Chapter 28: Party Arc Pt. 3

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*Your POV*

I approached Semi who had a sort of "bad news" face.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

"Maybe? I don't know. I was talking to Ushijima when you and Oikawa started dancing. I acknowledged it, and his demeanor changed."

"In what way?"

"You know as well as I do that his expressions are very small and sometimes difficult to read, but I could tell that he was upset. I think I know why. Do you?"

I shifted my eyes away from his. I wondered what he thought.

"I may or may not. Can we go somewhere more private?" I suggested.

We found a spot in an outdoor seating area and resumed our conversation.

"You're smart, and I could only assume you're observant as well. Tell me, are you aware of the liking Ushijima has taken to you?" Semi questioned.

I crossed my legs.

"I think so, but I'd rather not assume."

"I know you've only ever known this version of him, but he was a little different before you came around. Your presence has made him less distant, and in his own subtle way, happier."

"How do you know any of that is because of me? It easily could've been other factors." I argued.

"When you've known him as long as I have, it's obvious."

"I don't want to talk about this with you."

"Who else could you go to? I'm the perfect middle-man. Don't you agree?"

I sighed, "Yes, I do, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing."

"True, but I think it's for the best. I can offer insider's advice and tell you about him. For starters though, how do you feel?"

I didn't reply and instead gave him a look as if pleading not to say it out loud.

"I thought so." He chuckled.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do? I can't exactly reassure him that I don't like Oikawa because that would be admitting what I know. I also don't want to leave him to make his own assumptions."

"You don't necessarily have to say it outright. You can relieve his worries with actions. My best suggestion would be to spend time with him before we go. Show him that out of all the things you could be doing here, you chose him."

"That's a good idea. Any tips?"

"He's trained to study people, so act as normal as possible, or he'll be suspicious and interrogate you. Be genuine, and don't overdo it."

"I'll take all of that into account. Do you know where he is?"

"Last I checked, he was on the balcony." He informed.

"Alright, you go enjoy yourself now. I can't be the only one having fun."

"Sure, but before you go, I should tell you that while Ushijima may come off as blunt and dense, he's not dumb. He's actually highly intelligent, but people don't see that because he doesn't put up with them long enough. Don't underestimate his emotional abilities."

"I won't, thank you."

We split ways, and I navigated through the crowds, trying to recall the mental map I'd made earlier that night.

I finally found the balcony, and just as I'd been told, there stood Ushijima. He was facing away from me giving me the opportunity to admire his build from behind.

His wide shoulders and slim waist created such a contrast that I hadn't had visual access to in his various uniforms. He was larger than I thought, and his fitted clothing made him appear taller.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and because he was leaning against the guard rail, his arms were slightly flexed.

I didn't stop myself from glancing down at his butt which was only slightly poked out due to his upper body being bent.

I snapped out of the trance and reminded myself why I was there.

*Ushijima's POV*

I felt bad for ditching Semi, but I knew I wouldn't have been able to stop looking at y/n and that cocky bastard together.

He wasn't to be trusted with her. His reputation for careless flirtation was warning enough, and I didn't want her to fall into that trap.

I knew she wasn't my responsibility or even my rightful concern, but that didn't make me want to spike him into a different country any less.

Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe it wasn't even my place to feel this way. It didn't matter because I did.

I wasn't used to any of this. I normally tolerated those around me and merely allowed them my attention, but I had never actively wanted someone else's.

"Can I join you?" Someone voiced from behind me.

I prepared myself to deal with another girl's shallow infatuation with me. It wouldn't have been nearly the first time I'd had to. Thankfully, I turned my head before responding.

"Oh, it's you, of course."

I was relieved for a moment, but then I was pulled back into my head. I wasn't sure if being with y/n was a good idea right now, but I definitely couldn't turn her down.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" She asked.

"I prefer the quiet."

She occupied the space to my left and looked at me though I stared out across the property.

"I like quiet too."

There was a period of silence between us, only the sounds of activity leaking from inside.

"Shouldn't you be in there having a good time like you came for? I questioned.

"I could throw that right back in your face."

She was right, but that didn't explain why she was here with me instead.

"There's nothing for me in those walls." I answered honestly.

"Sure there is! You could chow down, mingle, do a little jig-"

"I don't eat for fun. It's a waste of calories. I have no interest in conversing with other guests. They bore me, and I don't do jigs."

She scoffed, "Come on, you're at this bash whether you want to be or not, so you might as well make something of your time instead of being a hermit. I'm not exactly a people-person either, but I'm trying."

"You may be right, but I'm not convinced."

"You don't have to eat. You don't even have to talk, but you do have to do a jig."

She stepped forward and reached down. Our fingers laced together and she began swinging my arms back and forth like a puppeteer.

"Get into the groove!"

I couldn't help but smile at her honest effort. I finally gave in and began moving independently.

"That's the spirit!" She exclaimed as she continued to maneuver our bodies about.

It was there,

at the party I didn't want to go to,

in the house of my enemy,

and on the terrace I'd never forget,

that we had our first dance.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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