Chapter 62: Flirty Fanatic

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*Your POV*

The player who'd invited us, Nagisa, mumbled numbers under his breath as he took a headcount for the hostess.

"Two plus two plus those four, and then the other three plus me... we'll need twenty seats!"

Our large group took up the entire entrance. I felt a little rude for simply existing with so many people at once, but I could hide behind the taller members if an elder shot us a dirty look.

We were placed at the longest table they had to offer, but even then, it was necessary to pull another over to connect to the first. I sat down next to Ushijima and Tendou because I felt the most comfortable around them. Akari sat directly in front of Ushijima, of course.

I'd already grown tired of her exerted flirtation. On the way into the restaurant, she'd talked only his ear off about her sandals. I wouldn't have thought someone could go on a monologue about the different types of straps for so long. She even took one off to show him at one point. If she kept it up, I'd demonstrate how far mine could reach down her throat.

"So, Akari told us that you guys go to Shiratorizawa, right? I've heard about your team. Your reputation precedes you. Isn't it true that you're the third-best ace in the nation? That's amazing!" Nagisa praised.

"Yes, that's correct. I have to give my team the recognition though. I would be nothing without their unconditional support."

"Man, you're humble too. That really adds to your charact-"

He was cut off by an overly-eager Akari.

"You shouldn't be so lowly. You've got a lot to brag about! Not only are you a volleyball prodigy, but you're super attractive too. It wouldn't hurt to acknowledge it."

I pursed my lips. Staring at her to send a message was futile because the stars in her eyes were focused on the "hunk" next to me instead. Depending on how far or long this went, I'd have to say something. For now, I'd maintain the peace.

"Don't worry." I began, "He hears it all the time from me."

She paid little to no attention, and the conversation shifted to something more inclusive.

We discussed what it was like back in our respective cities as well as our plans after high school. It was quite pleasant. Due to the sheer amount of voices, I could say as little as I wanted without appearing rude. This gave me the opportunity to relax.


Too soon.

"what do you do as the team's manager?"

I wasn't in the mood for questions from her, so I shifted the focus.

"Why don't you ask Bashira? She manages too. I'm sure she'd be happy to tell you all about it.

I cast a pleading look at my friend, and she gave me a subtle nod of understanding before proceeding to list the duties and requirements. I took the opportunity to excuse myself to the restroom.

I freshened up before returning only to find a sight I didn't approve of. Akari was holding and inspecting Ushijima's hands rather intimately. They were practically intertwined as she pet his fingers.

"Look at these callouses! You must work very hard, don't you?"

"Yes, I regularly train roughly twenty-five hours a week."

"Damn, no wonder your physique is so developed!"

I sat back in my chair abruptly, announcing my return.

"I'll take that, thank you." I stated casually as I snatched him away from her.

She sprouted an expression of dismay seeing as I wasn't tolerating her behavior. It was my job to remain calm even when standing my ground otherwise I'd be a fool as well.

"Oh, y/n, I hope you don't mind. I was just admiring."

I lifted my half-lidded gaze to meet her falsely-innocent one.

"I do actually. Please don't do it again."

A minuscule, nervous smile crept across her. She must not have expected me to be so straightforward, but that was my specialty. Tendou broke the tension as I could always trust in him to do.

"Do you guys want to see a magic trick?"

He was more aware than people gave him credit for. After all, he was the Guess Monster for a reason. He could read people easily, and that came in handy in moments like this. It also helped that he wasn't afraid to do odd things like shoving an entire chunk of salmon down his sleeve before sticking his tongue out to present it to the party.

"Ta-da!" He swallowed the piece and bowed over his bowl.

"Executed like a true performer."

"I'm impressed!"

"How did you do it?"

He showed his palms to the group in a hushing gesture.

"Come on, you all know the rule. A magician never reveals his secret. They teach you that in elementary, don't they?"

The laughs continued to roll out as the orange evening sky melted into a deep blue. Eventually, our dinner had to come to an end. The tabs were paid, and the dishes were taken away. Everyone stood up to leave. I tugged on Ushijima's sleeve to capture his attention.

"I have to go to the restroom again. I'll be right back."

"I'll wait for you around the corner."

As if history had decided to play a prank on me and repeated itself, the weighted door I pushed open to exit revealed the black-haired girl I'd been dealing with for the past three hours to be standing in front of my boyfriend, feeling up his bicep. I had to give it to her. She was bold, but so was I. It wouldn't be so bad for me to have some fun with the situation.

I approached the two, and she immediately retracted her hand.

"Hey, y/n... We were just-"

"It's okay! I know how tempting it is to grope him like that. He's just so big and muscly, isn't he?"

She struggled to respond. I assumed she was too unsure of herself as I'd intended to make her. I continued.

"You wouldn't believe how swollen he can get after an intense workout. When he's doing pushups with me on his back, I get to enjoy such a pleasurable view. When he finishes, he always lets me stroke his arms kind of like what you were doing. Sometimes, it ends up leading to an even more strenuous workout if you know what I mean."

I giggled carelessly while she stood there awkwardly, questioning what to do or say.

"Anyway, we should probably get going, right? He and I have some 'exercising' to do. Come on, Wakatoshi!"

I winked at her as I pulled him away conclusively. When we were far enough outside, he halted his movement. and turned me around.

"What was that about?"

"Just marking my territory." I chuckled.

"Figured, are you up for some pushups when we get back?"

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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