Chapter 64: Date Pt. 3

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The weight of my freshly packed suitcase held more than just sand I'd never quite get out of the crevices. It also carried the knowledge that this was my last summer as a high school student. A page of the chapter was being permanently turned. That was a tough pill to swallow.

"Y/n, are you ready?" Kawanishi called.

I gave the ocean one final wave, chuckling to myself at the humor in what I was doing, before towing my luggage toward the voice .

As soon as we were on the road, the radio was on. I Spy was being played, and Bashira was telling me I should switch Ushijima's diamond stud out for a hoop. I belonged there. They were my people.

After I got home, I prepared for the beginning of the second semester to ensure that it ran smoothly. My efforts proved to be worthwhile, and I took to my classes easily. The workload distracted me from the inevitable reality of the upcoming end of my senior year. I'd continue to ignore it for better or for worse.

Eventually, winter break cured my exhaustion and replaced it with the good spirits that accompanied snowfall. It was impossible not to be cheery. What added to that joy was knowing that I'd be able to go on more outings with my wonderful boyfriend, one of such I was headed to.

Walking down the street was a fun activity in itself. Each step created drawings in the thin white dust that blanketed the sidewalk. I didn't mind dragging my shoes in purposeful motions even if I received a few odd looks from those passing by. I was in my own little world.

My orientation was in the direction of an ice rink I'd picked out for Ushijima and I. He'd suggested that we invite Semi and Bashira, but I'd declined, informing that I wanted this day reserved for just the two of us. He'd found my attitude amusing then, telling me that he'd give his princess whatever she wanted. The pet name caught my attention considering he liked to use it when we were doing something specific.

I arrived first, so I extracted my phone to call him.


"Hey, you almost here?"

"I already am."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What? Where?"

Instead of an verbal answer, I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and gasped at his outfit. He was wearing a plaid scarf over a long, tan coat that reached down to the knees of his black pants.

"You look so handsome!"

The temperature was cold, but his pure-hearted smile was enough to keep me warm.

"Why don't we go rent our skates?" He suggested.

I nodded, and we approached the front desk. He readily allowed me to pay for the both of us. It had become a habit of ours to take turns doing so. After lacing up, I led him to the entrance. He hesitated but listened to my telling him that everything would be just fine.

Once we were both standing on the ice, I realized that his eyes were glued to his feet. His right hand was holding a death grip on the top of the barrier that enclosed the rink. It was obvious how nervous he was, but I found it endearing.

"Have you ever done this before?" I asked.

Keeping his focus trained below, he simply shook his head.

"Don't worry. I'll show you the basics. I'm not great, but I can maintain a steady speed. I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly."

He didn't. The next fifteen minutes were spent hand in hand, moving at a snail's pace. It had taken vigorous assurance to convince him to let go and balance on his own. Terror was plastered over his face. For whatever reason, the possibility of a three-foot descension was throwing him for a loop.

"I'm going to fall."


He flicked his gaze up at me with a surprised expression.

"What do you mean, 'so'?"

"I mean who cares if you fall? You just stand up. Be a big boy. A little rough and tumble isn't going to kill you."

My answer may not have been what he wanted to hear, but it seemed to relax him at least a little. His posture straightened slightly even though the wiggling of his legs didn't cease.

"There you go! Now you just need to go faster than a mile per hour." I stated, hands on my hips.

"Can I hold your hand again?"

"I never thought I'd say this, but no!"

He frowned like a child but accepted the responsibility reluctantly.

Approximately half of an hour later, he'd gained the ability to glide with little trouble, but his persistence was visually wavering. It was the perfect opportunity to suggest a hot chocolate break. That perked him back up.

He started scooting desperately, faster than he'd gone all day. However, he didn't get very far before, for the first time, he slipped and planted his butt straight into the ground. I couldn't contain my obnoxious laughter, and even he was chuckling. I helped him the rest of the way to ensure that it wouldn't happen again.

Inside of the chalet, I purchased two cups for us and took them to the small table we'd claimed. When we were at Oikawa's party, he'd told me that he didn't eat for fun. I later learned just how much of a health nut he was with consumption. Nonetheless, after I introduced him to whipped cream, he decided he'd reconsider his objection to sugar.

I handed him his mug, the same white topping he'd learned to love decorating the top. His eager hands grasped it and brought it to his mouth. It left a mustache above his upper lip.

"You've got a little something..." I said, gesturing to my own lip.

He wiped part of it off with a napkin.

"Is it gone?"

"Not quite- here."

I finished the job and reclined back in my chair. Noticing that he was staring at me with complete contentment, I inquired about what it was for.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just love you so much."

I nearly burst into tears.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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