Chapter 60: The Chase

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*Your POV*

Ushijima was touchy the entire ride. He and I sat in the back of the rented car. We could've fit all eight of us, one person for every seat, but he insisted I sit on his lap. I was a sucker for the cliché, so I agreed willingly.

He buckled himself in, and I placed myself with both of my legs in between his which were slightly spread. As soon as I adjusted to comfort, his arms locked around my abdomen protectively. When the car engine started, they tightened.

Several minutes later, I felt the presence of his arousal beneath me. I arched my back and stroked the side of his thigh teasingly. He had to wait, and I was going to make that task as difficult as possible.

*Ushijima's POV*

I unlatched my embrace in order to rest my hands on her hips. They ran slowly up and down her waist in repeated motions. At the slightest of bumps in the road, her body would bounce on top of my groin. She was far too smart for any of this to be accidental.

As if what she was already doing wasn't enough to harshen my breathing, she began dancing to the music playing through the speakers. She swayed forward and back with the beat. Every one of her movements caused more friction between us, but that wasn't the only thing growing. Fabric, just a few layers of fabric were all that restrained me.

*Your POV*

Semi unlocked the front door when we arrived, and we all piled through. Once inside, I bent over to untie my shoes. The elbow I'd been resting on a shelf beside me for balance slipped, but a pair of hands hugged my hips from behind to catch me before I fell. The size told me that they belonged to Ushijima.

Holding the provocative position we were in, I glanced back at him with the "sex" look. He replied by licking his lips tauntingly. The others had walked away by now, so no one else was around to witness his next action. He pulled my ass to meet his bulge with a few playful thrusts.

"Ushi!" I whisper-yelled, "Keep it in your pants until we're upstairs!"

His smirk only widened in response. He'd seriously gained boldness since the beginning of our relationship. I certainly wasn't complaining.

We headed for the staircase, but something in my peripheral vision caught my attention before I could take the first step. I turned my head to see a not-so-sneaky boy crouched behind the couch with sake. He was fumbling with the cap in a failing attempt to open it.

"Goshiki, put that back right now!"

He whipped around with the wide eyes of a prey animal before bounding away.

I immediately began to chase after him. He wasn't afraid to jump over furniture, ducking under light fixtures as he climbed over the table. He was quick and agile, but I matched his abilities. We ran from one end of the house to the other. I finally started to gain on him, and he let out a high-pitched scream once he realized how close I was.

Finally, I snagged his wrist and tackled him. He hit the floor with a heavy thump but recovered in a second. The bottle was clutched desperately against his chest. I wrapped my fingers around it to grip as tightly as possible.

"Give it to me!" I ordered.


"Let go!"


I dug my feet into the carpet and yanked as hard as I could, but the kid wouldn't release. He tried to roll over to force me to let go. When I didn't I felt a sharp pain.

"What the fuck? Did you just bite me?"

"It's mine! Back off!"

I didn't notice the shadow that had entered the room we'd found ourselves in until the black-haired boy was swiftly lifted off of the ground and into the air. The stubbornness in Goshiki's expression faltered once he realized who was responsible for picking him up like a rag doll.

Ushijima held his hand out, signaling for the bottle. Words weren't necessary. His glare was enough. The younger of the two stared at the open palm hesitantly in a moment of contemplation before surrendering the alcohol with his head down.

"You have the hot girlfriend and the alcohol. How is that fair, huh? What do I have?" He whined.

"I'm not letting a sixteen-year-old get drunk. That's final."

"What are you, my dad? This is supposed to be a parent-free vacation. I'm free from the chains of supervision, a liberated man! This is the week in which I grow a beard and get laid, just you wait!"

"Ignoring the supposed burst of facial hair, how do you plan on fulfilling the second part of that checklist? The only two girls here are both in relationships." I butted in.

The underclassmen smirked at me then my boyfriend and back.

"I'm sure Ushi-poo can go for a grocery run and leave the two of us alone, right buddy?" He joked, lightly punching the elder's bicep.

I was going to yell at him, but I caught sight of the dark aura to my left.

"Tsutomu, go to bed before I kick your ass."

The first year's demeanor suddenly shifted to one of submission.

"Y-yes, sir." He spoke before rushing out the door.

Ushijima was now staring at the wall ahead with an angered look. It was honestly a bit scary.

"Hey, don't worry." I tilted his chin to face me, "I'm all yours, and some bowl-cut brat isn't going to change that. Come on, let's go back to our room."

*Ushijima's POV*

Y/n said she'd be waiting for me. I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face and walked out of our bathroom. I approached the bed to find the girl peacefully curled up on the mattress. She was adorable when she slept, like a fairy in hibernation.

I tugged the blankets over her and crawled under the sheet myself. My arms pulled her body into mine, and I let out a deep breath. This was true contentment.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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