Chapter 65: Date Pt. 4

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*Ushijima's POV*

"I just love you so much."

Her bottom lip pursed into a pouted smile, and she made some sort of cute squeal in response.

I was still getting used to saying those words, and she was still getting used to hearing them from me at least. They held wondrous magic, something I'd never felt before. I didn't want to say it too casually for fear of dampening the special effect.

"I love you too."

She pulled my hand into hers, clasping the two together into what I thought of as a locket of affection. Her skin was just as smooth as the first time I'd ever felt it fully. I reminisced the memory of my scaring her in the gym that night. When I'd helped her to her feet then, a part of me didn't want to let go.


I was separated from my thoughts by the sound of her addressing me.


She chuckled, "You're squeezing pretty hard."

I suddenly became aware of my tightness. I guessed my possessiveness had physically manifested. I apologized politely and caressed the top of her thumb with mine.

"I'd like to take you somewhere after this."

She raised her eyebrows in question before verbalizing her intrigue.

"May I ask where that is, or should I wait so as not to spoil the surprise?"

"I wouldn't call it a surprise so much as a nice experience."

"But we're already having one! How could today be any better?" She joked.

"Just wait and see."

We finished our drinks, and I set the empty cups in the designated space for used dishes. She told me to lead the way, so I did just that.

We wound through streets that were occupied with the busy movement of people out shopping for the upcoming holidays. Blocks were bustling, but the surrounding snow absorbed the echo, maintaining the relative quiet of December.

It was pleasant to watch families walking with their children, couples out and about, single ones that held bags full of gifts no doubt. My mood matched that of the bright, warm light that shone from stores.

Eventually, the entrance to a park came into view. That was where I was headed. I'd looked at the place on Google Maps the previous day to validate that it was suitable for my standards. Once I'd approved the location, I traced the outline of a path in my mind. I always liked to plan things, especially when it came to her. She was more worthy of care than my other affairs.

I took her down the paved walkway that led further into the secluded wooded area. I wanted it to be peaceful in comparison to the public atmosphere we'd been in all day. We traveled alongside one another under the remnants of a now frosted canopy, thin branches doing little to shade the moonlight that cascaded.

I glanced at her from the corner of my eye to sneak a peek at her beauty. I must not have been very covert because, after a few seconds, she turned her head to meet my gaze.

"What is it?" She asked with a light voice.

I stopped walking to stare at her, really stare. Her clothes, body, hair, facial features, all of it was so alluring. I just couldn't help being drawn to her. The force between us was magnetic, and I know she felt it too. The only thing I could think of was how close I wanted to be.

"Toshi, what is it?"

"I love you."

"You already said that today..."

"I wanted to say it again because I thought of it again."

Her expression was one of understanding. It was as though all of our feelings for each other were collected between us. I couldn't hide any of them, and I didn't want to. In fact, I had this insuppressible urge to share everything, every part of me, for the simple reason that I wanted us to become one. If I could just join us together, I'd be eternally content.

"Well, I love you too still."

"Do you promise?"

I hadn't meant for that to slip out. It was a sign of my personal attachment issues, and they had no place here. I was supposed to leave all of that behind when I was with her. She would get rid of it, banish it from ever returning. I just needed it to go away.

"I promise."

That was it. That was all I needed, unconditional affection. I didn't have to earn it or work for it. I didn't have to question whether it was sincere. It was true, and it was for me, for us. I could trust that I was safe and secure. There was no way I couldn't have fallen in love with her.

I smiled with relief, and we continued on our way until the trees gave way to a clear sky. We stood near the railed edge of a small cliff that overlooked the natural scenery of a forest. There were only dark greens, blues, and browns to be seen for miles. Serenity overcame any other emotions I may have had as I took in the landscape.

She broke the silence, "I still have no idea what I'm going to do after high school."

"Will you go to a college?"

"I've applied to a few, but I just don't know what the right decision is. It will have an impact no matter where I go, but that could be good or bad depending on what I choose. I'm not even overthinking either. It really is something I have to deeply contemplate."

"That's true, but I believe you'll be successful whether you go somewhere prestigious or skip it entirely. The goal is just to be happy, so what do you need to do in order for that to happen?"

She pondered for a bit before answering.

"I'll have to do some more soul searching."

Comfortable silence resumed. A soft momentary breeze swept across the scattered leaves on the ground, sending them into a miniature tornado.

"The only thing assured about my future is you."

Her meaningful words settled into the depths of my heart. I noticed the light reflecting from the facets of the promise ring she wore. It was a reminder of how lucky I'd managed to become. She outshined any of my past or coming accomplishments. The title of importance rested with her.

My arm wrapped around her right side to pull it into my embrace. Our respective heat became indistinguishable as it merged. Holding the irreplaceable person that I'd give my life for without hesitation was surreal, almost unbelievable. it was difficult to fathom the fact that she was present, right then and there, existing at the same time in human history as me. Through whatever force, we'd found each other.

I'd never lose her.

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