Chapter 70: Glorious Glimpse

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*Your POV*

"Toshi, can you get the phone?" I called from our bedroom.

I heard his heavy footsteps moving across the wood floor and returned my focus to the papers in front of me. My work only continued for a few seconds before his voice caught my attention.

"Do you mean..."

His tone was unusual, a mix of disbelief and excitement. I had to check what could have caused such a reaction. Standing from my desk and heading towards the kitchen where the landline was attached to the wall, I rounded the corner to see the back of him. He was very still, abnormally so.

My presence must've been sensed because he slowly turned to face me. He was expressing shock, but a faint smile was budding, tears spilling out of his soft, glassy eyes. Since I'd met him, I'd only seen him cry twice: once when I said, "Yes," and once when I said, "I do."

"What?" I whispered so quietly that I almost didn't even hear it myself.

He stared at me with such strong, unplaceable emotion. My eyebrows knit, somewhat anxious to find out what he'd been told. Anything capable of inducing this reaction was huge.

His lip quivered as he spoke, "She's ours."

I held my breath as I replayed the words in my head, unable to comprehend the reality.


He barely nodded, "Ours."

My hands cupped over my mouth in a moment of choked silence. We both broke it by forcing ourselves into each other's overwhelming embrace. My mind was blurred with euphoria. I didn't even notice how tightly I was squeezing.

After an extensive hugging session, he pulled away to kiss me with the passion of pure, reinvigorated love. Nothing could've dampened this triumph. I wiped the water from his cheek away before speaking.

"When can we see her again? We need to bring her home as soon as possible."

"Yes," his voice cracked. "she'll be ready tomorrow. We can fill out the final adoption forms then."

It was happening. After several years of struggling, budgeting, and preparing, we were finally receiving our first of several children, a beautiful little girl.

I'd never wanted to endure pregnancy or give birth, but we both wanted kids. Ushijima was, of course, willing to make my wishes come true. The only thing he cared about was, as he'd said, raising a family with the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his days with.

"I can't wait to tell the others tonight! Let's move the dinner up so we don't have to wait as long!"

"I'll text them now!" He exclaimed, rushing out of the room to find his cell phone like a giddy toddler.

My heart was racing. I couldn't feel my legs. This was a blissful moment incomparable to any I'd ever experienced before. I was about to become a mother.

Later that night, the whole team gathered together for a meal. It was only supposed to be one of the many regular get-togethers orchestrated over the past handful of years. Now, it was an opportunity to spill the joyous news.

Since graduation, everyone had stayed near with exception of Tendou, but he'd recently returned to Japan to start his own chocolaterie. They were each leading their individual stories now but not away from their best friends.

Ohira, Goshiki, and Yamagata would frequently practice with Ushijima, all four of them sharing their new techniques and moves. Sometimes, the others would agree to join in as well just like old times.

The bar Kawanishi bartended for was one of the group's meeting spots where free drinks were passed out. Tendou would often send special treats in the mail. Some were new recipes for us to test out, others being our favorite flavors he'd set aside. Shirabu had helped me and Ushijima set up medical insurance when we were too confused to navigate it ourselves.

Semi's musical career had taken off. He'd signed with an agency and was now releasing official songs. We would hear them in person whenever we got free tickets to his concerts. Bashira, whom he was still in a committed relationship with, was working with Asahi Azumane at an apparel company as a fashion designer. She was actually Semi's main stylist and created many of his on-stage outfits.

Regarding relatives, my mother and Ukai were healthy and happy. Their reactions to finding out about the successful adoption were some of the happiest I could remember from either of them. They were beyond excited to meet and provide unconditional affection to their new pride.

Ushijima's mother was still attending therapy with him. They'd made substantial progress, and it would surely create a more positive environment for her granddaughter whom she was also gladly anticipating. I relished in the effects of being accepted and even liked by the woman now that she'd made full peace with my presence.

My father would stay far away, though I'd let him meet her and the ones to come. Ushijima's father, now on better terms with his son, would be involved in the girl's life, continuing to mend what had been broken decades ago.

I couldn't have known it at the time, but our family would soon reach a grand size. The team would stick closeby to watch our children grow up. They'd be at parties, ceremonies, and weddings, all the while inviting us to their own. Unlike what I'd expected in the past, their company was always near.








I stood in front of an awaiting crib, staring with fondness at the quiet infant I was rocking. She murmured lightly, influencing me to hold her a little tighter. From behind, Ushijima entered the nursery with a newly washed blanket, still warm from the drier. He wrapped it around the tiny treasure, ever careful not to wake the precious bundle.

"She's perfect." He whispered over my shoulder.

I responded by leaning my head against his chest. Protective arms wrapped around the two delicate bodies. It had only been a short while, but he'd already gained the essence of being a father.

He gently placed the baby into its nest, securing it safely as he'd learned to do. I grasped his large hand, beginning to tug toward the door so she could sleep soundly, but his weight remained in place.

"Let's stay another minute."

I returned to his side where I belonged, joining him so we could gaze upon the new found kindling in our lives. It was everything I'd ever wanted and everything I'd ever need.

~The End~

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