Chapter 56: Questioning Authority

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*Ushijima's POV*

I'd spared y/n the details, but today's dealings with my mother had been far from straightforward. She and I had talked for hours about everything ranging from my father, my future, and, of course, my relationship.

The most prominent obstacle in talking to her was her chronic need to be dominant. Ironically, what she was really overpowering was the potential for a closer bond between the two of us. I could never get too close to her for fear of being berated.

Nevertheless, I forced my way through the barriers she was constantly strengthening to reach the roots of our problems, and it seemed to be of some benefit. She eventually stopped yelling and listened, or at least looked like she was listening, to my heartfelt issues. I was full of apprehension, but I felt slightly better afterward having rid some weight from my shoulders.

Needless to say, I was mentally and emotionally drained by the end of it. However, that wasn't enough to stop me from telling y/n what I'd finally come to terms with in due time. She was understandably excited, and watching her reaction of pure bliss made me fall even deeper into love with her. I knew this was right.

After kissing her goodbye, I drove back home in good spirits. Her presence was the perfect way to expel all of the negative energy I'd collected in the past hours. When I entered my house, only a few lights were on to dimly illuminate the area. My mother was on the couch, appearing calmer than before. She must've been worn out as well.

"How did it go?" She asked with a weak but genuine smile.

"She accepted it very happily, thank you. Though, I don't understand why you gave it to me. That ring was precious to you."

She paused before replying, "I still don't approve of this girl, but if you're going to date her, I can only hope you'll do it right."

A drawn-out yawn escaped her widely opened mouth, and she stood, wrapping her robe tighter around her body. The now snug woman approached me and caressed my upper arm lovingly.

"I'm going to bed now that you're home. Will you be up late?"

"No, I'll do the same soon."

"Okay, sleep well, goodnight."

Her slippers shifted across the hardwood floor until they disappeared around the corner. She was acting oddly warm in comparison to her usual cold disposition. It was too unnatural to accept thoughtlessly. I assumed she felt guilty due to everything I'd brought up earlier. A part of me hoped she'd revert simply because this seemed manipulative, and I wouldn't be able to relax unless I knew where I stood.

After a quick meal and a hot shower, I was struggling just to stay conscious long enough to make it to my own bed. I rubbed my eyes while climbing under the cool, black silk sheets. My heat immediately began dispersing underneath, and I wriggled until I found a comfortable position to close my eyes in.

Something was telling me that the reason I was given the ring was not purely intended. Possible selfish motives crossed my mind. Maybe my mother thought that by wearing the family's heirloom, y/n was giving up some sort of hold on the relationship. Whatever the reason, the gift was with no attachment to anyone but me.

I was too exhausted to continue thinking about anything. Without realizing it, I drifted off into the night.

*Your POV*

Even though it'd already been a month after receiving it, I admired the jewelry on my finger. It shimmered in the sunlight that shone through my window, the facets of the diamond reflecting an assortment of hues. My heart still throbbed at the sight. This was a physical treasure that I could have with me always as a reminder of the man that I was in love with.


That was such a beautiful word, one I'd never used for anyone in a romantic sense. It encapsulated all that I felt, and that feeling wasn't just limited to my boyfriend. I'd become a happier, more positive person in many ways since meeting him. I'd gained a new sense of joy that would be expressed when the entire team stayed at a rented house on the shore.

Semi's cousin, Itsuki, was the owner of an inn, and he was kind enough to let us stay there for a week without charge. It was a sure-fire way to make the best out of the last days of summer break before we had to return to our dreaded studies. I planned on living it up like a true teenager while I could.

I'd splayed out clothes on my bed where I was packing a travel bag to the brim. I didn't want to risk missing anything when I was far away from home. I listed items off to myself.

"Clothing, check... toiletries, check... cosmetics and hair tools, check..."

My eyes darted in the direction of my nightstand drawer. I pulled it open to reveal a box of condoms I'd wisely purchased because I couldn't always depend on Ushijima to have them. I stared at the package for a few seconds before throwing them in the bag.

The day of departure arrived, and I walked to a nearby train station where we'd agreed to meet. As soon as I stepped into a hundred-foot radius, I could hear Shirabu and Goshiki insulting each other like brothers. Yamagata, Ohira, and Kawanishi were having a relaxed conversation, ignoring the former pair. Semi, Bashira, and Ushijima were sitting on a bench. It had only been a couple of weeks since I saw them all together, but I missed them.

Y/n!" Tendou exclaimed, shifting his attention away from the pigeon he was feeding at the corner of the platform.

He ran to hug me, and I willingly returned the gesture, glad to see the redhead again.

"Did you pack a swimming suit?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. We're going to be next to the ocean, aren't we?"

"Ooh, then I'll finally get to admire your full figure." He flirted with his tongue poking into his cheek.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully as I walked toward the rest of the group.

"Don't worry!" He dragged out with a smile, "I know you're a taken woman."

I greeted the rest of my friends excitedly, joining in on their socializing until the train arrived. We all boarded and settled in for the long ride. This was going to be great.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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