Chapter 24: Law Of Attraction

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*Your POV*

I'd convinced myself that today was going to be a good day.

I had my favorite breakfast. My hair and makeup had turned out particularly well. I was completely caught up on my homework. The sun was shining and warming the air outside. Every good thing was lining up.

I spotted the group standing by the vending machines and skipped over to them like a child to jump onto Tendou's back knowing that he'd be able to support himself without tipping.

"Woah," He responded, steadying himself and turning his head to me, "what's gotten into you?"

"I'm just happy!" I exclaimed.

"Any special reason?"

"Nope, there's just no reason not to be!"

I slid down his body and returned to the ground.

"I hope it's contagious because Yamagata needs some of that right about now."

"Why? What's going on?" I asked to which Yamagata sighed and replied.

"My car is giving me trouble again. This is the third time this week." I can't figure out what's wrong with it, and the bills are adding up."

"Remember how I told you guys that my mom is an auto repair technician? She could look at it for you. She's got years of experience and gets great reviews. It's fine if you'd rather not bring it into a shop though." I offered.

"I've been meaning to have a professional look at it anyway. Where does she work?"

"Sendai, I could give you the address if you want it."

"Yeah, that would be great, thank you! I'll stop by today."

I texted him the location on the spot before I forgot.

"What time do you think you'll come around?" I asked.

"Mmm... four?"

"Okay, I'll let my mom know. I'll probably go over there myself just to hangout."

"Cool, I'll text you then."

After school, I worked on my assignments for a while. When I noticed the time, I grabbed my things and left the house. I was still on my 'good-day-high', so I blasted my favorite songs on the ride over.

The shop came into view, so I turned the speakers down before parking.

"Mom!" I called out as I entered through the back door.

"Over here!" Her voice echoed.

I found her tucked away under a truck near the back.

"Hey, you grease monkey." I greeted her.

"Hi, sweetie, guess what came in today?"


She slid out and walked over to a table where a tool lied. She held it up.

"Is that the new one you mentioned to me this week?"

She nodded and proceeded to inform me all about how it would be used.

I was listening for a minute before I felt a buzz.

Yamagata: Are you at the shop already? I'm outside

You: Yep, I'll be there in a second

"He's here." I told her.

Sure enough, he was leaning against his hood when I waved.

I brought him into the back to introduce him to my mother. They chatted for a while but eventually shifted their focus to the troubles he was experiencing.

She took a look at it and did what she does best. The problem was diagnosed, and he was instructed to leave it overnight which left him without a vehicle, but I'd already planned on that.

I offered him a ride back to his place to which he gratefully accepted.

We chatted about light subjects, nothing deep. He was a well-rounded guy who liked rock music, tigers, and the way tea screeches when it boils.

He seemed more extroverted and lively than the others except for Tendou. That manifested itself when he talked about rock climbing for ten minutes without a breath.

He wasn't rude and overbearing though. There was a balance of passion and self-awareness.

I dropped him off and went back to my house where I discovered my uncle sitting on the front step, seemingly waiting for me.

I approached him and questioned what he was doing outside.

"There's something I want to show you. Close your eyes." He told me.

He left me by the entryway while he went inside for a few seconds. When I heard his footsteps again, he allowed me to open.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. There, held closely in his arms, was a medium-sized, fluffy dog.

My mouth hung open in shock.

"You got a dog?" I asked excitedly.

"He's a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, or at least that's what the lady at the shelter told me, just a year old."

He handed me the animal, and I held him up like Simba before cradeling him like a baby.

"Since when did you want a pet?" I questioned.

"I don't know... it just seemed like the thing to do. I mean there are so many of 'em locked up and waitng for owners, I just felt bad. Those donation commercials got to me."

"Well, I'm glad they did. What's it's name?"

"I haven't come up with one yet, any ideas?"

"I think we should get to know him first."

"Sure, you can decide whenever you think you're ready."

I ran around the yard, paws chasing close after me. It had a lot of energy, more than I did. I struggled to keep up.

The rest of my night was spent playing with it in the living room while movies ran in the background.

Apparenly, wishful thinking does attract good in the world.

When I went to bed, he curled up by my feet as if he'd done it forever. Too bad I'd have to get used to fur on my sheets. It was worth it though.

When I woke up the next morning, Bashira had texted me several times in hopes that I'd be awake early enough to read them.

With blurry morning-vision, I clicked on the messages, and yesterday's fantastic bubble had burst.

Bashira: Do you know a girl named Uchida Namika?

Bashira: I'm at school early right now, and I just overheard some shit between her and some girls

Bashira: She's planning on "getting back at you", but I don't know the details

You: Just woke up, wtf?

Bashira: Honestly, idek

Bashira: I don't think the other girls were really a part of it, but they sure as hell weren't stopping her

You: Did you hear anything else?

Bashira: She didn't get into it

Bashira: What's going on with you two?

You: Ughhhhh I'll tell you about it in class(◔_◔)

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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