Chapter 67: Reminiscing Reunion

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*Your POV*

It was easy to sense students' glum attitudes. The incessant reminders of the upcoming end of our school year that lined the hallways and papers we received were the cause. No one wanted to face the intimidating reality that their youth was slipping away.

I'd been struggling to maintain my positivity since Winter Break when I'd started seriously considering my future. It was overwhelming and hazy. I couldn't quite fathom the objective fact that I was moving onto a completely new era of my life and leaving one that I'd never return to behind. Nevertheless, I couldn't change the inevitable.

My mother had offered to host a dinner to lift our spirits. She'd always been a hospitable woman, and now was certainly the time for that. Hopefully, the warmth of food would temporarily fill the widening void in my heart.

My mother, uncle, co-manager, and the eight boys sat around the table as a makeshift family. It was delightful to have everyone so near and dear to me together in one place. The physical company somewhat remedied the loneliness I'd been feeling. Nostalgia was taking over, and I began to think of the memories I'd made with each person.

Tendou noticed my chuckling.

"What is it, y/n?"

"Do you remember when Kawanishi tripped down the gym entrance stairs and busted his elbow?"

"Yeah, and he wore that stupid bandage for a week!"

Kawanishi spoke up.

"Hey, I took that fall like a champ. You kids wouldn't recognize true athleticism if it was standing right in front of you."

"We're older than you!"

"I'm going to look older with all of the grey hair you two give me."

Giggles erupted, and the reminiscing continued.

"Y/n, don't think you're off the hook." Ohira started, "You've hurt yourself plenty of times too. For example, when you couldn't figure out how to open the storage closet door. You were pulling so hard that when it finally unlatched, it smacked you in the forehead. Even your makeup couldn't cover the bruise."

"Alright, alright fine." I surrendered, "Maybe I'm a little clumsy too. Aren't we all?"

Ukai interjected.

"Actually, I think I know who's had the most injuries. That would be Goshiki. That kid has probably experienced more brain damage than any of us."

"Ha! Coach agrees that you're all messed up!" Shirabu exclaimed.

The two boys argued a bit before Ukai re-entered.

"I wouldn't be so cocky, Bangs. I'll make you run laps around the block."

The blonde submitted by sinking into his chair.

"Aren't there any events that don't involve pain?"

"Oh! Oh! I know!" Yamagata declared, "When Semi and Bashira first started flirting, I overheard one of their conversations during cleanup. It went a little something like this:"

He lifted both of his hands into talking mouth gestures.

Semi: "Hey, I can take those balls for you."

Bashira: "Oh, thanks. You must be pretty strong to carry all six of them."

His imitation voices were exaggerated in pitch for comedic effect.

Semi: "These ol' things? Nah, you should see how much weight I lift when I workout with the team. How much do you weigh- wait, I'm not supposed to ask you that..."

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