Chapter 61: Friendly Foes

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*Your POV*

"Let's go to the beach again, to swim this time."

I rummaged through my belongings upstairs in search of my bathing suit and entered the bathroom to change. I undressed and reached for my top only to realize I'd accidentally grabbed one of my bras instead of the bikini top.

After cursing under my breath, I unlocked the door to return to the main bedroom without bothering to cover my naked body, but I froze when it became apparent that I wasn't alone. Staring anywhere but my eyes was Ushijima who'd halted his movement in shock. His mouth hung slightly agape.

"What?" I played off my embarrassment, "It's nothing you haven't seen before..."

He didn't respond, too preoccupied with the spectacle. Though, a slight smile had sprouted.

"Hello?" I dragged out the "o", "You're going to drool on the carpet."

He blinked a couple of times, shaking his head a bit to check back in.

"Sorry... you're just... wow." He replied, still locked onto my figure.

"Isn't this always how it is? I'm super hot, and you get to enjoy it without active reciprocation. I'm starting to think you need to make up for all that you get."

"Would it help if I took my pants off for you?" He asked, already unbuckled and tugging them down.

"That's not what I meant! Just- get changed already."

I rushed back into the bathroom, flustered. I hadn't protested his action fast enough not to see the revealed beginning of what was hidden under his boxers. That image would be on my mind for the rest of the day.

There were other people at the beach, a few separate parties. An older couple, two families that seemed to know each other, and a large mixed-gender group appearing to be around our age were sprinkled around. My friends had claimed a spot of their own which we headed toward.

"How's the water?" I called to Ohira who was wading.

"Pretty warm!"

A smile was exchanged between the two of us that reassured me of our bettered relationship.

I tugged my boyfriend's hand to go check it out for ourselves.

"I thought you said you didn't like the ocean." He commented.

"I suppose I'm not heavily inclined to subject myself to it, but I can definitely appreciate its beauty."

He and I walked along the shore, chatting about whatever came to mind and relishing in each others' presence. We didn't get very far before a frisbee clapped against the water in front of us. I looked in the direction it came from to see one of the girls from the other group jogging toward us. She waved as she approached.

"Sorry about that! Tamaki has a stiff throw. I hope it didn't hit either of you!"

She'd clasped her hands with straight arms against her abdomen, consequentially squishing her breasts together as she apologized.

"No, we're both fine, thank you."

He handed the disc back without a word, but the girl continued.

"I haven't seen you guys around. Are you new here?"

"This is actually our third day, but it's only our second time at the beach."

"Oh, well I'm Akari. Those are my classmates over there."

She'd been facing the one next to me the entire time, scanning his shirtless body conspicuously.

"Those boys and the girl are our teammates." I replied, gesturing.

"What's your team for?"

With every sentence, she subtly hopped a bit. It was odd, but I didn't say anything.

"Volleyball, we all go to Shiratorizawa."

Now that he'd finally spoken, she seemed to jump at the opportunity.

She gasped, "Woah, I've heard of you! You're really good, right? You should come to play with us at the net! I'm sure they would love to meet you all."

I glanced at him because it was his decision.

"Sure, I'll go tell our guys."

"Great! I'll do the same. See you in a few minutes!" She said, touching his arm excitedly before prancing away.

As soon as she was out of ear-shot, I turned to tell him what I thought of her, but he beat me to it.

"She makes me uncomfortable."

I laughed at his honesty, "Me too."

Once everyone was rallied together near the sand court, people began introducing themselves. The boys were all friendly as expected. Bashira was excited to socialize. I didn't want to be the odd one out, so I joined her with all of the other girls. She was telling them about Semi when I came around.

"Aww, he sounds so sweet!" One of them said.

Once Akari saw me, her expression dropped just enough that it wouldn't have been noticeable if you weren't searching for it.

"Y/n, you're so pretty. You must have a boyfriend too, right?"

"Yeah, I'm actually dating Wakatoshi."

"Shut up, shut up! No way are you dating that absolute hunk over there." She stated with obviously forced enthusiasm.


"I'm so jealous!" She "joked", but it was hard to believe she wasn't serious.

I shot Bashira a look, and she seemed to understand what it meant. Akari was a little more intense than normal. I was getting a bad feeling from her.

The game eventually began. Everyone who wasn't playing was relaxing on the sidelines. I had no doubt about how this would play out. We would surely crush the other team.

"The strangers better be good sports when they lose." I giggled to Bashira.

Halfway into the first set, Ushijima played a perfect spike. It couldn't have been better. I cupped my hands around my mouth to cheer.

"Woo! Go, Toshi!"

He shot me a killer smile that told me everything I needed to know. He was actually having fun. The easy win must've been stroking his ego. I'd be soaking in his good mood later tonight.

Thirty minutes later, the last point was scored. I stood to run and jump into my boyfriend's arms in a celebratory manner. I high-fived my friends, and they shook hands with the others.

One of the new guys spoke, "Hey, why don't we all go out for dinner? I'm friends with the owner of a restaurant nearby. He can get us a discount."

It was agreed upon that we'd clean up and gather at the established address in an hour and a half. I couldn't help but wonder how this would go considering the fact that I barely knew these people. There was only one way to find out.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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