Chapter 33: Beach Babes

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Grab a tissue box for the nosebleed you're going to have...(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

*Your POV*

I'd been anxious about seeing Ushijima at school today after our kiss. I didn't know how to act or what to say especially because nobody else knew it had happened. I guessed I'd do what I usually do, decipher the best course of action when the time came.

Tendou and I were talking before art had started when Ushijima entered the room and sat down silently. I avoided eye contact at first, but I couldn't help glancing at him. His focus was on the table directly in front of me, but he gradually lifted it and met my gaze. He gave me an almost indistinguishable smile before looking away. Though it only lasted a second, it was enough to ease my nerves in his presence.

Once the class had ended, it was time for the usual walk with Ushijima to science. I knew this time would be different. He and I said goodbye to Tendou and began on our way. We were both quiet for a bit, but he eventually spoke first.

"I know you must be unsure of yourself right now, but I can assure you that there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

I appreciated his comforting words.

"You're right. I'm just a bit nervous." I told him.

"What for? It's just me."

"Yes, but things are... different now."

"Maybe, but is that so bad? I must say, I do like this dynamic between us even more than the previous."

"Me too." I chuckled.

His words affirmed that the kiss wasn't a one-time thing that he planned to forget about.

"I should ask you something though." He said.

"What is it?"

"How do you feel? About this, I mean, about me."

Again, straight to the point as I appreciate.

"I feel the same as I did at the café." I replied.

That seemed to satisfy his question. We reached our next classroom and found our seats. As soon as independent work time began, I tapped Bashira to get her attention.

"Something amazing happened yesterday." I started.

"I'm all ears." She said, excitedly turning her body towards me.

I proceeded to tell her what had happened, and she quietly squealed in her chair.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Since when do you guys even have a thing?"

"It was never really a thing until now, but I think we've both liked each other since early in the year."

She squealed again and shook my hands in hers.

"Are you guys dating then?" She inquired.

"Mmm, I don't think so. He seems like the type of person to officially ask, but I'm not sure. I am convinced we're exclusive though. After all, he barely talks to anyone in general."

"You're probably right. You know you could always ask him."

"I'm not normally one for gender norms, but I do like the idea of being asked out rather than doing the asking."

"Understandable, but don't expect him to do all of the work." She warned.

"Trust me, I won't."

*Time skip to after practice*

I was in the middle of taking down the net when Ushijima joined me. He unhooked the top for me.

"Are you busy after this?" He inquired.

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