Chapter 9: Surprise Attacks

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*Uchida's POV*

I was filling up water bottles when y/n entered the gym and began chatting with Goshiki. My mood immediately dropped. I'd only known her for two days, and she'd already been getting on my nerves.

She must've thought she was so hot with a little bit of attention from the guys. It had meant nothing, and I knew they'd eventually wise-up and get bored of her.

Until they finally came to their senses, I needed to protect my place as the volleyball team's one and only girl. There was no room for some random chick to settle in.

"Hey, Uchida." She greeted me in a friendly manner.


I knew I was being fake, but so was she, and I was convinced that we were both aware of it. I just needed to be patient. Soon enough, she would realize how unwelcome she was here.

*Your POV*

Tendou ran up to give me a hug for which I braced myself.

"Eww, you're all sweaty!" I exclaimed while trying to wriggle out of his grasp, but he didn't let go.

"Come on, you know you love it!" He shouted as he squeezed tighter.

I finally broke free and started running away. He chased me through the gym with one arm extended upward, threatening me with his armpit.

"No, leave me alone! I don't want to stink like you!" I screamed.

"Fine, but I'll get you when you least expect it!" He forewarned.

We were both laughing hard enough to hinder our respiration, so we lied down on the wooden floor to catch our breath.

"You're pretty fast, you know that?" He told me.

"One has to exceed human limitations when escaping the clutches of Satori Tendou."

That only made us wheeze more.

*Ushijima's POV*

I witnessed Tendou pursuing y/n around the court. He was running like a zombie for comedic effect, limping with one leg and reaching for her with his bony fingers. She was shrieking and running away, of course, her hair flailing wildly behind her. She checked to see how close he was every few seconds.

I enjoyed seeing them so exhilarated, but something felt wrong. It created a shallow pit in my chest. I couldn't tell if I was jealous or just wanted Tendou to return to practice. He had to either way.

"Back to practice!" I called out to him.

He waved a hand in acknowledgment and got to his feet.

A hint of relief came, and I was aware of it. I knew what was happening inside me, and I didn't like it, but I wasn't sure what to do.

*Your POV*

I didn't want to be lazy at the end of practice, so I helped put some of the equipment away. I grabbed a ball and was about to toss it into the wire basket, but I decided to throw it at Goshiki, not too hard of course. I didn't want to give the kid brain damage.

It bounced off the back of his head, and he whipped around, placing a hand over the region of impact.

"Hey!" He yelled through a grin.

He picked it up and threw it back, but I caught it. We continued chucking it back and forth until it sped past me. I turned around to see Ushijima holding it.

"Whoops, you'd think someone whose hobby depends on aiming would be better at it," I remarked.

Ushijima took both of us by surprise when he hurled it at Goshiki, striking him in the upper body.

"Ow!" He shouted loudly enough to echo throughout the gym, clutching himself in pain.

"That's for missing. Keep practicing."

I hunched over in laughter, knowing that Bowl Cut would be fine.

"You guys are funny. I said.

"You guys are strong. I'm going to develop bruises now." Goshiki replied.

"Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?"

His eyes enlarged, and he smirked.


"You'll see me tonight then."

I waited for him to freak out a little before bursting his bubble.

"You'll be dreaming of course, but at least I'll be there."

He deflated and stated, "You're such a tease."

"What can I say? I enjoy causing the sparkle in a boy's eye."

Semi popped up and told me, "You make my eyes sparkle, y/n chan."

I dramatically rolled mine.

"Oh, give me a break. You guys are too much. Anyway, I'm heading out now. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

They all said their goodbyes, and I started walking, but I heard footsteps behind me. I checked to see who it was.

"I'll walk you out." Ushijima told me.

"Couldn't get enough of me, huh?" I joked.

"Can't help it. It's the sparkle."

I relished in his humor. His straight face made it all the funnier. We walked out together.

"Welp, this is me as you know." I gestured to my car.

"Must I remind you of the gentleman's rules?"

"No, I remember. Goodnight."


The team was really growing on me quite rapidly. They were a great group of friends to be around, and they all seemed to want me to be a part of that. I wanted that as well.

I'd noticed my little crush on Ushijima forming, but I didn't care. Whatever happened would happen. I just had to be smart about it.

I wondered what was going on in that mind of his. He didn't talk much, and when he did, it wasn't very revealing. I guessed I'd just have to draw it out of him.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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