Chapter 55: Significantly Special

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The title picture is especially important in this chapter. Please, click and enjoy!

*Your POV*

"Talk?" I questioned with a distressed pinch in the center of my eyebrows.

Ushijima couldn't be breaking up with me. Nothing between us had gone wrong. There was no reason, at least not that I knew of. Perhaps something had happened in the many hours he wasn't responding, something horrible, something that had put our relationship in jeopardy. My mild panic was cut off by a second text.

Ushijima: Are you able to meet me?

You: Yes, where?

Ushijima: *Address*

You: I'm on my way.

Without delay, I departed for the mystery destination. When my GPS informed me of my arrival, I didn't identify any obvious location to go.

You: I don't see you.

Ushijima: Go to the top of the hill.

"Hill... hill... what hill?" I mumbled.

I traveled farther down the road until the small mountain he was referring to came into sight. I couldn't see the top through the surrounding tree leaves, but I started upward nonetheless.

It was a pleasant journey. I thoroughly enjoyed the natural scenery along the way. Wildflowers decorated the grass in violet patches. The man-made path was straight for the most part, but near the end, it curved in a corkscrew pattern. By now, I'd surpassed the canopy below, but it looked like I was at the top.

I finally took the last step and saw, yards ahead, a lone man sitting on a brown wooden bench. I didn't have to wonder. I instantly recognized the back of his figure to be the one I'd come to meet.

"Ushi." I called from behind.

He turned only his head to acknowledge my presence.

"Please, come."

As I approached, he scooted over even though I had ample space.

"I warmed it for you. It's a bit chilly. I also brought this jacket in case you found yourself cold."

I chuckled at his simple acts of consideration and took the now available section beside him. It was very quiet here. Nobody else was around to witness the serenity of the suburban night. There was subtle electricity being emitted. What it was from, I don't know.

"This is spot is so beautiful." I commented, taking in the amazing visual beauty.

"I've come here many times to think. I deemed it worthy to present to you."

He was always so adoring in the way he spoke of me. It made me feel beyond special to be the only one he saw in a world full of people chanting out his name. However, I couldn't shake the anxiety that had built up.

"Please, tell me what's going on." I requested.

He stared off into a faraway place. It took a moment for his low, solemn voice to emerge, but when it did, my worries increased.

"I've had a lot to think about today, longer than that actually."

The little amount of information created an array of questions that I could only hope he'd be willing to answer.

"There was evaluation to be done regarding my choices, and I've come to some conclusions." He took a steady breath before continuing, "Firstly, I'm going to try to make progress with my parental relationships."

I portrayed surprise. It was unexpected that he would make such an effort despite the things I'd learned through our lengthy conversations in the past. From my current knowledge, I would've assumed he'd want to distance himself from both of them.

"It's essential that I work through the familial issues that inhabit my mind. I already know that I'm negatively affected by what I've experienced, but I can't bear the thought of carrying that burden with me forever. It's best for everyone involved if I handle my troubles."

"How do you intend to do that?"

"My mother has agreed to sign up for therapy sessions with me where a professional can assist. As for my father, I'm going to find him."

"Find him?" I widened my eyes, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"No, I'm not, but I don't think I can move on without it."

He clenched his jaw, forming a shallow dimple by his ear. There was a dark aura about him that I'd never seen before. It was safe to assume that this was very important to him and that he'd contemplated it carefully.

"Secondly, I'm going to continue playing volleyball after high school as I've always planned."

"What brought that up? You've been so sure since I've met you."

"I had to ask myself what I truly valued, what I wanted my life to look like long into the future. A part of me thought that I might be better off in a more stable occupation, but I realized that the only way I'd ever find true security is by following my dream. If I allow my passion to act as a guide, I'll be content."

"That's a wonderful sentiment, one that I can wholeheartedly agree with."

His lengthy gaze lowered slightly, but his earnest expression didn't waver. There was more to hear, so I awaited his words.

"That leads me to my third point. When I was picturing the years that lay ahead of me and what they contained, other than volleyball, there was another key component that appeared in every vision,"

He finally looked at me, really looked at me. A nearby lampost illuminated his olive-green eyes, and I stared deeply into them, noting the exact details. The golden rings surrounding the webbing of his iris led to the center where I watched his pupil dilate.


My entire body tensed while my face softened.

"I imagined every condition, changing factors of every kind I could possibly think of, just to be sure, but no matter what, I always saw you. You're what I truly value."

He took my hand in his, holding it with gentle longing, and spoke three words I'd remember until the day I died.

"I love you."

Shock washed over, and I froze, but that didn't halt the overwhelming grin that I gradually manifested. Without hesitation, I sprung forward to embrace him in one of the most meaningful hugs I'd ever give.

"I love you too." I whispered into the crook of his neck through tears.

We squeezed each other tightly as if one would disappear, but he eventually released in preparation to present something.

"If you'll have it, I'd like to give you this."

He reached into his pocket and extracted an object too small for me to see until it was being placed over my finger, and the shock proceeded.

"It's a promise ring, a family heirloom."

I wiped my watery cheeks and examined the precious jewelry. Wrapped around my skin was a simple silver band with a single diamond in the middle.

"Is that... real?" I asked in astonishment.

"Yes, my great grandfather first found it and had it appraised to find it's worth estimated to be-"

"Wait," I interrupted, "I don't want to know. It's already priceless to me."

"So are you."

He smiled and planted a kiss on my forehead. We both turned back to the iridescent city lights, and he pulled me close to him with one arm. I rested against his chest, absorbing the heat he offered. Never would I feel this way about another person.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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