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"Preparing for Exam"

After coming home, Jimin notices his parents sitting in the living room worriedly. Jimin walks towards them while hanging his head down and Jungkook following from behind.

"We are home.. " Jungkook announces. And thats when Their parents look at them.

"Jimin!! Where were you??" Hana asks Jimin worriedly. Now Jimin feels more guilty.

"He went to visit his teacher who had stroke. " Jungkook replies calmly.

"You should have told us.. We wouldn't be worried then. Next time tell us before you go somewhere. Okay?" Hana says sweetly.

"I am sorry mom.. " Jimin hugs his mom while crying.

"Don't cry Min. You are alright. We aren't mad anymore. Don't cry.. Its alright. " Hana comforts Jimin while caressing his hair.

"Jim-in is s-orr-y fo-r mak-in-g da-d an-d mo-m worri-ed fo-r h-im... " Jimin says between his crys.

Jungkook looks at Jimin's crying figure intensely. He has this urge to comfort Jimin instead of his mother. But still he stays there calmly knowing well he can't do it now. Jungkook slowly leaves for his room to change his clothes.

They had their lunch all together. Hana feeding Jimin who was still a little upset. But Hana has ensures him that its okay. After the lunch, Jimin has went to his room.

Jimin stayed in his room thinking for some minutes. He feels sad that his hyung is angry with him. He feels bad for giving a chance to his parents to worry about him. Ultimately he feels upset. 

He thinks for something while lying. Then he stand up and head outside with his moneybag. He went to near by shop to buy something.

After he came back, he direct went to his hyung's room. He knocks on Jungkook's room. He could hear shuffling from outside. Jungkook slowly opens the door and became surprise to see Jimin standing there with a box?

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Can i come inside?" Jimin asks while looking at Jungkook directly. Jungkook then moves aside and make a way for Jimin to go inside.

Jimin sat on the bed and open the box slowly before holding it forward to Jungkook. He says " Here, this is for you hyung.."

Jungkook look at the box and finally sees what is it. Oh its an orange swiss roll cake. Jungkook takes it and starts eating. Who is he to say no to an orange cake. Jimin smiles at his hyung finally. He is a little happy that Jungkook actually accept it.

"You didn't answer me. what are you doing here? I already know that it isn't the only reason you are here for." Jungkook says while eating.

" I will study hard from now. Please don't stay mad with me.." Jimin says with a slight pout.

"How can you ensure that?" Jungkook asks.

"Ah! I can.." Jimin replies confidently.

"Yeah. and I asked how?" Jungkook asked while raising an eyebrow at Jimin.

"Because i want you to help me with my study " Jimin replies cautiously.

"Huh, I see.! Although you are a stupid, but a little clever one. " Jungkook comments on that.

"Eh? Then i am forgiven? and you aren't mad at me? You will help me with my study? also come back to our room?" Jimin asks rather excitedly than getting offended just because Jungkook called him stupid.

"What's wrong with you? I just agree to help you with you study. tsk.. " Jungkook replies and continues his eating.

"Thank you hyung.! Lets go to our room." Jimin says and pulls Jungkook with him towards their house. Jungkook shook his head in disbelief but didn't say anything.

Finally, Jungkook went to their room. He can't be angry with his baby for this long. He finishes eating the cake. Then Finally sits on the bed and look at Jimin who was already looking at him with a big smile.

"So what do you need help with? and when is you exam?" Jungkook asks looking straight at Jimin's eyes.

Soon, Jungkook frown as Jimin didn't reply anything. Just kept looking at Jungkook with a big smile to notice that his hyung has asked him a question.

Jungkook took a pillow and throw it softly at Jimin's face to get him back in reality that was a success.

"Hyung! why did you throw a pillow at me!!" Jimin  whines at Jungkook.

"Where were you? I kept calling you for straight 5 minutes. You are nowhere then. So, I needed to do that. " Jungkook reasons out.

"at least you could have scream my name loudly. " Jimin complains.

"Okay. Ask me the question ,again.. " Jimin added while looking at Jungkook seriously indicating that now he is listening carefully.

"what do you need help with? and when is you exam?" Jungkook asks again.

"Oh. My exam is in the week after the next week. And I am currently lagging in Physics. Hehe." Jimin replies scratching his head.

"in one week ?? And you study like these all this time? Get back to study now and bring me what topic you don't understand. " Jungkook says blankly. Jimin nodded in affirmative.

Well, Jimin isn't worrying about the exam that much. He has pretty much read the chapters that has some problem to understand with Niho's help. He has been improving in his study. But he do need some extra help on physics.

The next week has went pretty busy for both Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin being busy in study and Jungkook being busy in helping Jimin.

*The Night Before The exam day*

Jungkook came to their room with milk for Jimin. As soon as he enters the room, he sees Jimin on the bed with so many books lying on the bed in front of him.

"Its already 11pm. What are you reading now?" Jungkook asks giving Jimin the milk.

"I wanted to revise it for the fourth time. What if I forget it?" Jimin replies worriedly.

"You will fail to remember it if you study like this. Don't worry. Drink the milk and sleep peacefully. Exam will be alright. You have read this, You will do fine. If you keep going like these, then it will harm you more baby. You just sleep and calm your nerve. I know that you will do your best. Right? No matter what your result is, we are here for you. Okay. Now drink the milk before it become cold. " Jungkook says.

"Thanks hyung. " Jimin replies with a small smile and drinks the milk.

Jungkook replies back "You are welcome little devil. " He was about to stand up from bed when Jimin says "Oh hyung! I want to sleep with you."

"Okay. I will take the glass to the dinning hall. You prepare for bed. Then we can sleep. " Jungkook replies. Jimin also agrees at that. And gets up to get ready for the bed.

To be continued..

Hey guys, I think this is my new ship. (Xiao zhan X Wang Yibo) I can't move on from them.😍😍🥰

This is the best drama I have watched that is based on a BL novel. It's really great. 💜😍. I am so addicted with this one. I have watched it 2 times in 2 days..😅 The name of the drama is "The untamed" .

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