Twenty- Nine

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"Surprise Birthday party"

Jimin became confuse when he look around the roads from the window. Its not the way to their mansion.

He looks back at Jungkook in confusion and says "Where are you taking me? Its not the right way to our home."

"You will see. Wait a little!" Jungkook says with a smile.

"You better not sold me to anyone!" Jimin suddenly shouts with a glare. It was so funny that Jungkook breaks into laugh. Jimin thought he is going to sell him? Haha funny.

"What will you do if I sell you?" Jungkook asks with a smirk only to gain a death glare. Jungkook puts one hand hight in order to give up and added "Chill, We are going to meet someone."

"Meet someone? Your mate?" Jimin asks excitedly.

"No Jimin. Not my mate..." Jungkook replies.

"What! Then?" Jimin asks with confuse gaze.

"I did told you to wait? So wait! its not that far anyway." Jungkook mumbles loud enough to heard by Jimin. Jimin just shrugged.

After a while, Jimin suddenly starts sulking. Jungkook of course noticed it..

"What happened? " Jungkook asks

"Because of this omega thing, I couldn't have my 18th birthday! Why the hell it have to be this birthday!" Jimin yells in frustration.

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief and says "First of all, Mind your language Jeon Jimin! And second, We will spend time next weekend in order to your birthday party. "


"So impatient! I think you can eat there. We are 2 minutes away from the house. Don't worry." Jungkook says. Soon after he pulls his break in front a mansion.

Jimin gets off of car first. And stand by Jungkook's side when he came outside of the car. Jimin looks at the mansion and asks Jungkook "Whose mansion is this, Hyung?"

"Why don't you go inside and find out yourself? The door is opened. No need to rang the bell" Jungkook replies to that.

"Huh? Okay." Jimin replies dumbly and start walking towards the mansion.

He opens the mansion's door and became confuse more. Everywhere is just dark. He looks around but still everything is black here now. He turn around to Jungkook..

"Um hyung, are you sure its the right ma---" Jimin is cut off by the sudden yell of excitement. He visibly flinched at the yells. He turned around again. This time the mansion is illuminated. And there his hyungs and his best friends.

"Happy Birthday Minnie!!" All yells at the same time with a big smile on them. Jimin looks at them with a grin. Though he is still a little shock about the event.

His eyes wander around the room looking at everyone. Then his eyes fell on Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung. His smile got more big.

"Yoonie hyung! And hobi hyung!! I missed you two.." Jimin yells at them while practically running towards them.

"Aw Minnie! We also missed you. Thats why you are here to see us! " Hoseok said with a grin.

"Happy birthday Min! " Yoongi wished him.

"You are the Min Hyung. I am Minnie." Jimin said with a giggle.

They all smiled at Jimin too. They are happy that Jimin is happy again.

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