Chapter 12: House Hangout

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*Your POV*

Kawanishi and I pulled up to Ushijima's house. It was quite large. I became intimidated by his financial status.

We parked and approached the door where he knocked, the rhythm echoing through the solid wood.

This would be a new experience with the boys. There were a lot of concerns flowing through my head, but all of my worries melted away when Tendou flung the door open excitedly.

He gasped and yelled, "They're here!" to whoever was inside. His enthusiasm was infectious.

He wrapped both arms around my waist, and I thought he was just hugging me, but I was suddenly lifted off my feet.

He had picked me up and was hastily carrying me horizontally through the doorway like I was a doll.

He took me to the living room where everyone was gathered. Some were on the couch, others on the floor.

They got a kick out of my hanging from Tendou's arms like a wet noodle. I waved, and wiggled out from his clutch, filling the empty spot next to Goshiki and Yamagata.

*Ushijima's POV*

Tendou ran into the room holding y/n who greeted us happily and sat down. A part of me wished she had chosen the cushion to my left.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I offered, gesturing to the kitchen with my thumb.

"Water is just fine, thank you."

I fetched her a glass and returned. She grazed my fingers while taking it, and I was reminded of how soft her skin is.

We all talked for a while. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It was nice.

"Let's play Just Dance!" Tendou blurted.

It was random, but so was he, and we were all used to it.

"Oh my gosh, do you have that?" Y/n asked, looking at me.

"Yes, but Tendou's the only one who ever wants to play. I bought it for him." I replied.

"I'll play with you!" She told him.

"Really?" He practically screeched.

"Yeah! I was obsessed with that game when I was younger, and I was damn good too. Are you sure you're willing to go up against the queen?" She challenged.

"I'll have you know I've got some skills of my own." He smirked, definitely excited that someone was actually interested in joining him.

"Get the game." She commanded, squinting her eyes.

Tendou rushed to find it. I had to admit, the thought of y/n dancing paired with her competitive attitude intrigued me.

The TV turned on, and he set it up, handing her one of the remotes. The rest of us created a space and sat back to watch the show.

"You can choose the first song." She told Tendou.

He scrolled through the options for a short while until he landed on 'How You Like That' by BLACKPINK and declared that was his choice.

"Are you sure? I've practiced that one before. It's a little bit... seductive" She asked, giggling at the oddity.

That perked the boys' ears.

"Let the man choose!" Goshiki voiced a bit too eagerly before shrinking back into his seat.

"Fine, but don't hold back on me, got it?" She said, addressing the redhead who looked very pleased with himself.

They chose their avatars, and the music started. The audience's anticipation shifted to captivation. None of us expected what we saw.

Y/n wasn't messing around. Her movements were fluid and swift. Her chest popped and her hips rolled to the beats. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was a performer. It was safe to say that nobody's eyes were on Tendou. Even his had drifted from the screen.

I glanced at the rest of the team. Their wide eyes followed her, some of them shyly smiling. Ohira was fidgeting with his pants.

The song eventually ended, and the guys cheered. Ohira excused himself to the bathroom. Our faces very clearly expressed the shock we were feeling.

"That was fun! I want to do another one!" She exclaimed.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Shirabu voiced, averting his gaze in embarrassment.

"Wow, the weaknesses of men never fail to astonish me. Alright, what should we do instead?"

"Do you want a tour?" I asked.

"Ooh yeah, Big Man wants to show me his big house."

That sentence was peculiar, but I didn't object.

She and I left the others behind, and I took her from room to room, saying little because it was self-explanatory.



"My room."

Her demeanor changed. The corners of her mouth turned ever so slightly upwards, and she leaned on the doorway, peeking in.

"Can I see?" She requested.


She gladly stepped in, my arm extended invitingly.

*Your POV*

His room was everything I'd expect, minimalistic and organized, unsettlingly so.

His bed was neatly made, the corners perfectly rounded over the mattress. The floor was spotless, the window too. The walls were mostly barren except for a few volleyball posters and photographs of his family and the team.

I came to his dresser. The top was filled with trophies, medals, and other tournament paraphernalia.

His desk had a cup of writing utensils, a laptop, and some papers I presumed were from school. Something else caught my eye. It was the drawing of me.

I felt a little embarrassed at the sight of it. It had already gained enough attention, and looking at it once again made me nervous.

I picked it up and observed it. I wondered why he had it out.

I stared for a few seconds until he interrupted.

"Do you remember what I told you?" He asked.

"Huh?" I questioned, steering my attention to him.

"About comparing yourself."

"Oh, yeah..." I replied, letting out a single chuckle.

"Good, don't forget it."

I knew he had been standing there, watching me explore his belongings, but now I felt awkward.

"We should probably get back to the others." I said.


On our way back, we passed by the patio door leading to the backyard.

"What about outside?"

"Oh, I can take you out there if you want." He said.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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