Chapter 37: Motherly Monitor

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*Your POV*

Tendou finding out about the relationship was a minor blow. As wacky as he was, I trusted him deeply.

Once we reached my property, I asked Ushijima if he wanted to come inside to which he agreed. I led him through the entryway where he tucked his sneakers in a corner politely.

"It looks much different compared to the last time I saw it." He commented.

All of the furniture had been situated, and our belongings were spread around in a true homely manner.

"Do you want anything to drink? We've got water, normal or sparkling, lemonade, orange juice, and oat milk." I listed off.

"Water is fine, thank you. Can you put three ice cubes in it please?"

"Sure, but why three?"

"It's the right number." He replied nonchalantly.

I chuckled at his particularness but appreciated that he always seemed to know exactly what he wanted.

I offered him a glass, and we snuggled up together on the couch. A single press of a button on the remote made a cartoon appear on the TV screen.

"Oh my gosh! I used to watch this all the time when I was younger!"

He stared at the characters roaming about, solving the mystery of a missing puppy. It made me miss the one Ukai had adopted that I'd never gotten around to naming. My uncle was still in the new parent stage and would often send me photos and videos of Dog doing dog things. I saved them to a special folder.

"Did you watch cartoons as a child?" I asked Ushijima.

"I wasn't normally allowed unless my mother was feeling especially easygoing that day."

"What would you do for fun instead?"

"I would draw, play in the garden, and build things, but practicing volleyball with my father was my favorite activity."

He had told me about his father's career before, and I was surprised he'd never grown tired of the sport in all of these years despite it being the center of his life since birth.

The characters celebrated the finding of the lost animal, and I made a delighted whooping sound.

"You're cute." He told me with adoration.

I rested on his shoulder, and we let the show play.

Half of an hour later, I awoke to the sensation of being caressed. I was lying over Ushijima's lap, cuddling his arm like a teddy bear while his other hand gently stroked my back. I tilted to look at him.

"Hey there." He smiled charmingly.

The thought of waking up next to him every morning popped into my mind. I visualized it for a few seconds.

Once I'd snapped out of it, I flipped over so that I faced him while remaining on my side. At some point, he'd placed a pillow under my head so that I was comfortable. I could've stayed like that for hours.

The lock on the front door twisted, and the knob rotated. My mother entered and discovered us together. Her expression became one of surprise.

"Hey, mom." I greeted her casually in an attempt to aleviate any worry she had for her daughter alone with her boyfriend.

"Hi," She waved to both of us, "Ushijima, nice to see you again."

She trusted me, but he hadn't earned hers yet. They had to bond first.

"What are you guys up to?" She inquired with obvious motherly intentions.

I pointed to the television, and she glanced at the screen, returning a questioning look.

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