Chapter 57: Train Travel

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*Your POV*

The first ride wouldn't take us all the way to our final destination, so we stopped in Sendai to wait for the following train. We had about an hour and a half to spare, and the boys didn't want to sit around. Ohira, Kawanishi, and Semi agreed to watch the luggage while the rest of us wandered.

"If any of you are late, I'll kick your ass." Semi warned.

He'd easily become the leader of the group this week because of his position as host. We all respected him, so nobody argued, but that didn't mean everyone would behave themselves.

"Where are the restrooms?" Shirabu yelled urgently.

He was pressing his crotch with his fists and doing a sort of dance while whipping his head around in search.

"Aww, is the big baby going to wet himself? Did you remember to bring your diapers?" Goshiki teased.

"Shut up! I really have to go!"

"Good thing you have a change of clothes. We don't want Bang-Boy smelling of piss."

"Look in the mirror, shitty-hair!"

Their constant fighting was irritating sometimes, but I had to admit that it was funny. Thankfully, Kawanishi interrupted to point to a men's room, and Shirabu awkwardly jogged towards it.

"Y/n, come with me." Bashira called.

Her and I walked into a small shop with travel and tourist items. She played with pairs of sunglasses and fiddled with purses. I assumed she just wanted company, but then she spoke.

"Okay, now that we're alone, guess what." She began.


"I'll give you a hint.

She closed her eyes and started making comedic kissing noises.

"Did you guys kiss?" I gasped excitedly.

"More like made out, you should have seen how nervous he got. It was adorable. We were at my house yesterday, just hanging together, one thing led to another, and I gave him the look."

I raised my eyebrows at her, "The look? Is kissing all that happened?"

"Yes, but I've got a good feeling about this vacation."

"Just between you and me, I've got a box of condoms in my bag, and you can totally use them if you want to. I don't think Ushijima and I are going to get down and dirty twelve times in seven days."

"Noted, you're the best."

We giggled to each other and continued looking at the assortment of products.

*Ushijima's POV*

Tendou and I were exploring the area because he had too much energy and needed to walk. He seemed to go in the direction of anything that caught his eye. I simply followed and made sure of our way back.


He pointed to a large fountain outside of one of the entrances, picking up his pace to check it out. This wasn't the first time he'd been attracted to one. I recalled having to apologize to a police officer when he stepped inside once. He refused to promise he wouldn't do it again.

"Stay out of it this time." I commanded.

He ignored me and hung his body over the wall, sticking his hands in the water and swishing the coins around like a child.

"What happened to the fun Ushiwaka, the one that y/n manifested?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, prompting him to elaborate.

"You used to be Mr. Serious all the time no matter where you were. I had to force you into recreational activities because you would rather have been playing volleyball or doing a puzzle like some old man. When you met y/n, you seemed to chill out, and since then, you've become a lot more comfortable with relaxing."

I considered his words and came to the conclusion that he was right. I was more tense and strict before. It was true that she'd aided my finding pleasure in life even without the sex. It had certainly helped though.

"Hand me a penny."

He didn't bother inquiring about my request and instead fished out a shiny, copper disc. I stared at it for a moment before throwing it back into the water.

"I'm pretty sure that's cheating." The redhead commented.

"I won't tell if you don't."

"My lips are sealed."

*Your POV*

After the second train ride, we took cabs to the inn where Semi's cousin would be waiting for us. When we entered the lobby, Semi spoke to the man at the front desk. A minute later, the cousin we'd heard about exited a room to greet us. He appeared to be in his late twenties.

"Hey, little guy who's not so little anymore!"

They gave each other one of those back-pat hugs.

"If you didn't know already, I'm Itsuki, the owner here. I've been doing some business within the family, and as a thank you, I was able to arrange your stay in one of our plus-sized lodges closer to the shore. You'll be able to easily navigate your way around with all of the signs, but I'll escort you there now just in case."

We trailed behind him until we came to a house that matched the number on the keys. Itsuki unlocked the front door and led us inside to behold the expensive interior. It was very cozy though spacious. The style definitely radiated that of a beach, and I was starting to feel like I was actually on vacation. He gave a tour of the place and highlighted some of the features. I was definitely going to enjoy my time here.

Once he left, the next thing on the agenda was picking our rooms. Everyone began pairing up. Semi was with Bashira, Ohira with Kawanishi, Yamagata with Tendou, Goshiki with Shirabu, and Ushijima with me.

"Why do I have to be with that big jerk?" Goshiki complained.

"Because nobody wants to stay with you crybabies." Yamagata replied.

"I am not a crybaby!"

People went to their respective rooms to unpack. Ushijima and I efficiciently divided the space between the two of us evenly in impressive time. I flopped down on the bed, and he sat next to me. Remembering the previous time this happened, I purposely rolled on top of him.

"These things happen when you're ginormous." He quoted.

I laughed, and he picked me up, setting me down on his lap so that I was straddling him. He nuzzled into my neck, kissing down the side softly before speaking again.

"You know, we're going to be sleeping in the same bed for an entire week. I hope you don't plan on enforcing sides of that too because I don't think I'll be able to keep to mine."

His arms tightened around my waist to bring my body closer to his. I cupped his cheek.

"You better not."

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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