Chapter 50: Oikawa Operates

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*Your POV*

Once I arrived at home after lunch with Bashira, I wasted no time texting Oikawa with the intention of inquiring about our earlier encounter. I had questions that needed answers.

You: Can we talk about today?

Oikawa: I wonder if this has to do with me or my little acquaintance... hmm (¬‿¬)

You: Why don't we cover both starting with her. Are you two dating?

Normally, I'd be more attentive about my messages, thinking each one through fully, but frankly, I didn't much care about tact when it came to this boy. I was going to say what I wanted without shame and without being covert.

Oikawa: Ah, I see. It appears I've made the lady jealous, but what's to be done about that? I can only please so many women at a time you know (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

You: If only you could see how far back my eyes just rolled into my skull. I can assure you that I'm not jealous. I'm rather confused by any man being enticed into a romantic relationship with someone of her kind. Care to explain?

Oikawa: Not that it's any of YOUR business, but I happen to like Uchida's daring personality. She's got a flame to her that I can't seem to ignore, much like you.

You: *Gag* That flame you're sensing is your house being set on fire the moment you upset her. I believe there's someone out there for everyone, but you guys? That's a question mark if I ever saw one.

Oikawa: If you REALLY care so much, why don't you just date me instead? I'd gladly drop her for you, that is if you're willing to ditch that Ushiwaka. He's just a big dumb rock, but me? I can satisfy your deepest desires if you only give me the chance.

You: That brings us to our second topic. What's with you and Ushijima? You've implied that you know we're dating. Is that correct?

Oikawa: I'd be lying if I said I didn't ask around about you two. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed to find you chose him over me. I couldn't stay that way for long though. Of course, a guy like me bounces back quickly.

You: Right, right, Mr. Player has to keep playing. What's your end goal here? What do you want?

Oikawa: Tsk tsk, can I be any clearer? I want you, my dear.

I sighed deeply. This was getting into dangerous territory. Now that I had a boyfriend, I felt guilty engaging in risky conversation like this. To be fair, I wasn't giving in to any of his tactics. I was loyal, and not even a charming, silky brown-haired male Aphrodite could change that.

You: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's not happening. I'm in a committed relationship now, so as badly as you crave my irresistible feminine allure, you can't have me. Whatever it is you're trying to do, I hope you realize it's a dead-end before you stir up trouble.

Oikawa: Oh, I would never do such a thing. You don't have to worry about lil' ol' me ヾ(✿◕ ‿ ◕✿)ノ

You: Somehow, that wasn't very convincing.

Oikawa: I've got to go meet up with the lovely Uchida now, but maybe we can talk later. I might even show you how hard I've been working out...

You: Whatever, perv.

After the party, I figured Oikawa had lost interest in me the way a barracuda loses interest in its prey when something flashy catches its attention instead. I was no longer in close proximity, so it made sense to assume that he'd moved onto other girls. Apparently, I was wrong.

I reflected on what I'd read and came to the conclusion that I still didn't have the information I had set out for. All I knew was that he and Uchida were supposedly dating, but he was still attracted to me and ready to drop whatever he had going on to fulfill that yearning.

"Lousy boyfriend." The voice inside of my head spoke.

I wasn't stupid enough to blindly believe that everything he'd said was true. I actually doubted every word that came from him. However, I was sure there was at least some truth involved. It couldn't have all been a lie. He had a gift for talking his way out of things, but I had a gift for getting to the bottom of them.

My gut was telling me not to keep this to myself. I'd seen far too many bad romance films where the main character allows a huge misunderstanding to almost ruin everything before the resolution at the end of the movie. I wasn't going to be an idiot like that, so I made the sensible decision to tell my boyfriend.

You: Are you busy at the moment?

Ushijima: No, what's up?

He'd recently become more casual when texting. I'd taught him how teenagers talk, and he picked it up quickly. We still had some kinks to work out. He didn't understand emojis or how to use them, so when I texted a skull emoji to convey my laughter, he asked me if someone died. We'd practice.

I proceeded to tell him what had happened at the eatery before introducing the next issue.

Ushijima: What happened? What did he say?

You: I'll send you the screenshots.

You: *5 images*

I waited several minutes for his reply. It was unlike him to leave me on read for so long. I figured I'd prompt him myself.

You: So...? What's going through your head right now?

Ushijima: I'm angry.

You: Angry?

Ushijima: Yes, I'm going over there.

I'd never seen him mad, not even irritated He'd always been so calm in the face of any inconvenience. Though the reason wasn't exactly a good one, I had to admit, I wished I could've seen his face for my own curiosity and pleasure.

What I didn't know at the time was that I would.

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