Chapter 58: Sandy Spirits

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*Your POV*

"Okay, now that we're all done unpacking, what does everyone want to do?" Semi asked.

"I want to see the beach!" Yamagata exclaimed before dashing toward the patio door.

"Well, I can't argue with that."

I called out to the spiky brown-haired boy before he could get too far. He turned and waited for me to speak.

"I just wanted to say... the last one to the water has to do the dishes tonight!"

"That's not fair!" He yelled, but I'd already started running.

My body sliced through the humid, afternoon air, creating a salty breeze against my skin. I could smell the ocean in front of me, but I longed to feel it. Picking up my pace, I sprinted under the warmth of the sun until I felt the cool sensation engulf my feet. It was a glorious commencement of the fun I'd have in the coming days.

Seconds after me, Yamagata messily entered the water alongside me, effectively splashing my clothing in the process.

"Hey, watch the tsunami!"

"That's for tricking me. I would've won, you know."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself." I snickered.

The beach was spacious, the sand, light and clean. It was definitely important for business that the area be appealing. I spent time exploring whatever I could find, drift wood, seashells, even a crab here and there. When I returned to the congregated area, I found Goshiki and Ohira building a castle. It was surprisingly large for how short I'd been gone.

"Y/n, come look at this!" Goshiki summoned.

I knelt to get a better view of the features they'd included. The structure was far more advanced than I would've made it. There were doors, windows, towers, and, of course, a bridge to cross the moat.

"We've finished most everything except for the flag." He said, pointing to the top.

I searched my brain for ideas before suddenly leaving to find a stray leaf. When I came back, I pulled a lolipop stick out of my pocket and threaded the leaf through the hole. I poked the finished product into the middle tower.

"Ta-da!" I gestured.

"Perfect! You should help us build the surrounding villagers' houses."

I happily agreed and stayed with them for another hour. All the while, the other boy didn't speak much. He seemed reserved. When I stopped to think about it, I realized that he'd always been this way, especially around me. I decided I'd talk to him about it later.

Semi and Bashira were laying far away from the others, so I figured it best not to disturb them. Instead, I approached my own special person from behind and latched onto his arm. He was standing alone.

"What are you doing?" I inquired.

"Watching Tendou."

I scanned the area, not seeing him anywhere. I noticed Ushijima's eyes glued far above us, and it wasn't until I tilted my gaze there too that I saw a redhead sliding himself across the trunk of a leaning palm tree. My jaw dropped, and my eyes widened at the sight. He must've been forty feet up.

"Tendou, what the hell are you doing? You're going to fall and put yourself in a hospital!" I shouted.

"You worry needlessly! I used to do this all the time as a kid. People made bets on how far I'd get, and the money I saved payed for any medical treatment I needed as I improved. Now, I'm basically a monkey!"

I tried to wrap my head around how odd this guy was, but it was no use. No matter how hard I thought about it, I'd never be able to figure out how he'd managed to live this long without breaking his neck or getting roped into a secret drug cartel.

"Please, come down. I don't want to see you hurt."

"Don't worry! I'm almost there!"

"Almost there?" I mumbled in confusion.

I spectated as the daredevil reached the top of the tree, causing it to tilt even farther than it was before, nearly touching the ground. As if this were a cartoon, he hung off by his two hands for a second before letting go and landing only a few feet below. The spot he'd been snapped back into place.

"I have to admit, that was a ten out of ten performance. You really stuck the landing." I stated with a cocked eyebrow.

"Do you want to see me do it again?"

"No, you wild child!"

He chuckled maniacally and skipped away.

"What am I going to do with him?" I asked rhetorically.

"Leash." Ushijima suggested.

I rolled my eyes and dragged my boyfriend with me to walk along the shore.

"This reminds me of a certain time you and I were at the beach alone." He commented.

I turned to see that he'd fixed his vision on the sand in front of him with a relaxed smile. I squeezed his hand lightly. The mild waves rolled in and out repeatedly in hyptonizing motions.

"I still can't believe you undressed in front of me the way you did."

"Don't pretend you didn't love it." I teased.

"It was so unexpected. I didn't know how to react."

I scoffed, "Didn't know how to react? Please, you were far too flirty afterwards to have been flustered. I mean, come on, you had me ready to jump into the ocean just to cool off."

"Me? What about you, Ms. I'm going to straddle you and then prance away all innocent? You know what you did. I was thinking about you all night."

I bit my bottom lip knowingly. It was true. Of course, I had been trying to drive him crazy. Confirmation that it had worked was pleasing to the ear.

"Oh, yeah? What were you doing while thinking of me, huh?"

He fell silent in embarrassment.

"What's wrong, pussy got your tongue?"

He whipped his head around at my words, and I prepared for his.

"I'd watch yours if you want to spend any time outside of our bedroom this week."

"Don't tempt me, lover boy."

I nuzzled the tips of our noses together lovingly. When I pulled away, he slapped my ass simply to get a rise out of me. Just like the other times, I jumped a bit, and he smirked at his effect. I wondered how long it would be until he and I found time to ourselves. I knew the wait would be well worth it.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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