Chapter 52: 🍋!LEMON PT. 2!🍋

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⚠️This chapter includes explicit sexual content. If you aren't interested, skip to the next as this holds no plot value.⚠️

Warnings: Degradation, oral, vaginal, begging, hair-pulling, spanking.

Remember that this is a fantasy. I do not condone nor suggest unprotected sex.

*Your POV*

"Are you sure? I've got a lot of anger stored up right now. I might get carried away."

"Even better."

I was still conveniently wrapped around Ushijima, so he wasted no extra time in carrying me to the kitchen counter and setting me down. His strong arms tightened around my abdomen, causing my back to arch.

He hadn't calmed down from earlier, so all of his unadulterated fury remained with no place to go but inside of me. His eyes locked onto mine similarly to how a wolf targets its prey. There was an intimidating aura about him, one of focused aggression.

My hips were pulled forward to meet his, closing the space. I wiggled a bit, creating tantalizing friction over the fabric between us.

Our foreheads met, and in a low, sultry voice, he spoke, "Be patient, princess. I'll give it to you just the way you like it."

As dominant as he was at the moment, he was needy in a subtle way. Two hands traversed my chest desperately. Heavy breathing floated across my neck while he decorated my skin with sloppy kisses. Without retracting, he found and undid the buttons of my pants before lifting me long enough to slide them down and off.

I gasped as two fingers ran over the thin layer of my panties continuously, up and down in deliberate movements. Small whimpers escaped me when he started massaging circles over my clit. They were soft in pressure to match his tongue above.

"Ushi, please..."

He raised his head to whisper, "Begging already? What a horny slut you've come to be."

The fingers pushed the fabric away and slid themselves into the slick hole. I covered my mouth to hush myself, but he yanked my hand away.

"Let me hear you moan for me."

I could feel the smooth strokes against my inner walls making come-hither motions with his middle and ring finger while his thumb rubbed outside. They quickened, and my entire body stiffened from the pleasure. I rolled my pelvis in an attempt to assist in my own gratification, but he immediately removed himself, leaving me empty and whining.

"It's time you do something for me." He stated, placing me on my knees in front of him and leaning on the granite.

I knew exactly what he wanted, and truthfully, he deserved it.

I palmed the outline of his cock through his jeans. It wasn't difficult to tell that he was fully erect. I dragged the zipper down with my teeth, supporting myself by holding onto his bulging thighs. Tugging his boxers downward revealed a sight I'd been missing. I warmly greeted it by kitty-licking the tip teasingly. The shaky breath I received encouraged me to continue.

My tongue traced the sides of his length tauntingly for a bit until I finally dared to engulf what I could reach. My swirls and bobs made him grip the edge of the ledge with his head thrown back in ecstasy. He was clearly enjoying himself, but it wasn't enough.

I was suddenly forced down farther so that I was deep-throating the rest of the inches. A husky groan echoed throughout the house while he face-fucked me to his liking. My gags seemed to please him. He gritted his teeth when I began playing with his balls.

"I can't wait any longer. Get up." He commanded

I did as I was told, and I was immediately folded over the counter. He kicked my legs apart at the feet and traced over my entrance to spread the wetness I'd collected.

"Tell me how badly you want it, baby."

"I want it, please..."

"I know you can do better than that."

"Please! I need it. I need you."

That was all it took. Without warning, he plunged into me. I moaned loudly at the sudden action. There were only a few seconds to adjust before the main event commenced.

"Fuck," He swallowed, "did you get tighter?"

I couldn't respond before he pulled my hair, mercilessly pounding like a machine. I couldn't believe that he'd actually been taking it easy on me the first time. My involuntary wriggling earned a rough smack to the ass that caused me to jump.

"Quit squirming and take it like the whore you are." He growled.

The minutes passed in a passionate blur, and a tear streamed down my cheek.

"Aww, don't tell me I'm over-stimming you. Now I've got to go even harder."

He held true to his word, and his performance somehow intensified. The thrusts became faster and deeper. He hit my g-spot repeatedly, and I didn't know if I could last much longer. My eyes closed, and listened to the slapping that filled the room like white noise.

"I'm gonna..."

"I know."

My wrists were pinned behind me, his single hand acting as an inescapable cuff. It created a perfect leverage to jerk me backward for each pump. I felt the contractions building gradually until I reached my unmistakable orgasm.

"Ushi-" I cut myself off with cries as my body convulsed with waves of euphoria.

"Yeah, princess, squeeze that cute little pussy."

He rode his own climax out inside of me with his chin in the crook of my neck, panting into my ear. Cum dribbled onto the floor, and everything came to a slow and sensual stop.

"You did so well." He praised, placing a peck on my shoulder.

When I was able to stand, we exchanged a loving kiss. I bent over to grab my clothes, and he spanked me once more with a smirk, taking pride in the fact that it nearly knocked me over.

"It isn't a volleyball, you know." I raised an eyebrow with a smile.

"Does that mean I don't get to practice with it?" He joked.

"You can do whatever you want."

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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