Chapter 22: Sky Full Of Stars

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*Your POV*

We entered the convenience store and split up to find what we liked.

I grabbed a snack and a drink before joining Shirabu in the candy aisle. I noticed that he was empty-handed.

"Are you going to get anything?"

"I'm not into junk food, but I didn't want to stand around the others, so I'm here." He replied.

"Oh, I'll stand with you." I comforted with a relaxed smile.

He returned a small one and said, "You're nice."

I appreciated his quiet nature. He was the calmest of the team. He didn't speak much or show his personality but in moments such as this when he wasn't being overshadowed, he proved to be a sweet boy that I could easily get along with.

"Aye, you guys done?" Kawanishi asked.

"Oh, I still have to pay." I told him and made my way to the cashier.

The man at the register scanned my items and then did the same to me with his eyes.

"Is that all for you tonight, sweetheart?" He spoke with a sort of slime to his voice.

"Yes, and don't call strangers 'sweetheart' please."

"Hey, no need to get defensive-" He said, throwing his hands up dismissively.

"Keep the change." I told him as I slid my things toward me and walked out, the others gradually doing the same.

"He looked scummy." Semi said as he sat down next to me on the curb.

I shrugged, and we waited for the last of them.

Tendou suddenly burst out of the swinging glass door and exclaimed, "Come on! Let's go!"

"Where?" Semi questioned, but Tendou was too busy skipping away to answer.

We all began trailing behind him. We didn't have to worry about catching up because he'd get distracted by something and stop long enough for us to keep pace.

He led us back to the park the way we came then took a few turns I hadn't been down before.

We came to a secluded grassy field. There wasn't any vegetation or construction to crowd it. It was completely open.

The chatter that had filled the walk here calmed. The group had slowed to a stop.

We all stood there, even Tendou. It was quiet with the exception of the hushed buzzing of crickets and frogs.

All of my anxiety had been building up through the course of the night though I hadn't paid much attention to my growing nerves.

I suddenly felt piercingly awake as if I'd been sobered. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me, and I found my feet stepping forward, my body following.

I was running.

I sprinted into the meadow, overcome with a sense of freedom. I left behind every thought except the one telling me to move.

The wind brushed through my hair and muffled out all other noise. It was as if the world and time had stopped for everyone but me, and I was traveling through space.

I finally lowered my speed and came to a halt to collapse onto the ground face-up.

There were voices calling out to me in the distance. They came closer until I could make out what they were saying.

"What the hell was that?" Yamagata exclaimed through pants.

I'd already caught my breath enough to reply, "I didn't mean to ditch you guys, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity."

They all accepted that answer and gave into the gravity pulling them down with me.

I tilted my head up to the now darkened sky and felt my jaw drop a bit.

I beheld an extremely clear night full of bright stars that lit up the overstretching blue. It was breathtaking.

I became awestruck at the natural beauty. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen this many at once. It felt like a gift that I had to cherish for fear of never seeing it again.

I was so relaxed. I could've fallen asleep had I been undisturbed for long enough.

*Ushijima's POV*

I was next to y/n, only about two feet away. She seemed to be at peace and probably tired from all of the energy she'd exerted, understandably so.

I gazed at her through my peripheral vision, but the strain hurt after a few seconds, so I gave in and turned my head fully. Her eyes were closed, so I didn't have to worry about being caught.

She stirred, and I quickly looked away.

"Ushi, do you see any constellations?" She asked.

I was caught off guard by her use of a nickname. She'd only ever called me by my full last name.

"I don't know any. I'm sorry."

She smiled easily and muttered, "That's okay. I'll teach you some." as she rolled onto her side to face me and shut her eyes again. I mimicked her, but mine stayed open.

I admired her facial structure. Her beauty poked through each feature cutely like flowers in a garden. She was exactly how I'd recalled.

A while passed until Shirabu pointed out that it was getting late.

I sat up and stretched, but y/n lied still.

Remembering what she did to me in her car, I gently shook her shoulder. She must be a heavy sleeper because she didn't even twitch. That's when I decided to rest on my elbow and come closer to her.

I slipped a hand over the side of her neck under her ear and repeated the previous method. She finally awoke and blinked a few times, regaining consciousness.

With her head still down, she glanced up at me. I could see her vision tracing down my arm to where we were connected. As soon as it registered that I was holding her, she seemed to become shy.

She lifted herself and brushed off her clothing with a yawn.

"I guess we're even now." She chuckled.

"In that case, I'll have to fall asleep with you again."

Only after the words had already left my mouth did I realize what I'd said. I figured the least awkward way to recover was to pretend nothing happened.

"Then... I'll do the same."

All follows, votes and comments are appreciated<3

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