearance, but you allowed me to see more than just that. The conversation would frequently run dry, so you would talk for minutes on end about your obscure opinions on topics that have never even crossed my mind. I got a taste of how thoughtful and interesting you are. Besides that, I was able to hear you laugh at your own jokes and snort that one day when I hit my head on the table while picking the pencil up. Your humor was contagious."

I interrupted to point out that I had never even heard him laugh. He dismissed it and continued.

"I realized after the contest why I put so much effort into making sure the portrait was accurate. It was so I'd be able to look at you whenever I wanted, even if you weren't with me.

Over time, you've proven your intelligence and fiery spirit. You're very kind and care deeply for those you deem important. The team looks up to you. Did you know that?"

I shook my head with a faint smile of disbelief.

"We've all come to see how unique you are, including me. I think what I'm trying to say is that you're special, and now that I recognize that, I don't want to forget."

I was utterly stunned that a man of such few words had just told me all of that at once. I couldn't believe he really thought all of those things.

"Why... are you telling me all of this?" I finally inquired.

"So that you wouldn't ask why I want you to be my girlfriend."

I halted my feet abruptly and whipped my head to face him. Somehow, this took me by surprise.

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" I questioned.

He turned to me and answered, "Yes, of course. Do you doubt that?"

It wasn't so much the idea of me being with him but rather the idea of him being with me.

Excitement overwhelmed me, and I had the urge to cheer like a fanatic, but I held it together.

"What do you say?"

"Duh! Obviously!" I yelled joyfully.

I jumped and clung to him like a monkey. My upper body swung back and forth, but he didn't even budge. He just returned the embrace.

I kissed him roughly and quickly. My hand cupped his cheek, and I looked into his eyes as if he'd made me the happiest girl in the world. Our foreheads connected, and it felt like we were suddenly bonded in some weird magical way.

"I'm glad you're as pleased as I am." He said.

His smile was larger than I'd ever seen it though still relatively small. It was enough for me.

Still supporting me, the hands that had been resting on the sides of my waist traveled downward and landed just barely on the top of my butt. He knew what he was doing.

*Ushijima's POV*

I knew what I was doing.

Her legs were wrapped around my abdomen tightly enough not to leave any space in between us. This close, full-body contact reminded me of the beach and what had happened then. I would've gladly recreated it had we not been in public.

She slid down and her shoes hit the pavement. Her fingers intertwined with mine as she led me forward.

*Time skip to next day*

Tendou jogged to catch up with me as I entered the gates of campus.

"Hey, how did the family friend go yesterday?" He inquired.

I should've known he would bring it up again. It's like him to always catch your weaknesses.


I wanted to end the matter as soon as possible.

"Oh, really? Did you decide on a gesture?"

"I made dinner for her."

"Nice, what did you cook?"

This kid was relentless.

"Just some recipe my mother suggested."

That must have satisfied him because he went on a different topic after.

*Tendou's POV*

I had a hunch Ushijima was hiding something. His replies were dry, even for him. Normally, he'd at least say more than just the answer to my questions.

I'd noticed signs of something behind the scenes between him and y/n recently, but I'd chosen not to say anything because I wasn't sure yet. Perhaps this "family friend" of his was just a cover story.

I'd get to the bottom of this one way or another.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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