Chapter 2: Needle Nose

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This is a filler chapter because I was still settling into the story. The real plot begins after this, so stick around!

*Your POV*

I was potting a plant on the porch when Ukai's car pulled into the driveway. He climbed out and shut his door before walking toward me with a look of concern. I greeted him warmly, but his expression didn't falter.

"So... the boys told me you payed them a little visit today." He stated.

"Well, your bag didn't magically appear there."

It was obvious where this was going, so I prepared myself for the protective fatherly talking-to I was about to receive.

"I learned an important detail about the event when I overheard them chatting in the locker room. You weren't even dressed."

"That is such an exaggeration. I was fully clothed. It's not like I was wearing a bikini." I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, come on, don't play stupid with me. You know what teenage boys are like. They're gross, and even I have trouble tolerating their... hormones." He shuttered.

"It's fine. At the very least, I boosted their morale." I joked.

He shook his head with a relaxed smile.

"I'd rather not think about it. Anyway, just wear clothes, okay?"

"I'll wear more clothes when you realize that I'm not responsible for the actions of men. They're big boys, so hold them accountable, not me." I replied, firm in my stance against the sexism he was conveying.

"I'm sorry, I just want to keep you safe." He apologized, hanging his head in shame.

"I know, and I love you for that. Now, come inside and have dinner. I made stir fry."

The next day, my best friend, Ciera, and I were at a mall. It was time to refresh my look. We were in a store looking at dresses when a girl with a face full of piercings walked by.

"Woah, did you see her?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, she was hot."

"Sure, but did you see her piercings? They looked very cool."

"Are you thinking of getting one?"

"I've wanted one for a while, but I've never pulled the trigger because I'm afraid it'll look bad on me."

"What? You'd look great! Why not? It's your body, and you have the money." She pointed out.

I drifted my eyes across the floor, pouting my lips.

"I mean... there's a shop nearby, and it wouldn't take long..."

"I mean..." She trailed off.

We stared at each other for a few seconds with pursed grins.

"Let's go."

Within twenty minutes, I was sitting in a chair, waiting for a needle to plunge into my face.

"Wait- am I actually doing this?" I questioned rhetorically.

"What if it hurts? What if I get an infection? What if-" My thoughts raced.

"Alright, ladies, how are we feelin' today?" The piercer asked us as she walked over to begin the process.

"Scared." I replied honestly.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It doesn't hurt that badly, and it'll be over before you know it."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. She lifted the tool, and my eyes shut tightly out of instinct. A few seconds later, they opened to see a receiving tube hanging off of my nostril.

"Almost there!" The woman exclaimed.

She was right. Within a moment, it was finished, and there was a ring hanging from the side of my nose.

"Oh my God. It looks so good!" Ciera cried, flailing her hands in excitement.

The employee handed me a mirror so I could examine the new addition. It did look good.

"Does it hurt?" Ciera asked.

"It's a little sore, but it's fine."

"Great, let's get a smoothie!"

"Gee, way to bask in my new awesomeness. You couldn't even give it a minute."

"Oh, please, you were plenty awesome before, and I'm thirsty, so let's get out of here."

I sighed, hopping down to follow her.

Once I'd arrived home, I walked through the front door and scanned the room.

"Mom!" I called out.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

I concealed the accessory with my hand and snuck up behind her.

"I might have done something today."

She could probably hear the smile in my words.

"What might this thing be?" She inquired.

I steadily revealed it and awaited her reaction. She stood there for a few seconds, assessing what it was that she was looking at, before her expression changed from shock to glee.

"Oh my gosh, y/n! I can't believe you did that! I kind of love it." She told me, slightly confused with herself.

"That's good. I thought you might be mad. You're not a regular mom. You're a cool mom."

"You're just now coming to this conclusion?" She joked with her fist resting on her hip.

"Do you have aftercare supplies?"

"Yup." I replied, lifting one of the many bags I was carrying.

"Good, take it from me, infections suck. I've had my fair share. You should get ready for bed. It's pretty late, and you've got a big day tomorrow." She suggested.

In agreement, I headed to my room. I took another look in the mirror for what might've been the hundredth time that day.

"Sexy." I complimented myself and began striking poses as if someone were taking my picture.

After getting ready and tucking myself in, thoughts and scenarios of only hours from now floated around my mind. I had a lot to think about. There was no way of knowing what would happen, and that was just the way I wanted it.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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