Chapter 26: Party Arc Pt. 1

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*Your POV*

The first thought on my mind when I awoke was the party. I knew it would be much later in the day, but I'd planned on pampering myself in preparation, so I needed an early start.

I didn't always enjoy meeting new people but looking and feeling my best would boost my confidence.

My agenda included showering, waxing, painting my nails, applying makeup, and styling my hair. I wouldn't normally do so much in one day, but the circumstances were special.

Before I did any of that, however, I wanted to take the dog for his first outing with me. I'd yet to decide on a name, so for now, I was just calling him Dog.

I leashed him, and we trekked to a nearby park for a stroll.

When we arrived, I sat down on a swing to text Semi.

You: Do you want to carpool tonight?

He replied surprisingly quickly.

Semi: Good idea. It makes sense for me to drive because of where I live. Just send me your address. When do you want me to pick you up?

You: We should be fashionably late, so how about 7:20 so that we get there at 7:40?

I locked my phone and returned it to my back pocket to ruffle the pup's ears.

"Hey, you out with your dog?" A masculine voice called.

I tilted my head in the direction of the stranger.

They were a bit tall and had an athletic build, blonde hair with an undercut, and pierced ears.

"No, this is my kangaroo." I replied with little care.

He laughed and asked, "What's your kangaroo's name?"

"Not sure yet, got him yesterday."

"Oh, so he's a newbie. This is Kesseki."He said, gesturing to the white pit bull beside him.

"And you?" I asked.

"I'm Terushima, but you can call me tonight."

As much as I wish I hadn't, I couldn't stop a chuckle from escaping.

"Right... I don't mean to be rude, but do I know you?"

"No, but we can change that."

He'd had a consistent smirk since he'd shown up.

"Do you always hit on people you don't know?" I questioned.

"Only when they're as cute as you."

The charm seemed to spill out of him automatically.

My phone suddenly rang, so I put the smooth talker on hold.

"Hello?" I spoke into the speaker.

"Hey, I'm in the car, so I couldn't text."

"Pretty sure that means you shouldn't call either."

"You're probably right. I just wanted to let you know that time works for me even if it is comedically specific."

"What? I like to be organized!"

"Okay, I'll text you later when I get close."

"Alright, see you then. Bye, Semi."

I hung up and turned my attention back to Terushia who'd listened in.

"Semi? As in Semi Eita?" He inquired.

"That's the one. Do you know him or something?"

"Sure I do but how do you?"

"I'm one of the two managers of the Shiratorizawa team."

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