Chapter 34: Bold And Bloody

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*Your POV*

The day at the beach was a dream. I couldn't get enough of the memories that played on repeat. There was no denying that my relationship with Ushijima was developing into something real.

We began sharing frequent glances throughout classes and lunches. Tendou, observant as ever, seemed to have taken notice, but he hadn't made it known. I figured they'd all find out eventually, but I didn't plan on telling them yet.

The weeks came and went easily. April had ended, and May blew by with the breeze. The weather gradually became warmer, and my spirits were lifted enough to get me through the chronic ache of studying. I knew this school had high expectations, but I didn't expect to be so drained.

Today, we were going to have a practice match against Fukurodani. I'd done some research to get an idea of what we were up against, and their statistics didn't disappoint. Their captain, Koutarou Bokuto, was a menace on the court, one of the top five aces in the nation.

As soon as their team entered our gym, he yelled, "Let's get this party started!"

I appreciated his enthusiasm. His energy was infectious. I'd already set the equipment up, so they began the game shortly after while I made conversation with the two female managers. I quickly found out how prideful Bokuto was. Though definitely arrogant, he was endearing in his innocence. He reminded me of a young child in need of approval.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Who's the best ace in the world?" He yell-asked after scoring.

"You should stop being so cocky." The player I identified as Akaashi replied.

The captain ignored his teammate and continued to stomp around victoriously. He really was an overgrown toddler.

Shiratorizawa won the game through two consecutive sets. I watched as Akaashi solaced his friend. Though I was glad we'd won, I felt the overwhelming urge to uplift the downhearted boy.

I approached him and commented, "Those were some nasty spikes out there."

He wasted no time turning around with twinkles in his eyes.

"Really? You think so? I mean- Of course! I am amazing." He placed his fists on his hips triumphantly.

Only now did he stop to look at me.

"Say, you're pretty cute! Are you a manager?"

"Mhmm, just started this year."

"Wasn't there another one before, Uchiha I think her name was?"

"You mean Uchida? She's... permanently out of order."

A lightbulb went off in his head. He squinted his eyes, connecting the pieces.

"Wait a minute... Are you the girl from the videos?" He asked a little too excitedly.

"Depends on which videos you're referring to." I replied though I knew.

"Aka-chan, pull them up!"

The black-haired boy told him that he'd left his phone by the bench. Bokuto wasted no time running to retrieve it and return. He hastily handed it to Akaashi who pulled up Instagram.

"Yeah! Yeah! It is you!" He confirmed while showing me the screen.

The clip was of me pinning Uchida and kneeling on her back.

"Guilty as charged." I chuckled.

"Dude, that was like so totally awesome of you! Would you ever get on top of me like that?" He smirked.

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