Chapter 5: Bleacher Talk

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*Your POV*

I had two classes after lunch, English and orchestra. They went by quickly enough.

After being dismissed, I gathered my belongings and walked to the office again to receive a folder with personal papers and information about the school. Then I dropped off a couple of items in one of my classrooms.

After running around the campus like a mad woman, the time finally came to go home. I'd driven to school, so I had to go to the parking lot which was located by the gym entrance.

Once I was close to the car, the squeaks of sneakers and the slaps of leather balls caught my attention. I found myself following the sounds. My eyes peered past the metal frame of the doorway as they had once before. It was quite the spectacle.

The players were so absorbed in the game. They moved swiftly like snakes and flew across the court like birds, fascinating. Semi noticed me and raised a hand to wave.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" He asked with an open-mouthed grin while approaching.

"I was just heading to my car and wanted to watch for a minute."

"Really? Well, if you don't have some place to be, I'm sure Coach would allow you to stay, you know, since your his niece and all." He spoke in between pants.

"I guess I could, but I don't know."

"Oh, come on!"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in.

"You can sit on the bleachers and do homework or something."

It seemed I didn't have much of a choice now, but I also didn't mind staying.

*Ushijima's POV*

I had my head in the game until I heard Semi speaking to someone. The words he chose indicated that it whoever it was didn't normally come here. I decided to spare a moment to glance toward the voices. It was y/n.

My teammates seemed to have immediately taken a liking to her after the day she unexpectedly dropped off Coach's bag. It was no mystery why a group of high school boys would be so friendly. She was attractive, and I wouldn't consider her off putting, but I needed to know who she really was before forming an opinion.

I don't much care for girls. I've got better things to focus on, and it would take more than a nice ass to change that.

*Your POV*

I set my backpack down next to me on the long plastic bench. The teachers hadn't assigned any homework yet, so I just watched the movement of the paired practices. Not all of the players were in action at the moment. Yamagata and Shirabu came to sit with me.

"Hey! Are you going to stick around for a while?" Yamagata asked.

"Planning on it. Is this what it's like everyday, practice I mean?"

"Most of the time, but some days are much more fun. We play children's games and celebrate wins." Shirabu replied.

Just then, Uchida popped out of the gym office. She wasn't looking at first, but once her eyes landed on us, she frowned and skipped over.

"OMG, y/n! I didn't expect to see you here." She giggled.

"I didn't expect to be here either, but Semi talked me into it."

The boys must have remembered the interaction between us earlier because they suddenly fell quiet. They probably didn't know what to expect.

"Join the club." I thought.

I wouldn't admit it out loud, but I actually found excitement in rivalry especially when it was with someone I knew I could dominate.

"Would you like to sit with us?" I asked innocently though my phrasing put me in power.

"Yeah, I would." She replied and took a place on the bench.

Nobody spoke for a few seconds, but I eventually took the lead.

"So, how long have you been the volleyball manager?"

"I was trained by the previous manager before he graduated. This is my second year doing it."

"Nice, you've got some experience then. What's it like? What does the job entail?"

"Oh, I do all sorts of things. I refill bottles, order buses, take jersey measurements, etc. Not to mention, I'm pretty much the official cheerleader."

"Do you put a dress on and swing pom-poms around?" I joked.

"I don't need those frilly things to get them riled up." She said confidently.

I found it slightly amusing and exhaled humorously. She must have been upset that I didn't take her seriously.

"What, you don't believe me?"

"Oh, I believe you, I'm sure they have trouble containing themselves... and their laughter."

I hoped that didn't come off as too mean so as to stoop to her level, but I guessed it was just right because Shirabu and Yamagata turned their heads away and snickered. Uchida squinted her eyes.

"Haha, very funny. I doubt you could do any better." She said.

"You're right, I have a little too much dignity."

I was losing interest in keeping my replies low key. The boys made "o" shapes with their mouths and chuckled. They were enjoying this, but I didn't want to go too far.

"Oh, really? I'd look better in a cheer uniform anyway." She stated.

"You know, there's an easy way to find out for sure." Shirabu pointed out excitedly.

"You wish." I said, rolling my eyes.

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