Chapter 23: Strengthening Ties

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*Your POV*

What Ushijima had done and said had flustered me, and when that happens, I become jumpy and excited. It often makes me act a little strange because I can't get a hold of my nerves.

I used the walk back to the parking lot to calm myself down. Unfortunately, the man himself was accompanying me along with a few others who'd driven, so I couldn't completely relax.

I successfully reached the cars where we said our goodbyes, and I drove home.

*Time skip to science the next day*

"We're going to be starting our next unit today, so take out paper and a pencil for notes." The teacher instructed.

He clicked through a slideshow presentation, going over the information we needed to know.

After we'd gotten to where we were stopping for the day, he handed out a small assignment to practice what we'd learned.

"Can we work with a partner?" A student asked to which the teacher approved.

"Want to be partners?" I asked Bashira.

She agreed, and we began working.

She picked it up quickly. I assumed it was because we'd preemptively gone over the material yesterday.

After third hour, Ushijima and I walked to the cafeteria and sat down once we'd purchased our lunch.

"My side hurts..." Tendou groaned while rubbing his abdomen.

"Are your battle wounds acting up?" I joked.

"I suppose that's just the life of a warrior." Yamagata commented.

"What are you guys talking about?" Uchida inquired.

I certainly didn't want to talk to her, so I allowed someone else to answer.

"Tendou and some random kid at the park were fighting with sticks." Semi said.

He proceeded to describe yesterday's events. I wished he'd hadn't mentioned my name in the process because I knew that would catch Uchida's attention, especially because she wasn't there herself.

Come to think of it, Uchida was never with the group when we hung out. I wondered if they disliked her or if she just didn't fit in comfortably with them. Either way, I was glad I didn't have to deal with her more often.

At practice later, I decided to ask Semi about it.

He and I had swiftly become particularly good friends. He was intelligent and offered valuable counsel. He was also an excellent listener. When I spoke to him, I could tell that he was really paying attention.

Additionally, he was the only other person who knew about my situation with that jealous roach, so he was the best person to go to.

I approached him when he wasn't busy or around snooping ears and asked, "Hey, what does the team think about Uchida? I've noticed that you all treat me far differently than her."

He caught the ball that he had thrown into the air and turned to me before replying.

"Well, she isn't exactly pleasant. Even before you came around, she was demanding, whiny, and overly flirtatious. Spending over nine hours a week with her plus school time is already enough for me. I'm sure the others would agree."

"I see. So, I'm not too annoying to hang out with?"

"Duh, we actually enjoy your presence."

"Aww, I don't hate being around you guys either."

"How touching, I'll write that down in my book of comforting words."

When I got home, Bashira and I were texting. It had started off with exchanging thoughts on the science work from earlier, but the topic shifted to us talking as friends. We were getting to know each other more through real conversation.

I'd always had a love for deeper discussion. Light fluffy talks bored me and made me feel like an imposter.

I wasn't interested in people's plans for later or what their favorite sport was. No, I wanted to know their fears, what brings them true joy, why they were alive. That's how you really find a person's true self.

It helped that I was such an open and direct person. I knew what I wanted, and I wasn't afraid to ask.

We were still fairly new to each other, so we weren't on a very meaningful level yet, but it was better than just what her favorite food was.

I was just telling her that I was going to go and make dinner when I received a message from someone else.

I glanced at the top of my screen, surprised by the name beside the notification.

Oikawa: Hey ^.^

"Why is he texting me?" I thought.

You: ●_●?

Oikawa: That's no way to greet your favorite Seijoh player

You: I prefer Iwaizumi actually

Oikawa: There's nothing to gain from lying to yourself you know

You: That's why I don't °⌣°

Oikawa: People are only mean to me because they want to be me ~(^з^)~

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

You: So can I help you with something, or are you just desperate for my attention?

Oikawa: Wow, so harsh? Can't we just chat like the pals we are?

You: Not when I know you want something ಠ_ಠ

Oikawa: Oh fine, since you apparently have no regard for humoring me, I'm inviting you

You: ...Care to tell me what to?

Oikawa: Oh! Sorry, I didn't want to bother you with more words

You: Oh my- you are SO dramatic. Just tell me already, you big baby

Oikawa: If you MUST know, I'm inviting you to a party that I'm hosting at my house. All of the volleyball teams in the area will be there, and you ARE a manager so that includes you of courseヾ( ~▽~)ツ ♪

You: Great! I'll be able to see Iwa again

I enjoyed teasing him because I knew I'd actually get a reaction.

Oikawa: Who cares about stupid Iwa-chan when you've got me?

You: Mmm, I like him more

Oikawa: You're just saying that because you're fighting your feelings for me. It's okay. You can admit them <3

You: The day I have feelings for you is the day I wear plaid cargo shorts

Oikawa: Yeah, yeah, you won't be saying that when you see how cool and hot I am

You: Can you just give me the details so I can stop talking to you

Oikawa: Hurtful- 7:00 at *address* this Saturday

You: I'll mark it on the calendar, okay?

Oikawa: Wear something sexy!

You: BYE-

As an introvert, social gatherings gave me anxiety. I didn't like the pressure of keeping up appearances for long periods of time.

Even so, I was somewhat excited but mostly just to meet other teams off the court before we faced them later on.

I plugged my phone in to charge and went to sleep.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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