Chapter 14: Leveling Up

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*Your POV*

Ushijima and I entered the living room to find everyone where we'd left them.

"Hey, what took you two so long?" Semi asked.

"Just hangin' out." I replied.

"Is that all?" Yamagata questioned, unconvinced.

I teased, "Why, you jealous? Don't worry, there's enough of me to go around. I plan on getting to know all of you better."

That seemed to reassure him.

"What did you guys do while we were gone?" I added.

"Goshiki told us he's a sub." Tendou said casually.

"I did not! I never said that, you liar!" Goshiki blurted.

"What do you call, 'I just think bell-bottom jeans should come back', huh?"

I let out a wheeze and stated, "I don't think we needed his opinion on pant cuts to figure that out."

"What? How would you know?" He shouted.

I shrugged and replied, "I have a gift for that sort of thing."

"Ooh, ooh, what am I?" Tendou called.

"I'm not doing this."



"Oh come on!"


"Just tell me!" He begged, throwing his head back in desperation.

"Fine! Power switch."

"Ha, I'm impressed."

"Doesn't take much with you." I remarked playfully.

"What's Ushiwaka?" He asked, pushing his limits.

"Satori!" I snapped.

Though the rest of Ushijima's face was straight, his eyes had widened, and he had looked away from me.

We finished the night with a movie, some horror film about a monster taking over peoples' minds. It was decent, but I couldn't stifle a laugh when one of the annoying characters was eaten.

The end credits ran, and Kawanishi went to the bathroom.

I snuck up to the side of the door and waited with my arms retracted to scare him. The others watched me and snickered knowingly.

The water ceased and it went quiet. The door opened and his foot emerged. That was my cue.

I popped out with my hands in his face and yelled, "Ahh!"

He jumped and bumped his head on the top of the door frame.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I tended through a laugh.

He chuckled and assured me that he was fine. I patted his head and apologized.

"We should probably get going." I yawned.

"Yeah, us too. We've got school in the morning." Shirabu said.

The furniture was moved back to its original position, and I put my shoes on.

The other guests were already outside, but before I trailed after them, I placed a hand on Ushijima's upper arm.

"Thanks for allowing me over. I really enjoyed tonight." I told him.

He obviously observed the physical contact making me pull away shyly. His eyes followed my hand as it retracted.

He offered a warm smile with closed eyes.

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