Chapter 63: 🍋!LEMON PT. 3!🍋

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⚠️This chapter includes explicit sexual content. If you aren't interested, skip to the next as this holds no plot value.⚠️

Remember that this is a fantasy. I do not condone nor suggest unprotected sex.

*Your POV*

The latch of the bedroom door clicked to signal the commencement of this long-awaited night. Out of sight, a squeaking faucet preceded the gushing flow of water.

Ushijima emerged, his shirtless abdomen stretched, grabbing the top of the door frame with expectation written across his face. A single arm dropped in order for his middle and ring finger to curl in a come-hither motion. He was summoning me.

I sauntered towards him, a heavy gaze tracing the outline of my body as I neared. He welcomed me into the bathroom by intently lifting my weight onto the cleared countertop. A yearning grip pulled my hips closer to his, forcing my legs to spread around him.

His nails dragged under the fabric of my tank top, taunting me with a light touch. After I'd been stripped of it, he opted for the discarding of my shorts, and he communicated that by tugging at the waistband, lazily towing them off. The favor was reciprocated with the merry jingling of his belt buckle before it hit the tile.

We found ourselves submerged in the heated liquid of the tub, steam ascending above the red tips of his ears. Even in the low light, a dewy blush was visible.

He cupped my cheek, half-lidded eyes staring into me with a romantic passion, gradually lowering onto my lips as he inched closer connecting our mouths. Our tongues danced synchronously, every wet curl followed by the stroking of each other's skin. His rippled muscles were encased in the soft flesh that I craved to feel against mine.

From underneath me, his arms tightened around my back, effectively deepening the arched straddling position I was in. Now that I was pressed closer, the presence of his excitement poked into my upper thigh dangerously. I reached behind to grasp it, earning a hard swallow from him.

I began pumping at a steady pace, causing his head to tilt back over the porcelain edge. The pace at which his chest rose and fell subtly increased. Husky exhales escaped from his lungs with elevated force. My thumb circulated the tip, making his breath hitch, and just to take it up a notch, I started grinding.

He only allowed the movement to continue shortly until he couldn't take it anymore. He took himself into his own hand and maneuvered the length toward my entrance, slipping inside smoothly. I gasped at the sudden pressure, but he smothered me with a warm kiss to distract from the momentary discomfort while it melted away.

My muffled moans could no longer be hushed when his thrusts made contact with the deepest parts of me. I could feel as he brushed back and forth across my walls, sliding in and out. My noises echoed out, resonating within my ears.

"Shh, princess... We don't want to get caught now, do we?"

As if challenging my self-control, his fingers navigated to my folds, running through them a few times to spread the slick I'd produced. Every time he ventured near the front, he grazed my clit teasingly. My jolt of a reaction egged him on, but it would be another minute before he made direct contact.

Finally, I felt the gratifying sensation of circles being rubbed at an agonizingly slow speed.

"Toshi... please..."

My whimpers confirmed how well he could satisfy me.

"Please what? What is it that you want, baby?"

He knew exactly how to toy with me in order to fulfill his own desires. He enjoyed the control and how easily I gave into his influence only because he also knew that I could turn the tables at any second, and whenever I did, he would obey just as readily.

"I want you to make me cum."

He caressed his thumb over my bottom lip and chin before gently placing his palm around my neck.

"Your wish is my command."

That was all he said before shoving his tongue down my throat again.

Immediately, he began stuffing me with aggressive jerks. The surrounding water sloshed similarly to the sounds we were making. The change of angle allowed my g-spot to be hit repeatedly. My contractions prompted him to sing low groans into the hollow space of my mouth.

My senses were shifting into overdrive, and the room was getting darker. I could see nothing but his glazed look of lust, the clapping of our skin filling the air. The only smell was his pine-scented shampoo, and I could only taste his coconut chapstick. The single feeling I focused on was the growing wave of pleasure that inhabited my insides. The pulsating stimulation seemed to strengthen.

"Fuck- y/n-"

His face contorted into my favorite expression, his O-face. His stiffness doubled, shooting the familiar warmth of his seed and filling every crevice as he carried on pumping. What had been tingling turned into a surge of rapture as I rode my own orgasm out. He gripped my ass firmly, vigorously bouncing me on his dick to ensure that we both enjoyed the last moments to the full.

My posture faltered, and I collapsed onto him, unable to support myself after such an intense experience. I didn't think he'd ever ejaculated so much before. The clarity of the water had become slightly cloudy. His heart was beating hard enough to see through his ribcage.

"You.. you just keep getting better at that." He panted.

After calming down, we climbed out of the tub to shower. I stepped into the glass-enclosed area and leaned forward to close the door behind us. He took the opportunity to slap my ass like he always found a way to do. Of course, I jumped, and, of course, he smirked.

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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