Chapter 30: Party Arc Pt. 5

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*Your POV*

I was swarmed by the team. There were words being thrown at me from all angles. I couldn't keep up.

"Guys! Slow down, please." I told them.

Finally, I could make out coherent sentences.

"That was amazing!"

"You were so cool!"

"It was like a movie!"

This was probably the most popular I'd ever be, and I was soaking it up. Oikawa approached me, a smirk plastered onto his face.

"Wow, that was quite a show. Who knew such an unassuming girl could put someone in their place like that. I must say I am impressed."

"Teaches you to underestimate me."

"Yes, I suppose it does. If you're not too worn out from your little run-in, you should come to hang with me in the lounge."

I recalled earlier events and chose not to repeat the same mistake.

"Sorry, but it is a bit late, and the team probably wants to sleep. I won't keep them here any longer than they wish." I told him.

"Oh, they can head out if they want to. I could take you home later, or you could just stay the night." He replied with a devilish smile.

"As badly as you want me, I've made my choice."

"I respect your decision, but the offer is always on the table."

"Good to know," I rolled my eyes, "are you all ready?" I asked the boys around me.

"Yeah, I told my mom I wouldn't stay out past midnight." Kawanishi yawned.

The rest seemed to be in agreement, so we began taking our leave.

"Bye, y/n! Call me!" Terushima yelled across the room while waving his arm in the air.

"Does he know he never gave me his number?" I joked quietly.

Once we all reached the parking area, those that didn't ride with me parted ways while my group entered the car. That's when they all began talking about the incident again.

"How did you think so quickly? Your witty comebacks were even better than your moves." Goshiki commented.

"I'm impressed that you never even hit her. I would've been in a fistfight within two minutes if I were in your shoes." Tendou said.

"Yeah, you were far calmer and more controlled than most people would've been. I bet it took a lot of mental strength to handle it so well." Semi praised.

"You guys are so flattering. Honestly, I'm not surprised it went the way it did. I imagine so many scenarios like that when I'm bored that I might as well have had the script in my hand." I told them.

"I don't care what you say. It was amazing." Tendou responded.

We continued to converse until we arrived at my house where they dropped me off first.

"Thanks for the ride and the fun night, you guys!"

"You three can leave. I'm going to talk to y/n." Ushijima said before climbing out after me.

I became anxious. I was unsure of what could be so important. The car backed up and eventually drove out of sight. I led us to the porch, and we sat on the step, slightly angled toward each other.

"So... what's up?" I prompted.

"I was hoping you would explain some things, but I didn't want to put you on the spot in front of the others."

"Oh, what do you want to know?"

"First of all, before the altercation became very intense, you told me that you'd been trying to keep her under control for me. What did you mean?"

I swallowed. I was going to have to tell him what had been happening. After sighing, I began.

"Do you remember the first time I sat with you all at lunch?"

He nodded.

"That was the first time I met Uchida. It was tense right off the bat. Whenever she was around me from then forward, it became increasingly worse. On several occasions, she purposefully sought me out just to cause conflict."

His eyebrows furrowed a bit but didn't respond, so I continued.

"I always stood up for myself and made it clear that I wasn't going to accept the treatment, but as you saw, it didn't stop her. It took my physical response tonight to hopefully make her leave me alone for good."

He finally spoke.

"But what did any of that have to do with me?"

"Well, she was envious of me for being anywhere near you. She saw me as a threat."

"Why did you keep all of this from me? I could've helped."

"Although the problem did revolve around you, if you had stepped in, it probably would've just complicated things. I think it was best to handle it myself, but if it makes you feel better, I confided in Semi for advice."

"That actually does. He's good with these things."

"Tell me about it." I agreed.

"I did pick up on the signs of her interest in me, but I didn't think they were substantial enough to concern myself with. It's become apparent that I was wrong."

"There's no point in regretting now. What's done is done, and it all turned out just fine, right?"

"I just wish I'd known. Whether or not I would've improved the situation is impossible to know, but I never want to be useless."

"You weren't useless. I simply chose not to use you, and that's not your fault." I reassured.

There was a moment of silence between us when I was worried about the conversation we were having and he was presumably pondering.

"She was right, you know." He said suddenly.

I looked at him and awaited an explanation.

"You were a threat."

My heart began beating a bit faster. I was almost sure I knew what he meant, but I didn't want to raise my hopes unnecessarily.

"Although, I never would've chosen her anyway." He added.

I didn't bother asking why because everything Uchida did was the answer to that question.

"She doesn't deserve you." I told him.

"I agree."

I jokingly scoffed.

"I should let you go to bed now." He said.

"How will you get home?"

"I'm not too far from here, and I enjoy walking."

"Are you sure? It's dark and scary."

"I'll be okay."

We stood and looked at each other. The warm light emitting from the bulb on the house wall shone on him. It felt wrong to let him go like this. I wanted to leave him on a more positive note. I leaned both of my palms against his chest and pecked him on the cheek softly.

"Thank you for staying." I said before turning to walk up the steps.

I gave him one last half-lidded glance before closing the door.

*Ushijima's POV*

She disappeared into her home, and I stood there, unable to move.

My hand found its way to my face, and I touched the spot she'd kissed as if to protect it from the world.

I certainly wasn't expecting that, but it was a very pleasant ending to our conversation. I spent the entire route home replaying those few seconds in my mind repeatedly. I just wanted her to do it again.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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