Chapter 66: Future Fantasies

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*Your POV*

The remainder of winter break had been very enjoyable. I'd seen the team frequently, and they were cheerful as ever. I'd even sorted out some of my hopes for the future. I still had a lot to think about, but it was a start. Unfortunately, the holiday couldn't last forever, and the school year eventually had to pick up again.

"That will be all for today. Use the rest of your time to work on any missing assignments. You can move seats if you wish."

Once the teacher stopped talking, I turned around to face Ushijima. He was already looking at me and gestured to the empty chair beside him. I sat down there and rested my head on my arms for a few seconds before peeking up at his golden-green irises. They were watching me intently.

"Hi." I said cutely.

"Hello." He replied in the same fashion.

He stared back at me with a small smile. As long as we'd been dating, I'd noticed that when he did, they were wider than before. By now, it was comparable in size to the average person's.

"Do you have anything you need to finish?" He asked.

"No, you?"

He shook his head and placed his palm on the top of my hair, petting my locks. I closed my eyes due to relaxation while he continued to twirl pieces in his fingers. I could feel that he was doing something to them, but I didn't bother to check.


I opened my eyes to see what he was referring to. He presented a messy braid to me. It was lop-sided, and there were chunks sticking out, but it was definitely a braid.

"Aww, Toshi, when did you learn to do that?"

"Tendou taught me some time ago."

"Why did you want to know?"

"He didn't give me much of a choice. I was just going along with it at first because he was excited to have learned it himself, but then I figured it might be helpful if I have a son or a daughter with long hair."

I cupped my hands over my mouth in awe, trying to contain my uncontrollable grin.

"What? You know I like to think ahead." He commented.

I shook his shoulder enthusiastically.

"That is so adorable! You can be their stylist-" I gasped, "I'll buy you a little set up with clips and brushes, and I can show them how to use dye! Oh my gosh, our kid is going to be so stylish."

As soon as I finished saying the last sentence, I realized what it was I'd actually told him. Not only were we both talking about children, but specifically ours, ones that we would have together. My expression changed to one of conspicuous shock. I was going to casually apologize for being presumptuous, but he spoke before me.

"Yes, they will. I should warn you though. I won't be able to teach them how to wear makeup if they wish to. I'm unfortunately unskilled in that regard."

He hadn't even questioned my words and instead added onto them without skipping a beat. It was evident that I had nothing to worry about. He was just as invested in our relationship as I was, and it seemed he was willing, possibly even looking forward, to having a family, a family with me.

"Yes," I came out of my thoughts, "I can teach everyone how glam themselves up."

The mental image of such a buff, shirtless man wearing smudged, black eyeliner and a smeared, red lip was indeed an idea that I'd remember for later. It would come in handy the next time he was feeling adventurous...

That class ended, and we left for lunch. The topic of discussion at the table was what everyone wanted to do after high school. Ushijima, Ohira, Goshiki, and Yamagata all wanted to pursue volleyball. Semi was telling us about his interests.

"I can play a few different instruments, and I think I could do well in a group, but I'm not sure about anything. The music industry is pretty unreliable unless you're famous, and it's not like I have any real history to jump off of."

"That's not true. You had a bucket band in elementary school, remember? You and those kids would beat on pails at recess. It was pretty cool that you even managed to bring them together considering how dorky you looked back then."

After laughing at his own insult, Kawanishi explained his complete lack of plans. He really didn't have any clear direction. We assured him that he'd find something that he was passionate about. Shirabu was next to tell us how he would study for the medical field.

"Maybe if I become a brain surgeon, I can find out what's wrong with Goshiki."

"Shut up! I'm fine, you asshole! Maybe if I become a sex therapist, I can tell you from a professional standpoint that you'll never have any with that stupid haircut!"

"Me? What about you, Mr. Dora the Explorer wannabe?"

"Ugh! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? At least mine are leveled. Yours look like you fell asleep in the middle of cutting."

"Enough!" Yamagata shouted, smacking both of them on the back of their heads, "Why don't we hear from Bashira?"

The girl who'd been addressed beamed at the opportunity to speak.

"Okay, so, I've worked out all of the details, and now, I just need to execute them. Here's what I'm going to do: First, I have to get married. I'll find some rich guy off of the street, whatever. Second, I divorce. If he doesn't agree, murder. Third, once all of his wealth is in my possession, I go off of the grid and run away to China, or at least that's what the police think. I'll actually be in Russia, but not for long. I can't tell you my final destination, or I'll have to kill you all too. Fourth, once I'm settled, I'll take one last drag from my cigar on a rickety old porch before dying in my rocking chair, surrounded by flaming cash that burns up the entire house and me."

There was a moment of silence.

"Well... you've got to love a woman who knows what she wants. Haha... please don't hurt me." Ohira requests.

"No promises."

Tendou finally takes the floor.

"I think I'll travel. As much as I love Japan, I can't stay cooped up here forever. Europe sounds nice. Maybe I'll become a chef or a baker."

"Do you really want to learn an entire new language though?" Yamagata questioned.

"It won't be so bad. I already know a bit of French. Je suis la plus sexy ici."

"What did you say?" Goshiki asked.

"Sorry, Dora, you'll have to pay me for lessons."

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