Chapter 20: Confront And Confide

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*Your POV*

I stirred my noodles absentmindedly at lunch, thinking about nothing of importance. I was snapped out of my head when Kawanishi nudged my shoulder.

"Y/n?" He questioned.

"Sorry, I zoned out. What are we talking about?"

"The contest, we were asking you what it was like since Ushijima won't give up many details." He replied.

"Oh, it was pretty crowded. There were some very cool pieces there. Other than the art itself, it wasn't very noteworthy."

"What happened after they announced the winners."

"We just got his ribbon and left."

I thought back to my time under the cherry blossom tree with Ushijima and the flower he'd put in my hair. I subconsciously pulled my front strands behind my ear.

They continued to discuss the matter while I reverted to twisting food around my chopsticks. I replayed the memory, imagining his fingers still reaching for me.

The bell eventually sounded. I began walking toward one of the exits, but I was apprehended when someone abruptly pulled me behind a wall in an unpopular section of the hallway.

"What the hell?" I yelled at Uchida who was still tightly gripping my wrist.

I ripped myself out of her grasp but planted the rest of my body firmly where it stood.

"What's your deal?" I added.

"You know damn well what my deal is. You seemed to have forgotten about our little chit-chat from before while you were out snatching up what's mine."

Her face was contorted into a weak scowl.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding." I rolled my eyes incredulously.

"You don't own him. He doesn't belong to you. Whether or not I'm even interested in him is none of your business. You have no say in my personal affairs nor my right to pursue who I wish." I retorted.

"Do you honestly think he would go for some cocky bitch like you? You're nothing to him."

My tone flipped like a switch, and I suddenly became devious. My face relaxed into a devilish smirk.

I lowered my head to meet her eye line as I spoke in a low voice, savoring her squirming as I inched uncomfortably closer with every word.

"If I was nothing, you wouldn't feel so insecure when I sit with him, when I talk to him, when I touch him. You're afraid to lose something you never even had, and that makes you all the more pathetic."

I slowly retracted, holding victorious eye contact. She was dumbfounded, giving her no other option than to watch me saunter away.

*Time skip to practice*

"Hey, Semi, can I talk to you?"

"What's up?" He inquired, sitting down on the bleachers with me.

"Remember when we were in the library, and we talked about Uchida being an issue? You told me to inform you if the situation worsened, and it has."

"What changed?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"She confronted me in the hallway after lunch, telling me again to stay away from Ushijima. It was pitiful, but I put her back into place and left. What changed is she's become more aggressive and less concerned with keeping up appearances. A behavioral shift like that usually indicates an increasing severity, wouldn't you agree?"

He nodded and replied, "I'm glad you told me. Someone besides you should know what she's up to. It's good that you're standing up for yourself, but are you sure there isn't more to be done? If she gives up on being publically discreet, this could get out of hand."

"As much as I'd love to leave this in someone else's care, I'm not convinced it would be as simple as telling a school authority. Even if I did, I doubt that would put an end to it."

"You're probably right."

He sighed sympathetically before continuing.

"Just stay level-headed, okay? Don't let her influence you to do something you'll regret, and keep me updated if anything else happens."

I thanked him, and he jogged back to the court, leaving me to ponder how best to handle this.

*Time skip to after practice*

"See ya!" I called out to the team before heading for the sidewalk.

I'd decided to walk to school for a change. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining through the clouds, and there wasn't any wind.

"Mind if I join you?" Someone voiced from behind me.

I fearfully whipped around to see who it was in case a stranger had approached me, but I was worried for naught.

"No, not at all." I replied.

Ushijima caught up and took his place beside me.

"You don't live this way." I pointed out.

"You do. You shouldn't be alone."

"I suppose I should thank you then."

"You shouldn't. It was the right thing to do." He told me.

"Okay, I won't."


There was a moment of quiet while our feet tapped against the concrete in unison. I tried my best to repress a smile, but it was overpowering.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Is that okay?"

I gave him a confused expression, unsure of what he was referring to.

"What do you mean? Is what okay?"

"Not knowing why you're happy."

"Of course, while there is a reason for every joy, it doesn't necessarily need to be understood."

He seemed to mull my words over before speaking.

"I'm happy now, and I don't know why." He said plainly.

I didn't bother to press into that comment. Instead, I allowed him to sit with it in hopes that he'd do the math himself.

We soon reached my street, and I wished I'd lived farther away. My feet began to drag a bit in an attempt to slow us down, but my efforts didn't stop my driveway from appearing.

"Thank y- I mean... we're here." I caught myself.

"This is where you live?"He asked as he ran his eyes over the side of the house.

"Mhmm, it's not big like yours, but it's cozy."

"Big houses aren't always better. I like little ones."

"Maybe you'll see the inside some time." I told him.

"That would be nice. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Right, bye."


I walked to the front door and turned one last time to see him waiting for me to enter safely. We waved at each other, and he jogged away.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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