Chapter 53: Mother's Home

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*Ushijima's POV*

That was amazing. The sensation was unlike anything I'd ever felt. I now knew why Tendou frequently talked about how badly he wanted a blowjob. If it weren't for the boundary of privacy, I'd brag to him.

Our collective liquids had created a small puddle on the floor, so I cleaned up while she dressed. Once we'd finished, I brought her to the sofa. I laid vertically, enclosing her body with mine in a possessive embrace. The sex acted as a reaffirmation of our secure relationship, but I still felt the need to keep her close to me.

The space was quiet and calm, the scent of lavender emitting from a diffuser in the corner. Our breathing slowed together until our chests rose and fell in steady movements. Even in her sleep, she'd wiggle occasionally. I hoped a pleasant dream was playing in her mind, one of me.

My peace was cut short by the jingle of keys. My jolt awoke the sleeping beauty, but I caressed her arm in an anxious attempt to soothe her.

"What is it?" She murmured with mild confusion.

"My mother is home."

She shot up, the sleep that had clung to her eyes suddenly disappearing.

"Huh?" She questioned loudly, but I didn't have time to answer.

The front door opened to reveal a woman of petite stature attired in a black fitted pantsuit and minimalistic silver jewelry. Her sleek bob concealed a part of the phone held at her ear with one pristinely manicured hand, her briefcase in the other. As soon as she noticed me, she also became aware of the strange girl lying next to her son.

"I'll call you back."

Without waiting for a response, she pressed the button to end the conversation.

"Wakatoshi, who is this person in my house?" She asked coldly.

She had always been a critical individual. Regardless of my best efforts to please her, I always seemed to fail in some respect. When I was young, my obedience was based on the belief that if I was good enough, I'd receive the approval I so yearned for. I thought that if I just did what she wanted, I could finally attain her affection.

I'd learned that directing my life according to her will was futile, so I began leading myself with my own happiness in mind. Unfortunately, that didn't bode well for the way she felt about me. Our relationship swiftly shifted to a tone more ill-disposed.

She hated my father, and in her mind, I was becoming just like him by throwing my life away for volleyball instead of becoming the successor to her company. The comparison between me and him was especially hurtful because of my own distaste for the man. Being related to him and his reprehensible deeds was disheartening.

Over the years, I'd strengthened my resoluteness in the face of her reproach, but that didn't stop the hair on the back of my neck from tingling when she entered the room.

"This is y/n, my girlfriend."

She must've deciphered that already and was simply asserting control over the situation by pointing out that we were under her roof.

"Ah, this the one you've been running around with lately. Is that right?"

Her belittling word choice was unnerving, but I ignored it knowing she was out for a reaction. Y/n was first to stand up from the couch.

"Hello, Mrs. Ushijima. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said, extending her hand warmly.

The woman made no movement, causing the tension to heighten.

"Ms." She corrected with the intention of making y/n unsure of herself because insecure people are easier to dominate.

"My apologies, Ms. Ushijima." The girl rectified and retracted her hand without her external confidence wavering, seemingly unbothered.

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