Chapter 31: Migration Flirtation

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*Your POV*

It was now Monday, and the peck was still on my mind. It was so light and short, yet the memory of my lips touching him made my heart race.

I knew I was getting ahead of myself, but it somehow felt okay to do so. He made me feel an unexplained sense of security.

Uchida wasn't in biology today, but I surely wasn't complaining. If I never saw her in the next hundred years, it would still be too soon.

Bashira showed me videos of the "fight" if you could even call it that, and we laughed at how stupid she looked from different angles.

There were hundreds of views on each post, and I received comments throughout the day from people I didn't even know the names of hyping me up.

Ciera didn't go to Shiratorizawa, so I was glad to have another girl friend that did. There were some things the boys just didn't satisfy.

Bashira sat with us at lunch, and she seemed quite happy to. From what I'd gathered, she didn't have many friends either, so it was a win-win situation. She fit right in with us.

After practice, Ukai called everyone together for an announcement.

"I've received some disappointing news. Uchida has unexpectedly transferred to another school, and is therefore no longer a manager for the team. I only found out about this a few hours ago, and I know very little. However, this loss is still unfortunate."

The group wasn't sure how to react as we'd all been cheering for her defeat only a couple of nights ago.

None of the school authorities had been made aware of the party's events, and we wanted to keep it that way for fear of punishment, so the only option was to fake it.

"Huh? Do you know why she switched?" I asked.

"I wasn't informed of the details, sorry."

"Aww, we can only assume it was for a good reason." Semi said.

"Yeah, I hope she's happier there." Shirabu added.

I cracked a smile at how deceitful they were. I was proud of my little liars.

"That being said," Ukai continued, "we need another manager, so if any of you know someone who would fit the role, let me know."

When I got home, my mom was at the dining table on the phone. I quietly went to my room so as not to disturb her.

Several minutes later, she knocked on my door.

"Come in."

"Are you busy for the rest of the day?" She asked enthusiastically.

"No, I've got an open schedule."

"Perfect because we've got some houses to check out."

"Really? I thought you were having trouble finding ones that matched our description."

"I was, but these ones popped up, and I want to see them before they're taken off the market!"

I changed into other clothes, and we spent the next hours going from one location to the next.

They were all beautiful, and I could envision myself living contently in any one of them. I had a good feeling about this set.

She told the real estate agent that we needed time to think and that she'd call him when we'd made a decision.

Today had left me exhilarated. I could feel changes in my life taking place, and I welcomed them with open arms.

*Time skip to next week*

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