Chapter 54: Past To Present

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This chapter does NOT include trigger warnings, but if you are sensitive to family/marital issues, you may be particularly discomforted.

*Your POV*

I'd escaped before the conversation between me and Wakatoshi's mother could escalate further but not until I'd already clearly angered her. Even though I was confident in standing up for myself and our relationship, the fear of possibly causing more trouble than I knew hung in the back of my mind.

I texted my boyfriend the next morning to check up on the problem I'd deserted in his lap, but he hadn't replied yet.

*Ushijima's POV*

My wrist was sore when I woke up. Perhaps I'd gotten carried away last night. Although, it would be a pleasant reminder of y/n throughout the day.

I cracked my door open and peered out for any sign of my mother. Once I'd checked to make sure the coast was clear, the kitchen became my next destination. It was quiet, so I presumed she'd already left for work, allowing me to go about my morning routine undisturbed.

From the cabinets, I collected ingredients for breakfast. My stomach called for an omelet, so I reached into the refrigerator for the carton of eggs. Only after the door shut did I notice the ominous shadow stationed at the dining table. The question of how long she'd been there would remain unanswered.


I set the carton down and cautiously made my way to claim the chair at the opposite end. Her job required intimidation tactics aimed at her clients and guests, and she wasn't above putting them to use in the home. She'd already purposely caught me off guard. Unfortunately for her, I'd picked up on her subtle strategies.

Rule number 1: Never speak first.

All was still. There wasn't a sound to be heard besides my own heartbeat, but I refused to give in to the silence. If she wanted to play this game, I'd win.

Rule number 2: Don't break eye contact.

I maintained my austere, half-lidded gaze with the same tenacity she did. When challenged by a tiger, looking away means you risk being mauled, and I was walking out of this alive.

Rule number 3: Balancing authority with poise results in control.

My posture remained straight, hands clasped together on the hardwood in front of me. Body language is the quickest way to assess your opponent, and I was portraying self-assuredness. She imitated my action, confirming my influence on the woman.

"You must know what I've called you here to discuss." She finally spoke.

I didn't respond, forcing her to continue through pursed lips.

Rule number 4: Undermine that of which you seek to change.

"You are young, inexperienced, naive. This stage of life you're in, the bloom of youth, is one of egocentricity. It is only natural that you thoughtlessly choose to pursue a romantic relationship instead of your studies and future career. When you informed me of your little companion weeks ago, I let it be, trusting that you would come to your senses soon enough."

Her artificial expressions of helpful concern didn't sufficiently mask her corrupt intentions. For years, she'd been attempting to manipulate me into following in her footsteps, joining the world of business, and eventually taking over her position to uphold the corporation's family name. My efforts to convince her of my potential as a professional athlete were in vain. Her words now were proof of that.

Rule number 5: Insert yourself as the solution.

"However, it has become increasingly obvious that you cannot attain this realization independently, and I need to step in. It's time to grow up. You will not be able to properly progress with an insolent girl like that anywhere near you."

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