Chapter 21: Park Showdown

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*Your POV* *In chemistry class*

A stack of tests was passed from row to row.

"You have until the end of class to finish this. Remember to set your calculator properly, and double-check your answers. It only takes a minute, but it could save you a few points."

I put my pencil to work, writing the math out. I understood this class, and even if the calculations took time, I could finish easily.

Several minutes in, I reached the last question. Before I stood to turn the sheet in, I noticed the girl next to me seemingly struggling. She wasn't very far into the test.

After peeking at her paper to see which question she was on, I tore off a small corner of my sheet, wrote the answer, and sneakily tossed it onto her desk. I didn't bother to look at her as that might draw the teacher's attention.

Once the last person had finished, we were allowed to spend the rest of the class freely.

"Thanks." The girl I'd helped said.

I turned to her and replied, "No problem."

"I'm Bashira."


"Are you good at this subject?"

"I like to think so. I've got an A if that's what you're wondering."

"Do you have a busy schedule?" She pressed.

"Are you asking me if I can tutor you?"

"Can you?"

"I'm busy after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but besides then, I'm usually free."

"Today's Tuesday, so can we study in the library after fifth period?"

I agreed and we exchanged contact information.

When the time came, I sent a text directing her to a specific spot in the lounge area. I took out my materials while I awaited her arrival.

After a minute, she greeted me and sat down in the chair across the table.

"Do you have what you need?"

"Yup!" She replied, smacking her folder down.

"Okay, let's start on the first one."

We continued through the pages in impressive time.

"You're quite proficient at this. Why were you struggling before?" I asked.

"Eh, it's more of a motivational lacking. I haven't found enough value in the work to exert more effort. I could do better if I tried, but I haven't been paying attention."

"That's something a lot of people face, but if you've got the potential, you're already halfway there."

"You're right, and I want to get back on track for the next test."

"We can be study-buddies even after then." I offered.

"Really? That would be great. Thank you."

"It's no trouble, and it helps me too. You seem cool anyway."

We abandoned our work and spent the next half-hour chatting and becoming more comfortable with one another.

She was easy going and had a great sense of humor, the type that makes you lose your breath from laughing, but she wasn't stupid. She made me feel good.

"Alright, I've got to go to take care of my gremlin of a brother. He should be home soon, but this was fun." She told me.

"I agree."

We high-fived as she slid her backpack strap over her shoulder.

"See you later!"

When I got home, I threw myself onto my bed face-first and let out a deep sigh of relief to be home. It turned into a short nap.

When I awoke an hour later, I saw that I'd gotten a text.

Semi: If you're not busy, you should come to watch Tendou pick a fight with a twelve-year-old

You: ???

You: No, I'm not busy, and yes, I want to see that

Semi: *address*

You: I'll bring popcorn(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Even though I had no idea what in the world I was getting myself into, I couldn't miss the opportunity to see a clown rock some kid's shit.

I threw on some jeans and a big t-shirt before heading out to the car. I entered the location into the GPS and drove.

I pulled up to what appeared to be a park and hopped out. I didn't see anyone, so I started down the walkway while texting Semi to ask where they were.

Semi: Go past the pavilion and around the water fountains

I followed his directions.

As I came nearer, I began to hear yelling. I picked up my pace, curious but nervous as to what I was about to see.

I finally rounded the bend concealed by trees, and when I finally got close enough, I saw Tendou and presumably the previously mentioned child standing on a very long, thin bench. They were both holding tree branches and sword fighting.

"What the hell is going on?" I shouted, unsuccessfully masking my amusement.

"We're not really sure, but it'll go viral!" Yamagata responded with his phone recording the spectacle.

The young boy jabbed his branch forward, but Tendou swiftly avoided it before doing the same. They battled back and forth, smacking the sticks together with echoing claps.

Only after I'd been observing the joust for a bit did I realize that Ushijima was a few yards away in the grass. I strolled over and joined him on the ground.

"How long have they been going at it?" I asked.

"The sticks have only been out for about five minutes, but before that, they threw rocks, untied each other's shoes, had a tree-climbing race, and insulted one another."

I stared at him unbelievably before chuckling at the ridiculousness.

"And you've given up on stopping them?" I questioned.

"Tendou never runs out of energy, but I assume he'll stop before I have to call an ambulance."

We continued to watch the two contestants dueling until the redhead pretended that one of the jabs was enough to kill him.

He gasped and groaned in pain while dramatically slumping off of the bench and puddling onto the pavement.

"You- you got me." He spoke with a weak smile in between exhales as if he was dying.

He lifted his hand up to the sky and whispered, "Goodbye, cruel world-", before letting his arm fall to the ground limply.

"You're weird." The kid said as he jumped down and ran away to who knows where.

I slowly clapped in applause for the broadway-level performance I'd just witnessed.

"Wow, that was beautiful." I praised through fake tears.

"Why, thank you, m'lady!" He replied.

"The kid was right." Kawanishi voiced.

"Of course he was. I did let him win though."


Tendou brushed himself off and asked if we wanted to go to the convenience store nearby. We all agreed and began the walk.

"I was hoping to see more gore, but I guess whatever that was works too." I said.

"Just wait a few years," Shirabu told me, "I'm convinced he'll be arrested for murder one day."

All follows, votes, and comments are appreciated<3

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